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Everything posted by blurrythorn

  1. I'm fairly sure you only have to do the quest "Watchtower" to gain acess to the ogre enclave
  2. Show's u how much GP/Xp you lose or gain http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Calculators/Potions
  3. Meh, i've decided that my eyboard is broen and that ill just order a new one, or get it off ebay. Thans everyone!
  4. Lol, do you know what you are actually doing? What Laptop are you using? Maybe you should consider buying a keyboard, instead of using the crappy ones that come with the laptop. I have a Dell Inspiron 1501, and by buy a new |
  5. Nope, still doesnt wor|< Does any1 |
  6. Little hole bit? where would that be?
  7. My "k" key isnt working right now and i want to take the key off to see if i can do anything about it. I know how to put it back on but i dont know how to take it off and i dont want to break anything. Any advice?
  8. Air bstaves, water bstaves, lava bstaves, addy plates and rockshell helms are some good things to high alch right now
  9. For the lap bonus you have to sucessfully complete all the obstacles in that order to get the bonus.
  10. If you have done Dragon slayer, there are three addy ore rocks on Crandor
  11. You could also cast Slayer Dart on DKS Rex, and once you hit 80 cast Claws of Guthix
  12. Void + Salve + Piety stacks, its I usually use at Armoured Zombies
  13. If you go into the actual clan wars portal's (the purple ones) its safe, you lose nothing on death. But there are Free For All (FFA) portals there also, one is safe the other is not. The one that isnt safe should warn you upon entry.
  14. http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Calculators/High_alch http://www.scape-xp.com/runescape-high-alchemy.html The latter seems to have stopped updating itself >.< but it has some good ideas
  15. Other things to think about are Maging Rex at DKS Humidify String Amulet
  16. I suggest borrowing a Dragon Wc Axe for this portion, and to use the unlmited run pool in Oog'loog to increase your chances of making it. As for when to eat, i suppose when your health gets low enough for him to 1-hit you? It took me 25 tries to get past this room :x
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