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Everything posted by Baldur

  1. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.
  2. PLURAL OF LEGO IS LEGO Not gonna lie, as a kid i wanted to be rich no matter the way I achieved it. Now I despise people who do that. TPUM secretly wants to buy either Pokemon Black or White when it comes out (don't be shy, I might buy one of them)
  3. I love you for agreeing that I have good taste.
  4. I am beardly challenged. There are days that I could grow a sweet beard but after thinking about it for a while, I love the fact that i don't have to shave it everyday. However I can grow a sweet rapist sexy mustache
  5. *punches goon in the belly because it was my couch and I liked it* :shame:
  6. I hate you for having such an adorable kitteh in the link from your signature.
  7. I like my women like I like my Time Machine, if I make a mistake, she'll go back in time and forget it. Electric guitar.
  8. I hate you for being in every single forum games I decide to post on. :angry:
  9. I love you for being a goon (please don't hurt me) EDIT: your forum games link got me laughing so hard you have no idea.
  10. I like my women like I like my taco shells, soft and tasty Chicken Nuggets
  11. The Wall understands the fact that I didn't the plural of Lego was Lego but is ashamed of the way he rubbed it in. It shed a tear that resulted in a part of the mortar to chip away. 53HP
  12. The wall then proceeds to realize Minecraft is like legos and doesn't like it. 52HP
  13. ohai The Pope blesses you with many more hours to play runescape. The Pope would bless more but he is having financial difficulties. When free trade comes and you give the pope 1 mill geepees he will bless you more DOOOOO EEEEEET Sincerely, Pope <3: Gl on your goals!!
  14. Banned for having an avatar AND an image signature.
  15. It depends, I don't wear Tommy Hilfiger for personal reasons. I usually don't wear abercombie and fitch but their jeans are somewhat comfortable. When did you start playing runescape and who introduced you to it? I started in April 06 and it was a friend's brother who got me into it.
  16. Rules are simple, Bill posts a song name, William then posts a song name which name's will defeat Bob's song. While Bob cries, Cleatus posts a song that will defeat William's song, etc... Post in this format please: SONG - ARTIST And I'll start for good measure. God Wears Gucci - blessthefall
  17. first time I see you there, but you have a music chart in your siggy so 7/10.
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