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    violin and more, but we'll wait on that.

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  1. @Myweponsg00d, thankyou. The taste is honestly the concern with most water filters, and chlorine/metalic oxides are most of what's "tasted" in comparing tap water to bottled (or filtered water) You say "glucose craving" and yet you cite caffeine and a study on drug addictiveness. Also, from the scale used in the tests, you can't really examine "far worse" because it's on a scale of 1-6, not raw data. ^ all sorts of caffeine supplements and other drinks with caffeine in them to settle that craving that is totally unrelated to glucose/sugar craving.
  2. Why? It's the same principle as when people try to stop smoking. If you go cold turkey you'll get strong urges to drink the soda again because your body is used to it. Instead you gradually lower your intake and wean your body off of it while getting used to consuming more water gradually at the same time. If you cut it out completely right away I think there is a much lesser chance of you stopping drinking the soda in the long term. Unlike smoking/cigarettes, there are no addictive drugs in soda. Some studies have suggested the body becomes addicted to sweet things, but it's really not the same. Just go "cold turkey" which brings me to my next point, delicious ice-water really makes it for me. You might want to buy a water-filter for your tap or a filter-pitcher to just run water through. I quit sodas cold turkey, and it contributed greatly to my weight loss.
  3. I think machines can be really important if you are very out of shape. If you have never bench pressed in your life, I think it is important to do a couple weeks on the bench machine just to get your muscles a little stronger. Lifting free weights takes a lot of technique and can be unsafe to the truly beginner lifter. Also if you have an injury, machines can help you get a good work out on the rest of your body without aggrivating your injury. If you think about it, it's better to start with the free weights at a very low weight (say, the plain barbell). Free-weight compound lifting exercises main muscle groups, but you also have to stabilize the weight you're lifting with other groups as well. The machine will train the main muscles of the lift, but not the stabilizers, leading to possible problems (and the unsafeness of which you speak) when you finally move to free weights.
  4. I feel that swimming is the best cardio, because not only is it easy on your joints, you use your whole body (butterfly). Rowing after that, and then whatever else you listed :P
  5. I'd say aim for more calorie dense or fatty foods, like peanut butter and milk. Easy to consume a large amount of calories without much effort.
  6. http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html
  7. I've been swimming for a long time, it's one of the most enjoyable activities I know :D unfortunately, my college doesn't have a pool, and I'm too busy to go to the city one (it's pretty sketch too, so that) so my senior year last year was my last time on a swim team. I lost alot of weight that year, I hadn't been doing so hot previously with a freestyle 50 of 31 seconds, but I dropped to 28 seconds ^^ not exactly the best for a 17/18 year old, but a cut of 3 is something I'm proud of. I can hold my breath for 2 minutes underwater fairly still, and I can complete a 50 no-breather underwater, equivalent to about a minute, I think. I'm proud of these things, but am I unjustly so? how do you all compare?
  8. Of course contact my family and tell them how much I love them, maybe first, maybe last. But I'd also contact everyone important to me, even everyone I knew, and tell them how much they've effected my life, how important they are to me. And I'd play my violin on the rooftop of a building, till the end came. One can't expect to get lucky with just the fact the world is ending ;) but you never know.
  9. I haven't ever done a max rep, but 10 dead hang true pullups seems to be about right. a few more maybe, but no consistent sets.
  10. Good stuff, finally. Hopefully this will pick up in due time.
  11. I got a welcome surprise when I entered the Halloween event for this year and got Air Guitar!
  12. Bad cropping that this didn't get more attention! But I remember you in the chat. Major grats, you should have said something in this thread about it's from a clue.
  13. I think an interesting concept would be a combination of Overload and healing solely with Saradomin brews.
  14. [hide=lala's f g task] [/hide] I don't know how people get so many rune scimitars..... I usually end up with one or two :|
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