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About Grim_

  • Birthday 07/29/1994

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    California why do you ask
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    [quote name='Serephurus' date='31 March 2010 - 07:25 PM' timestamp='1270088736' post='4190514']
    We're not arguing, we're parlaying.

    Anyway, if we're playing something based on the real world, Ron Paul should be president of the United States.

RuneScape Information

  1. I'd just like to post to affirm that while I am still swamped by school work (they lied to me about senior year), I am interested in a hegemony game, as long as it is mildly low key.
  2. EU3 can be fun with mods (like the miscmods scenarios, there's something satisfying about crushing France as Toulouse and then creating Occitania). I'd be fine with whatever, though I'd prefer if someone other than myself would start (as I'm not all that good at CK2).
  3. Anyone else? Also, if we do CK2 (personally I prefer vicky 2 and EU3) what family shall we embroil in incest and assassination?
  4. (I'm back, I blame school and comcast for my absence). I have no problems with the synthesist archetype, or the bladebound magus. However, I am currently finding myself in a similar situation with retech, in that I have an ass load of school work, and enough extracurriculars (in this case college apps) to make running a game difficult, not impossible, but if I want to spend any time prepping it will bump my days up from 18 to 20 hour days. So I'll not be able to run this until probably december (because I can slack off a bit second semester). I do, however, have an idea for a sort of a community activity. A shared AAR in either Vicky 2 or EU3 (or CK2), where we each take control of a country for 10 years, and once done post a report/ a save file.
  5. Eh, shouldn't matter too much, as that (probably) won't save you from 3 rounds of focus fire. As just a general note, the more you lot optimize, the more I get to (And I still need to dig up that first world template from Kingmaker, that thing was nasty), and the higher CR enemies in general I get to throw at you.
  6. Okay, the poll has been edited, vote on your favorite, etc. etc.
  7. What I was going to go for with the windward isles is similar as to what happens in kingmaker (Well, not really, but that's where I got the idea from). The windward isles has a mortal ruler, and a mortal system of government, but it's the fey that are the power behind the throne, and are, for whatever reason, looking to expand too. This way we get a way to explain how this works, and I get to have some fun (later on) with apply the first world template to cavalry and stuff. I'd say that one of the reasons why the fey are helping the settlers is a hatred of the drow, and the kobolds, and the other is a sort of plan (which will not be revealed as of now). What I was going with for the drow, is that they are a major threat, if they ever unite (which would be the problem of having a nation full of demonic cults), and it looks like, after a long period of instability, they are uniting under a prophet. They have been pushed around, taken advantage of, and generally shit on by pretty much every nation in this war, and now they are pissed. (Waking a sleeping giant and filling it with terrible resolve is the quote that comes to mind). The church of the Thriceborn is based in what used the be the Kaava lands, after the explosion of the pillar (and the invasion of the faithful, and an army of the dead), they have, with aid from a fairly massive number of undead workers, set up a fairly large city state for the faithful (which has pissed off the Aspis consortium, and Cheliax), as well as an undead augmented navy and army (where the officers are graveknights and liches). The populations of giant squid and other such animals have taken a sharp downward turn, though. EDIT: I'll be on irc for awhile, answering questions and whatnot.
  8. If there's a joint winner we do a run off. Also, if you vote other, could you please tell what you mean by other.
  9. I'm going to close voting at 9PM EST tomorrow, just as a warning.
  10. THIS IS A POST THAT WILL BECOME A THREAD. CHOOSE WHAT FACTION YOU WANT TO PLAY AS/ BE ENSLAVED BY/ IDON'TEVENKNOWMAKEUPYOURDAMNEDMINDS. STUFF FOR THIS POST. CURRENT MAP OF THE WORLD (HATCH MARKS SHOWS CONTROL OVER THE UNDERDARK the different sectors show control via different factions) [hide] https://www.dropbox....olarion_Map.jpg [/hide] NEW (AND IMPROVED) GODS: [hide] GARMUND AKA THE THRICEBORN HOLY SYMBOL: A skull made of skulls on top of a pillar FAVORED WEAPON: SCYTHE DOMAINS: CHAOS, UNDEATH, MADNESS, DESTRUCTION, LIBERATION [/hide] CHARACTER CREATION GUIDELINES [hide] STARTING LEVEL: 10TH WBL: Standard (look it up in the SRD) POINT BUY ARRAY: 25/ heroic HAVE A REASON TO STICK TOGETHER (MAYBE YOU'RE PART OF THE SPECIAL FORCES, OR THE HOUSE GUARD, OR SOMETHING. I DON'T KNOW) IF GOING NECROMANCER, ASK ME ABOUT THE CREATURES YOU ARE CHOOSING, I'LL PROBABLY SAY YES YOU HAVE THE OPTION OF CHOOSING TO BE AN OUTSIDER OR OTHER THEMATICALLY APPROPRIATE MONSTER WITH 1+ CLASS LEVEL IF YOU SO CHOOSE [/hide] Two years after the apotheosis of a cleric named Garmund the Twiceborn, the only applicable phrase for the Inner sea is chaos. Chaos rules the waves, the under dark, and the land. After Absalom was weakened by the Thriceborn's assault, Cheliax pounced upon it, and did its utmost to tear Absalom to pieces. However, Cheliax is not the only player in this power struggle, the ascendant church of the Thriceborn has set up shop in the Mwangi, centered around the crater of the pillar which helped fuel their diety's ascension. The kobold city state in the windward isles is at odds with an up and coming fey ruled one, with several skirmishes being logged, and the drow are just now reassembling their city, under the rulership of a charismatic prophet of Nocticula. All of factions will eventually meet each other in battle, and so chaos, bloody chaos, will be the word of the day. You lot will be part of one of these factions, and serve as its elite, and I'll take suggestions as to what you actually are. WARNING, THIS CAMPAIGN WILL PROBABLY BE A FAIR BIT MORE LETHAL THAN THE LAST ONE. IF YOU ACT LIKE AN IDIOT, YOU'LL PROBABLY DIE
  11. In theory I could run something similar, like maybe a RHoD campaign translated into pathfinder, and up scaled in power (greatly), or try kingmaker again (The city building would, sadly, be abstracted much like it is in Windward, and I'd be using IRC and maybe mumble. EDIT: Also, if we do either of those things, expect a much higher level of PC mortality, and one of you should probably play as a front line fighter (and another a druid, reincarnates are much cheaper than raise dead).
  12. That... would not end well either. The vampire should have DR 10 against all of her attacks, which would make them rather useless. At any rate, you're ignoring the domination power that would probably be used on either her or yourself (this is, incidentally, why you don't use wisdom as your dump stat).
  13. To be fair, I was planning on just sending lei to Axis, and having the dragon grapple mather (which would have done enough damage to let me FoD Holo to death).
  14. Unless I'm very, very wrong about your equipment, you're talking about a weapon with a +7 equivalent enhancement bonus, which should cost 92k. Give any character, (including a monk) that much cash to be spent on items, and you will get a very effective killing machine at low level. Also, lei you've met (by my count) 3 characters and one undead dragon, the other character (and undead dragon) were simply silent and invisible (whee scrolls of invisibility) when you met them. Mather, I had no designs on your life, if you tried to resist my countermeasures and became violent (and tried to use a DC 18-19 attack against me that targeted my will save) I intended to kill you, if not then you would go on your way. It was you who decided to plot to kill me (and another person). EDIT: Also, you're talking about a gunslinger; a class with light armor proficiency only going up against a vampire in melee. That would not end well (something about a relatively high DR, coupled with lei's low strength modifier). And as a general question for lei; is there any reason why you chose the gunslinger, and could you be convinced to play a similar (but all together better) class like the inquisitor or something (maybe a ranged fighter or a cavalier, I like cavaliers). Question for retech: Would you allow the hound master archtype for a cavalier?
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