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Everything posted by Allbot

  1. the drop rate is random, generally steels take alot more runes and alot more time to mage, and their drops arent all that much better than irons.
  2. u dont have to do any barbarian training, because there are also waterfiends in the chaos tunnel. so its just random.
  3. from personal experience i wouldnt recommend getting 8 books. i got 2 books from mta and i couldnt take the tele theater any more of it. it is quite possible the boringest place in rs. if u want more profit u should mage irons instead. but if u can take the mta then get the books.
  4. wildy or the agility arena
  5. some items gives extra xp, more than the xp from the planks. like armor stands, legend capes etc. u should check those out, in the long run it can save u alot of money, tho its as fast as oak larder.
  6. i think theres is a guide in the general guide section on the tip.it main page
  7. did u finish the barbarian firemaking training?
  8. thx i overlooked that XD
  9. how do u get rid of summoning pets?
  10. so ill only need a zammy item if i am past the grapple? would this be a good set up? zammy coif arma pendent 3a top torag legs snake skin boots rune xbow dfs accumulator and with a bunyip will i still need b2p if i camp there?
  11. sry guess the sig isnt working, 85 att 90 str 85 def 91 hp 90 range 99 mage 75 pray 68 sum
  12. whats the best outfit for tanking if i range them just inside the eyrie? will i still need something of sara and zammy?
  13. its not a really fast way of getting herbs compared to spectre
  14. good food and a super set
  15. prob ppl trying to sell those items espically dfs since it cant be lent, to buy bgses so they can lend them to other ppl for money. sad really gses arent the best weps for training.
  16. def get a dfs, it helps way more than a gs
  17. it is karamja gloves 3, and it has a one click tele and its infinte. the explorer ring will always have a (3) no matter how many restore energy u use, or how many teles u use.
  18. i get alot of genies when im ranging at metals.
  19. thx, i think im just going to leave the outfit unfinished -.-
  20. are some pieces more rare than others or is it totally random?
  21. im trying to get the lumberjack outfit, but i keep ending up with the same peices :wall: ive gotten 4 hats 5 boots and only 1 leg. its getting really annoying trying to get the last piece :evil:
  22. by junk trading i think
  23. i mean if they can afford to pay 30m for a bgs i dont think they need to lend it out for 100k/hr
  24. read the updates it explains everything very clearly :wall:
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