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Everything posted by Dreamtongirl

  1. Oooh, Freya's a fantastic name. Good job. :thumbup:
  2. I do not know why, but I felt a great need to share this with you.


  3. Congratulations! Looks like everything went well. Have you thought of any names?
  4. Well congratulations. You may continue with your black and white photos.
  5. Same girl, isn't it? You two get back together?
  6. Nice photo Sam! I like the colours.
  7. Hahahah. It wasn't the intention, I love mexicans.
  8. You try find ones on short notice that don't smell like middle aged men that don't wash.
  9. Well, someone suggested that we should have a mexican night. So we decorated and ate tacos and enchaladas (can't spell it but they were amazing) and we dressed up in plastic ponchos because we couldn't find real ones and i made mexican flowers out of dyed coffee filter paper for us to put in our hair. Oh, and the blue balloon was a pinyata with candy and toys inside. :D And we also had a mexican soundtrack to accompany everything.
  10. My family + extras had a Mexican night tonight.
  11. Cool finger puppets Beck. :thumbup: And welcome to TIF, WWWYKI.
  12. so i went to livi's work today because she needed someone to practice drying hair on. i found out you can straighten hair with a hairdryer. who knew. anyway it was nice to see her again. next month her and zac have been dating 3 years 6 months as well. o_o

  13. beckybeckybeckybeckybecky. wuddup asian?

  14. I personally like to think that this photo is less creepy than the sunflower one. But anyway, our American student bought me more flowers. She's totally making up for my lack of a boyfriend. :thumbup:
  15. If that pic doesn't pique female interest, I don't know WHAT will ZOMG BABY. Nah, cute. What's her name?
  16. Haha, yep. 1994 too.

  17. I know I shouldn't have laughed at that article but.. Hahaha. It was actually in Levin though. xD
  18. Oh I never have either. I'm always in the same city for school holidays, which totally sucks on really nice days like today when it's hot and really sunny.

  19. Went to a hot-air balloon thing tonight. [spoiler=So we were waiting for the balloons to light up] [spoiler=And they looked amazing when they all did] [spoiler=So we took photos] [spoiler=And played with lights] [spoiler=But then it finished] [spoiler=So we decided to take photos hanging from a goal post] [spoiler=But that didn't work out so well] [spoiler=So we decided it was time to go home]
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