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Everything posted by Sin81

  1. I would put it in the bank, take out whatever i wanted wenever i wanted something just like i do now. Other than that i woud buy myself a new car, and my girlfriend and new car and maybe start her club that she wants to buy.
  2. It is an awesome game.... for about an hour, once you have played a little bit you will find that it is ridiculasly easy, even on the hardest setting. The achievments are a piece of cake to get, had it two days and only need ot get the last two collect orb ones.... Grrr Stupid orbs are everywhere
  3. To be honest i don't think it will make any differnece what so ever. Anyone that has bought a 360 knew Halo 3 would be released on it, thats the main reason i bought mione :) not to mention the only decent games from playstation are becomming exclusive to X Box, like Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto and Gran Turismo. Anyway my point being, pretty much everyone that owns a 360 WILL buy Halo 3, the demo that will be realsed will be used by Microsof tto find any bugs or problems, esecially with the online, as Halo 3 will be completely Packed on the servers once released, the demo will not affect Microsoft and the release of Halo 3 in any way. Therefor its neither good nor bad, but clever as they will have a fully working game on release, which is pretty special.
  4. Sin81


    What the? :-s "She wants you, take her now?" Did we just get warped back into the stone age in the blink of an eye? You wil understand when you get older
  5. You need to look at your card, the will be a logo on the top right hand corner, which will tell you wat type of card it is. For example mine is a solo, i cna useit wherever i see the solo symbol.
  6. I see your point, but what kind of person would rest their lives on a bunch of people that they have never met, wont ever meet and could be 4 years old. I am interested to see who many of these threats are real, and how many people really, i mean REALLY want to see these threads .
  7. I agreee i dispise them, people area becomming addicted to games, and speaking some stupid language that makes no sense to the world, what happens when they wake up and realise they shouod go out of their homes?? Go to a shop and ask for a tub of AtFB?? (I have no idea wat that is but it helps my point) People need to use real words and stop being lazy. Do you want to end up sitting in your parents house all you life eating ready meals and using some ultimate messenger that automatically translates your real words into slang letters.
  8. Why is there so many threads about people wanting to kill themselves, I have noticed that over the last fe wmonths when i have been looking at this section there has been hundreds of these threads. WHY????? Why do people feel the need to share this information with us?? Are they telling the truth or do they want attention??? Why do the tell us, rather than their friends that arent a million miles away??? Who cares???? I sayt hat mods should immediatly delete all of these threads, as there is absolutly no reason to them, This is a forum not augony aunt
  9. I miss being a youth, being called by the papers as a "mob of youths" "thugs". It makes me feel weird when i'm now looking at all those little hoody wearing youths that ruin my town, i miss being a teenager, the excitement of being naughty :). always looking over your shoulder for th epolice because you have a beer in your bag, sitting around all summer in a field making fires for BBqs. Now everything has changed, my firends working when i have my time off work and vice versa. People move away, meet new frieds, everything changes. My advice, enjoy everything, Do whatever you can while you can. Don't say no to a party or weekend away. The best time I have had was when me and my firneds went to spain for 3 weeks during a summer holiday a couple of years ago, if you have the chance do it.
  10. Sin81


    If its a male that is doing this( and your male): Steal his girlfriend :D Either that or put your books on the floor, when he goes to push them off just laugh at him for being lame, and then tell him to pick them up, stare at him until he does. thne kick him slyly whilst he is bending down. If its female that is doing this(and your male): Take it as a sign, and and play along with her, don't get annoyed just laugh and play along. She wants you, take her now
  11. you say you follow Jagex rules at all times, well letting someone else play on your account is against the rules, if you were to say that he was only having a go whilst i was watching, then surely you would have seen him/her upto no good.
  12. woodsball is good, but i like speedball better Woodballers vs Speedballers = Neverending fight. Let's agree that they are equal? :thumbsup: amen to that! \ I completly disagree, they are two different games, that would be calling F1 racing the same as a hatchback race, just because they are both cars doent make them equal. Woodball, the most commonly played by newcomers or every now and again players, is a game that can take a while. the fields are much bigger, football pitch size, have many obstacles and have larger teams. The players are generally more defensive and choose range and accuracy over rate of fire for their markers. Speedball, is the tournamount version of paintball. It uses very small fields, smallest i have played on is a field the size of a bus. Teams are much smaller normaly 5 man teams sometimes played with 7. The players choose rate of fire over distance and accuracy, as they have no use for distance and the accuracy isnt muhc use at the range they will be playing on. The players are much more aggressive adn NEED to get to the 50 line as quickly as possible. If the two different types of players were to play each other. obviously the speedballers would rinse on their fields, although if they played in the woods the game would be much more even, the woodsmen would try to take the speeders slowly and sneakly, whereas the speeders would be most of the way accross the field before the woodsmen have moved a foot. The game here would be a good game. But the difference between speedballers and wood players is massive, they are not the same. I have played both pretty evenly for years and the difference in the way you play is vast. omg. what was meant by the comment of they are equal is the fun factor. i get as much adrenialine playing x ball as little charlie does playing woodsball. we agreed they are equal as a compromise to stop flame wars. Ah i see, I agree with that then lol
  13. All add : sin81 I play halo but sort of addicted to Gears Of War Atm so i may not be online
  14. woodsball is good, but i like speedball better Woodballers vs Speedballers = Neverending fight. Let's agree that they are equal? :thumbsup: amen to that! \ I completly disagree, they are two different games, that would be calling F1 racing the same as a hatchback race, just because they are both cars doent make them equal. Woodball, the most commonly played by newcomers or every now and again players, is a game that can take a while. the fields are much bigger, football pitch size, have many obstacles and have larger teams. The players are generally more defensive and choose range and accuracy over rate of fire for their markers. Speedball, is the tournamount version of paintball. It uses very small fields, smallest i have played on is a field the size of a bus. Teams are much smaller normaly 5 man teams sometimes played with 7. The players choose rate of fire over distance and accuracy, as they have no use for distance and the accuracy isnt muhc use at the range they will be playing on. The players are much more aggressive adn NEED to get to the 50 line as quickly as possible. If the two different types of players were to play each other. obviously the speedballers would rinse on their fields, although if they played in the woods the game would be much more even, the woodsmen would try to take the speeders slowly and sneakly, whereas the speeders would be most of the way accross the field before the woodsmen have moved a foot. The game here would be a good game. But the difference between speedballers and wood players is massive, they are not the same. I have played both pretty evenly for years and the difference in the way you play is vast.
  15. I have player paintball for around 5 years regulary and another 2 or 3 on and off, i own 3 markers, A Jt Protium, Spart Parts Ion with Black Heart, and my lovely free Eclipse Ego 07. I am thinking aobut taking part in a tournamount i was invited to by Warp Sports in a couple of months, they are having some promotion game or something, but I am not sure if i can be arsed to drive all the way to Birmingham. Anyway if anyone lives in east Midlands, Uk and fancies playing send me a message and maybe we could play.
  16. search for the ultimate kingdom guide that i wrote it covers everything and you should find it helpful
  17. Sin81

    Do you smoke?

    yes, the patches are really bad, don't stay stuck to you and don't nearly give you enough nicotine, and the gum is just plain rank. imagine biting into the sourest lemon in the world, then times that by 20 and take away the sourness.... if that makes any sense you are amzing lol
  18. Sin81

    Do you smoke?

    I smoke, have done for 4 years, i started smoking to help me overcome a drugs probelm i had. I enjoy smoking, i don't like the idea of other people smoking because they look cool, Stoping is very hard, my parents want me to stop my girlfriend is always maoning, but the truth is, i don't want to... i enjoy it and it helps me relax.
  19. Valentines day... pffft what a great idea.... i hate the idea of valentines day, whats the point, i have been with my girlfriend coming up 3 years, this year and we have decided that its a waste, nothing will happen maybe a small gift, but nothing like the other times. Her birthday and christmas is the most important, i am takin her to Paris this year for her 18 for the weekend, and maybe getting her a car. If you want her to feel special but not overboard, cook her a meal, works like a charm, jsut make sure she sin't allergic to anything and that you cook her something she will enjoy.
  20. try running less programmes at the same time, getting more RAM or defrag your computer
  21. don't be noobs... Dell this Dell that. lmfao Go to http://www.dabs.com either build your own or get a set peice The main quesation i need to ask before i can tell you what should be on it is what are you going to use it for???
  22. i have never heard of a siggy using PHP?????? Where did you learn that? Most siggys are just images adapted or animated
  23. you dont need to buy servers, you would probably rent them, its the bandwidth you would need to pay for. Anyway the game itself may not be that hard to actually model. As long as you know the language its writen it wether it java c++ or what it may be. The problem would be in maintaining it, and keeping it updated and secure. To make a game like runescape you would need to know low and high level programming (low being things in the computer, and high being things that sit on it, such as windows, websites). The programmers of Runescape are pure genious, not online can they provide a free version of one of ther most popular games, but they also provide it over the net. Not many multiplayer games can be played from the net.
  24. Mine don't work anymore either, prob because the game admin completly blocked me, same happened with number 1. But number 3 is 360 so they can't hahahaha....
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