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Posts posted by Grim_

  1. Well, there's quite a bit of iron underneath the fey forest, and if push comes to shove, we can just have skeletons quarry out the duergar mines for stone (Again, 100 skeleton workers working 24/7 will probably be more efficient than your average human worker only working 16 hours a day).

  2. The first step would be to devise some sort of ritual, and make a kick ass monolith, probably outside of the village (maybe underwater in the lake, that would be fine by me, neither I nor my workers will need to breath air). Then, if we were to use ghosts (in combination with other methods of defense, like a fortress, or some other sort of battlement, with lead warded walls in the inner layers, as an added layer of protection. Then, if we were to be besieged, in conjunction with the zombies and musketmen on the walls, as well as the catapults and ballistae, and assorted siege weaponry, we would be able to use the ghosts as a way to guard the gate, and raid the enemy at night. They'd also be very useful as spies, what with them being incorporeal.

  3. My pillar will be made of onyx, probably with a hollow interior (for better animating), and will be encrusted with sheets/designs of silver, diamonds, and soul gems, but that' not too important. At any rate, if we're not going to go big, and we could use some way to defeat a mass attack, wouldn't we do better to just make an ass load of ghosts or similar undead, instead of skeletons or zombies if we can help it, as they will be quite a bit more effective against say hordes of kobolds, or human soldiers for that matter.

  4. Fair enough, so scrap the world ending undead for now (even though some of them are awesome), in favor of moderately powerful undead. At any rate, plan time (destroy the kobolds edition). What I'm thinking of is going to take several stages.

    Step 1: Rent an apartment or two in the city, get the casters, with onyx and a massive amount of rat corpses there.

    Step 2: Use said store of onyx and rat corpses to send waves of 20 apocalypse zombie rats out into the city under channeled energy control. (they are to be kept in cages before being controlled)

    Step 3: After getting an even distribution of apocalypse zombie rats throughout the city, create a batch of burning skeleton rats in hidden places, control them.

    Step 4: Leave the same day (So as to not arouse suspicions)

    Step 5: 2 days later (once the zombie rats have really started kicking off a minor zombie horde) have the burning skeleton rats race through the wooden town setting fire to most of it (but not one small portion of it, where the survivors will congregate).

    Step 6: Wait and see what happens when a massive amount of kobolds, many of which afflicted with a disease that makes them zombies if the fail enough fort saves or are killed by a zombie, are kept in a very concentrated mass.

    Step 7: Mop up remaining kobolds, who (incidentally) should never have burnt down that ship.

    Step 8: End clerics, sorcerer kobold leader.

    Step 9: Loot

    Step 10: Profit


    Erm ross, you do know that you can just use a second level spell for that, right? Also, you did take the undead master feat, right?

  5. I'm not saying that it would be our only line of defense, crossbowmen are quite useful, and will be used in conjunction with fortifications. As will traps, if they are reasonably priced; I'm not saying that we shouldn't do those things, and I fully intend to furnish them, and more if possible. Ideally we would also have a small number of golems ready to act as body guards, as well as a small army of skeletons, and a small army. Also, we would hopefully be able to, at cost, add in a section of the ritual that brings the undead monstrosity to heel, and keeps it from killing us at the very least.


    You know, if we wanted to take a bit of a risk, we could probably find a fair bit of treasure in the Mwangi expanse as well, or by exploring the Cyclopes ruins in the Shackles (and there should be Cyclopes ruins in the area around the Shackles, and the sodden lands.)

    And to be fair, we had no way of knowing whether or not the bridge would collapse into the yawning abyss, and falling down there seems like something that you wouldn't survive.

  6. I don't really see us pulling off an assault against the drow. I think it has something to do with how they dealt with the duergar (Teleport in, round everyone up, teleport out). I think that there's more to the kobold city than what we saw, and it would definitely be the easiest to take on (though the fey are a possibility, what with the amount of iron that they're sitting on). I don't know how we would get ahold of the whispering way even if we wanted to take them out, they seem to be fairly elusive.


    Or you know we could actually partake in trade with either the drow or some other nation. That's an option too.

  7. Well Blessing of Fervor is just all around good (As in, if you're self buffing you will probably use it every combat). I'd definitely swap out control water to something more useful (Doesn't have to be Blessing of Fervor, could be something different, as I almost always start combat with that buff). 3rd level I'd get one buff spell, and then spells that you would use every day (if we do any more dungeons, stone shape would be one, maybe water breathing for another). I'd get lesser restoration for a second level spell, because even though I have an inane number of scrolls of it, we could always use more (and you *want* to be able to get rid of ability damage). Silence is another second level spell that I'd get, use it after you get your buffs down (and then stay away from the other casters). I'd get Dispel magic too if you can (you can almost always find a use for it, but you don't know how many castings you will need). When we level (and you get more 4th level spells) I'd look at freedom of movement, or Tongues or something similar.

    As a rule for spontaneous casters, if you can't use it every day (or encounter) and it is not AMAZING (like tongues for instance) then it's probably not worth getting. Especially if you aren't playing as a human.

  8. Righto. Three things.

    First, locate object only has a range of 700ft at your level (cheliax is in the hundreds of miles away)

    Second, know direction only tells you where north is.

    Third, you will submit to my terms or you will not take the only ship off of the island. This is non negotiable. The skeleton crew won't obey you and neither will the squid. You could try to attack me, like you did with arch, but that would end poorly for you.

    Also, this isn't just a general way to keep you from selling us out, it's an insurance policy against you doing something stupid, and trying to blame us for it/ getting the location of your "allies" tortured out of you.

    If you do not submit to my terms, and still try to leave the island permanently, you will be a threat, and treated accordingly.

  9. I'd like to note that if and when you go from the island you will have no way to get back to it (Save for a scroll of sending which I will provide, and a hammer symbol. Call me when you want to go back, and I should be able to figure out where you are based upon the symbol. I'll be keeping some bits of hair too). For two reasons:

    1) You have no idea where the island is in the Windward isles, or really where they are.

    2) As I will be piloting the ship that you take to a more populated area (Probably either Osirion or Cheliax), The squid will circle for quite some time, out of sight of the island, before charting course for the final destination. To make sure you don't know exactly where the island is in relation to the destination.

  10. How did you get River of Wind? And could I convince you got get air walk or blessing of Fervor instead of control water? Seeing as you won't be using that spell daily, you could just get a scroll or three of it, and use them when you have need. I also wouldn't take "Spear of Purity" or "Minor Image" personally, imo there are more useful second level spells (that could be used to buff yourself into some sort of combat monstrosity). Imho you're taking a couple too many circumstantial spells for a spontaneous caster, especially a divine one (whee limited spell list).


    EDIT: Unless, of course you're pulling your spells from the druid spell list. Even then I'd suggest different 4th level spells (Air walk and either Ice storm or Flame Strike. We could use more AoE, as our goal is to take out the enemy in the first round or two of combat) And I'd suggest trading Cloak of Winds for Stone shape. But that might just be me (I love stone shape).

  11. Erm, you do know that we have a bit of a pack animal in the dragon, right? As in, it has a light load of 1596 pounds . I'd advise teleporting the dragon and myself with you the first time, with most of the treasure, and then having us guard the boat, while you go back (Also, the two of us (with the dragon) would probably be the best able to deal with the remaining kobolds).

  12. (Well, my vow to not respond to mather lasted... less than a day. How depressing)

    So what you're saying is that you want to be a sort of demigod and shit on everyone else without fear of reprisal, thus fulfilling several fantasies, and that anything that forces you to think in a different manner is badwrongfun and thus should be called DnD, or Dungeons and Dragons as the acronym stands for. That would be like calling all video games "Final Fantasy" or all anime "Naruto" (Or some other anime, someone else should fill this in who knows more about anime) or all fiction "Lord of the Rings", or all scifi "Star wars", or all people who claim to have a specific subset of autism "Mather".

  13. Oh god I just read through the last 3 places of this thread


    Long hair is not effeminate!

    Coloured hair is not effeminate!


    And getting a girlfriend is not a stupid idea.

    I agree with you up to a point; long hair is not inherently effeminate, that is correct, but it is not inherently masculine either, and in most non religious cases not an expression of identity (it's also quite a bit more difficult to keep clean imo), dyed hair falls into a similar category (though it does not exactly have the religious reasoning behind it), with the problem that it requires regular upkeep (which may or may not get expensive).

    I agree that getting a girlfriend is not stupid, however devoting time and energy exclusively to getting one (this does not mean making yourself more sociable) for no reason but you think you ought to have one is.

  14. Well if retech will have let me leave you a couple of scrolls (2 of sky swim, 2 of ride the waves, 1 of air walk, and 1 of Blessing of Fervor), and if you have a fairly high UMD score, this could still end decently. Remember, the squid is with you.

  15. Remember how fast we burnt through level 7-8 (1 session iirc, or close to it). Now extrapolate what's going to go down when the kobolds learn about what we've done. If we can survive the ensuing war (it's entirely possible, but I'm going to need more onyx, and permission to make some custom undead) we'll probably gain a level or two. Also, you may still end up eating an enervation or two to lower your will save.


    Airline food, what's up with that?

    Has anyone read "Waiting for Godot"? We're reading it in my English class (as well as Hamlet, whee doubling up plays) and I'd like to have someone else's take on it, as I feel... conflicted about it.

  17. If we don't cross paths with Sedrial for at least one level, I should be able to just plane shift her to Thenatos's court in Axis (or the plane of shadows), so Sedrial won't be guaranteed to die, and it would be kind of cool for Nex. It's the best possibility tbh.

  18. Fair enough, so Mather and Lei get along (maybe they can be live journal buddies!?!) and like attention (Whee cherry picking ideas from an argument, what could go wrong with that sort of logic?). As I do not want to hear them rambling on about M: How god like he is with computers/life/womeniftheywouldonlytalktohimdamnit/homestuck or L:How everyone hates and or is out to get her, I guess I will just ignore them. It's better that way.

    As a final note to Lei and Mather:


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