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Everything posted by AndyPandy

  1. I have noticed these double posts have seen a huge spike in frequency since the board switch. I even made a triple post by accident once. It just goes so slow now, and if it didn't look so nice I'd have a problem. I think it's because the flood-stopper works in a different way. After clicking add reply, you can't open up a window to reply to another thread for a while, but if you click the add reply button from posting multiple times it will double post. The new system is sorta stupid. It means if I post something in one thread, I can't start typing a post for another thread for like a minute. To bad people do notice that you can delete posts. The option is right there right after you click edit. So why do people edit posts just to say "Double post" when they could click delete instead? What do they think it helps their post count? (No offense intended.) Wait, you can? Really? Alright, I'ma try this out. If I'm lucky, nobody will ever see this post. TOO LATE!!! :shame: I can't find it either...
  2. Kawts: I didn't add the text as I couldn't find a decent way to do it without detracting from the sig.
  3. AndyPandy


    Getting 180s down on the quarter pipe, getting T-bars down on the box, and learning to tweak it. Good day so far. I'm getting a Hope Tech X2 for £140 fitted this sunday, as my old Hope Mini is barely working now.
  4. Netflix coming to PS3!!! For all you americans.
  5. Thanks guys. I <3: The Gallery.
  6. I've just got back in to sig making again after a long break, and here's some of my recent stuff: Anyone got some C/C?
  7. Hmmmmm. The link tot he full size render on that page doesn't work, so I'm sorry, but I can't use that for a sig. You can however, have this one I made previously:
  8. AndyPandy


    I just had the best roast ever! Slow roasted pork with crackling, roast potatoes and yorkshire puds. Mmmmmm.......
  9. You'll love it. It's epic. I was just watching a video walkthrough of it, just to see what all the hubbub was about, and it's so cinematic I could literally just watch the videos, though I will actually play it when I get my system. This is probably the first game I'm gonna buy. I might be MGS4 but I was able to watch the video walkthrough and because there were so many cutscenes it didn't really matter...But it's only 25 dollars new. That's a pretty good deal. I'll probably also get that fallout package with all the DLC's. Either that or Brutal Legend. It's a brilliant game, and is even better on a 2nd playthrough. On FO3 or Brutal Legend, that's a hard choice. I'd say buy Fallout, and rent Brutal. Fallout will keep you going for much more than the rental period.
  10. You'll love it. It's epic.
  11. Here you go Jimmy. Ithink I kinda failed on this one. Feel free not to use it, I won't take any offense.
  12. Thanks guys! First SOTW win ever! Me = happy.
  13. Thanks for the votes guys. Stevepole GMV.
  14. Hmm. I'm not sure how well that'll turn out. I'll give it a go, but it may not work.
  15. Hmm. I'm not sure how well that'll turn out. I'll give it a go, but it may not work.
  16. Love it. Brilliantly subtle effects. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
  17. AndyPandy


    Love it, apart from the pond. Looks a little flat.
  18. Yeah, sure. Just make sure you credit me.
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