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Everything posted by aerendil

  1. selling void 4 blood sweat and tears I personally haven't tried this content, and probably won't due to cba syndrome However, I do see that most of the most boring and dreadful content gives the best rewards, and vica versa. Jagex needs to take a step away from releasing absolute shit like livid farm and move into a more enjoyable vein.... Did ANY of you ENJOY maxing livid?
  2. right guys, so i am at 85% to the pincers, how long doing roughly 8 bowl voyages a day and 7 scythe missions will it take me to reach the pincers? Would I be there by the weekend?
  3. damnnit, getting so very close to the pincers.... pity i havent actually got 90 theiv for the convict storyline.... got scrolls for all of the bodies, gona work on tetsu helm and then one of the scrimshaws, would vampyrism be the best one to get?
  4. clearly the work of a madman, anyone who loves pp must be
  5. Personally found it an absolute (bleep) to find the question and answer to megs shit on the list, cbf doing that for each one
  6. so do tell what doesn't resonance work on now.... is it now impossible to block the kalpite kings green bomb attack outside of cade/immortality?
  7. wait just a minute there is correct answers to those? arnt they ambiguous as (bleep) as regards to which response is the best?
  8. more dead content to bee, as far as i can see Wish they would stop screwing with things, jesus........... fix-nerf-nerf-nerf-nerf-fix, ohwait we dont want t85 being better than t80, quick nerf and dual drygores are already op as (bleep) and dont need fixing, i think a good fix would be just to make most/all abilities take your offhand weapon into account also... instead of nerfing specific gear.
  9. I prefer eoc by far... Pvp was dead for years before eoc, but it's being used as a scapegoat by people who have no idea what they are talking about. Change happens, move on and get over it.
  10. that must really kill you urgh, I really dont like the rsof society associated with kk, almost everyone is extremely arrogant, and willing to point fingers and who's fault it is if kills go wrong, but never willing to accept that the fault is theirs.... Had QUITE a few bad experiences tanking where i died a few times due to no-one provoking while i was tanking... not sure if i wana go him.
  11. no shitty game bar on the rs..... ITS SO BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLLLL
  12. making le bank first ffa drop ever, trio split with quack and some friend of mine
  13. Such a bad person. kill it with fire and ban it from these forums forevermore yep we're preying on you (gedddit)
  14. selling ranged slayer dungeon in 2014 looks like a good month except for the "dragon pets" not sure what smoking, because we've already GOT some of those.
  15. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand they didnt mention giving port armour stats.
  16. well that was a bit of a adren rush split it because i'm a nice guy
  17. *grammar I assume that he said that ironically. You can tell because he did not capitalize the first word of his sentence, misspelled "grammar", put a space before the period, and used "like" instead of "such as" (assuming he means that we should argue about grammar and punctuation and other similar issues, not just similar issues). someone got it :)
  18. someone was saying how void has now been nerfed, can anyone confirm/deny this?
  19. woox for rs lance armstrong 2013 but seriously people..... are we REALLY arguing about this? Whether he "bug abused" or not is pure semantics, get off your panzers and stop grammer natzing. He killed it using an unintended mechanic, irrelevant if he was abusing this mechanic or not. Now that mechanic is fixed, so someone has to be the first to solo it without using this bug(or mechanic if you want), just like nex. Now lets get back to arguing over REAL issues. like grammer and punctuation .
  20. only 70m for tetsu legs.......... yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaano cbf spending so much time on tetsu for only 70m, ill make my superior sets in 3 weeks for keeps.
  21. priority is good crew, get about 6 of each with some JOD's, then shoot for 4th ship
  22. steel titans are like kamakazee fighters now, they auto destruct as they deal damage(they get hit for damage as they deal it, or that mighta been a fluke.)
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