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Posts posted by Grim_

  1. I just realized why my endurance has been severely impeded compared to what it was a few years ago:

    I drink diet soda, use artificial sweeteners and eat low-sugar versions of pretty much any food that usually contains a lot of it. My diet which is supposed to have 57% of its energy composed of carbohydrates only gets a fraction of that from the grains I eat, and in the end there's no surplus left so with a deficiency of dextrose, my liver and muscle tissue are unable to produce glycogen and my primary energy stores are left empty. With this happening, whenever my level of activity exceeds what my energy intake is able to fuel, my body starts burning what little body fat I have, which is much slower and results in my muscles being unable to perform as well as they're intended to.


    Who'd have thought that the fact that I eat less junk than most people is the cause of my weakened performance?

    Though then again, what else could one expect when I eat both low-carb and low-fat foods to keep my cholesterol at bay?


    EDIT: Oh, and honey. The one or two teaspoons of honey I ingest a day as flavoring with my tea are probably the largest doses of sugar my body gets unless I decide to get a candy bar or something that day.


    Use it! Love it! Gently caress it! Take it too far, to fast and then end up in jail! I don't care what the end result is, but stop using this thread as your blog! Benefits include:

    Curing (or causing in 10% of cases) sexual impotence!

    Meeting people!

    Not spending time typing lists (This one is more for me)


    25% reduction in cancer risk!

    Less lists in the back room!

    Less inane drivel in the back room!

    Less overall posts in the back room!

    Not having half of the forum hate you, in a platonic way!?

    Occasionally talking to those you are sexually interested in! (It could happen if you interacted at university you know...)

    50% less binge drinking (This is, again, a benefit for me)

    Ferrets (you could have a pet instead of wasting time posting!)

    Shaping your hair into a fire breathing pterodactyl (seriously, hairodactyl. do it.)

    Better grades!

    More time spent playing video games!

    More time spent with the opposite sex!

    Less time complaining!

    An extra 20-40 years to your life

    A 25% reduction in your likely hood to get hooked on black tar heroin

    A used car?


    Seriously though, no one here (but you) cares about what you just posted, or quite a few other things you post. That would be like me keeping a daily log of what I do (which is; school, make cyanide for "bug collecting", homework, "collect insects", rinse, lather, repeat, thanks for asking)


    I was going to say something profound about the state of man's being, but I forgot. So I guess I'll edit it in later.

  2. Not with just animate dead, you need create undead for them (and skeletal champions too, unfortunately). If you kill an undead creature and the body is not destroyed then yes, you should be able to animate it (Don't even think about it, the dragon has more HP than you, and I can make the squid fly (yes that's right [bleep], a flying zombie giant squid. That's angry.).

  3. Generally the most drastic thing I had to do (imo) was flash the OS again. What I did was repair corrosion of the logic board, replace batteries, and replace screens/touch screens/ home buttons/ most anything else aside from the logic board of the phone. Also, you'll need some semi specialized tools for certain phones (read; iphones) or electronics (read; anything by apple).

  4. What're your grades/ SAT scores, and what classes have you taken? Because you might not have too many options (Also, video game design is an over saturated field, have you considered something like civil engineering?).

  5. Fair warning, all of those spells are 4th level for you, and I don't know if you have access to desecrate or not (if you don't, that would make it difficult for you). Also, I don't have a spellbook (why use a spellbook when you can just ask god nicely?) and out of the three I only have a scroll of animate dead.

  6. Mather, there's no reason for anyone to strike up a conversation with you. None. At all.

    Hold on there Grim, we struck up a conversation with him when he mentioned his hair...Maybe Mather thinks this is how all people talk to each other, it would explain how Norway was such a Utopia.



    Also, is it a bird, is it a plane? Yes, it page 747.

    Maybe, but its not a good way to strike up a conversation with strangers, in real life, which is what I would assume what he is going for.

  7. In Norway everyone can express themselves in any way they like because Mather will beat you up if you don't. Education is unneccessary, they already know everything, and everyone has a view on the Environment and how the rest of the world should follow Norway's example.


    In Britain everyone can express themselves and people are allowed to tell you that you look like an idiot. You can expect an education and everyone has a view on the Weather and how the rest of the world shouldn't follow Britain's example.


    In America self expression is unpatriotic. Your education is your life and everyone has a view on Grade Point Average and how the rest of the USA should follow their State's example.


    I think that covered everything?

    I'd like to add an addendum to that: All states are inferior to the glory that is California.



    Mather, there's no reason for anyone to strike up a conversation with you. None. At all. (I'm using sentence fragments for a stylistic effect, so piss off). If you want to woo a fair (or average) maiden (or wench) then you're probably going to have to go the extra mile, and talk to her. Try being funny, or sardonic if you can't do funny, and caustic (but to other people) if you can't do sardonic. The point of that sort of thing is to strike up a conversation.


    Also, you can be true to yourself, and follow your heart, and maybe, just maybe everything will work out, just like it does in the stories! The problem is, this is real life, not a story, and there is a sort of social contract that exists. If you want society to be wholly beneficial to you, then you're going to have to make some changes (Ex; me not murdering anyone who uses the phrase "I could care less" or something similar). If you don't go along with what society demands, you get the gun to your head (And society will shoot, he's crazy and has been off his meds) which in this case is loneliness.


    Have you considered the hairodactyl by the way? I know it would be expensive, but you'd be a legend, and you'd have a great way to strike up conversations. Also, you'd have a fire breathing pterodactyl on your head; who doesn't want that?

  8. That list is a tad exacting... Have you considered gelling your hair into spikes? I'm sure that you could get some pretty massive ones, and if you can look natural in it, like it 'aint no thang, people will think you're confident. I would advise against the whole dying your hair with your own blood for a couple of reasons.

    1) Blood smells horrible once it dries and sits for a day or two in any quantity

    2) It's fairly sticky once it dries so there's that (your hair won't be silky is what I'm saying, mostly matted actually)

    3) You pretty much wouldn't be able to shower, or the pint of blood that you just used to dye your hair would come off

    5) Getting the blood is kind of difficult

    4) You have no way of keeping your instruments sterile (infections aint fun)

    6) You may only attract attention from vampires or stray dogs (I don't know your fetishes, this may be what you want)

    7) It's not a good conversation ploy "Hey what's your hair dyed with "human blood"

    8) You'll look paler than usual after your impromptu blood draw

    9) You may be investigated by the local constabulary

    10) It's fine to be a little weird or eccentric, what you're talking about is "HOLY SHIT HONEY GET THE KIDS, THE NEIGHBORS ARE GOING LORD OF THE FLIES ON OUR ASSES"


    Oh, another idea for your hair (I know that it alters the shape of it, but be open minded). Use sculpting gel to (wait for it...) turn your head into a pterodactyl with a can of hair spray and a lighter rigged to its mouth! Think of the conversations it could cause! Like "Mother of [bleep]ing god, is that a pterodactyl on your head?" or "Hey [wagon] you just set my dog/hair/body/apartment on fire, what are you gonna do about it?" (the answer is nothing by the way, if the [bleep] don't like how you and your fire breathing ptero-hair roll, then burn her, she wasn't worth your time anyways) or "Sir, this is the police, please remove the incendiary device from your forehead"

  9. Try talking to them?

    Homestuck is hardly the internet mather... Have you considered cutting your hair and getting a real job, damned long haired hippy. You could try growing out a beard, or growing dreads, or talking to girls, or a host of other possibilities. What I'm saying is, you've got other options but dying your hair.

    However, if you simply must do something, I vote facial tattoo, something that shows that you have a sense of humor, like a monkey's [wagon] around your eye or something similar to that. Just think of how many conversations that would start!

    Not gonna cut or alter the texture of my hair, long smooth hair is part of my identity. Also I am in the process of growing a beard.


    What I'm lacking is not memorable traits, it's memorable features. I don't need help to make girls like me, I need help to make them talk to me.

    It could work you know...

  10. However, if you simply must do something, I vote facial tattoo, something that shows that you have a sense of humor, like a monkey's [wagon] around your eye or something similar to that. Just think of how many conversations that would start!

    And how many jobs you'll never get! :lol:


    He does have a point though, there are better things that you could do if you wanted to avoid being forgettable.

    Says the guy who's never worked a day at the local carnival...


    Addendum to the list:

    Act memorably, be funny, not frightened!

    Actually be funny, it's worth more than you'd think.

    Don't be a total prick, unless she's into that sort of thing

    Do your homework, find out what makes people laugh (and then push their funny buttons like you're a kid with ADD playing xbox live)

    Be good at metaphors

    Make people laugh, alternatively make other people cry

    Moonwalk everywhere, everywhere

    Utter only in terms most archaic

    Openly stare at cleavage, drool a bit too

    Adopt a whimsical manner

    Get a pet monkey named bubbles

    Get a puppy

    Get a hybrid between a chimp named bubbles and a weiner dog

    Get a mail order bride

    Get a prostitute

    Get a STD! (Again, think of the ice breakers!)

    Become sociable

    Get a parrot that only talks in obscenities and name it Mr [bleep]-tooth

    The list goes on and on!

    • Like 1
  11. Homestuck is hardly the internet mather... Have you considered cutting your hair and getting a real job, damned long haired hippy. You could try growing out a beard, or growing dreads, or talking to girls, or a host of other possibilities. What I'm saying is, you've got other options but dying your hair.

    However, if you simply must do something, I vote facial tattoo, something that shows that you have a sense of humor, like a monkey's [wagon] around your eye or something similar to that. Just think of how many conversations that would start!

  12. A couple of questions

    For the group:

    Haven't we just declared war on the kobolds? If so how should we respond? I vote alpha striking them, if we can get the jump on them we can in all likely hood deal with the clerics quickly and (most importantly) separately, through use of the create pit spell and stone shape for one, and disemboweling for another. That would leave us free to use burning/exploding skeletons to slaughter the rest of the kobolds, and to deal with their leader in some way or another.


    For retech:

    Could hex copy a stone shape that I scribed into his spellbook? For that matter, could he copy any spell that I scribed which has an arcane counterpart into his spellbook (I would, of course charge for my service). If so would he gain it at cleric spell level, or wizard spell level?

    How many charges are on the staff of souls?

    How many HD did the kobold cleric have?

    Was the kobold cleric carrying the staff of souls? (because that would explain a lot)

    Can the dragon take saddle bags through the tunnel system? (because that would let us take all of the loot out in one trip)

    Would the spell "Sky Swim" allow the squid to move at jet speed through the air?


    And as a note to Ross, I'm on my phone right now, not a computer.

  13. You're now level 8 iirc. After we ganked the kobold cleric (turns out dropping 20 cubic feet of stone on its head isn't a one hit kill, who knew?) we all leveled up to level 8. Something about beating a CR11 encounter as a level 7. On a side note; that encounter should count for anyone (aside from Elgretor) who fought in it, who wants to take a prestige class that requires that sort of thing.

  14. We could probably sell it to the Whispering Way too, but that doesn't mean it would be a good idea (Though they have given me quite a few very useful items, from a knockout potion to a scroll of message, to a set of vampire fangs).

    It might be a decent idea to keep the mithril and masterwork items for our own use, I'm sure arch would be willing to reimburse you for them (you have 6k worth of gems).

  15. I wouldn't sell the ring tbh, I'd think that there would be some... consequences later on once frega regenerates and we have sold it, that and it opens the possibility of using the Eye of Abendengo to do some good old fashioned raiding. I suggest harrying Cheliax under the guise of freed halflings. Now all I need is some halfling corpses...

    Also there's the fact that in all likelyhood we wouldn't walk away from that deal alive, and certainly not with the money.

  16. Cool, so my loot now is:

    Staff of Souls

    Crystal Pendant.


    Also, I'm only going to kill Sedrial if you come looking for us, or if we come into contact with you, and you fight us. At any rate:

    Garmund Twiceborn

    HP: 50/50

    Unused Spell Slots:

    1st level: 4 Unused Spell slots

    2nd level: 2 Unused Spell slots

    3rd level: 1 Unused Spell slot (gained at level)

    4th level: 1 Unused Spell slot (gained at level)

    Channeling: 3 Channels left


    Also, how many HD did that kobold cleric have, and was it carrying the staff of souls? And how many charges are currently in the staff? And have we checked the body of the kobold cleric for loot yet?

  17. Right, of my 28k I take;

    The staff of souls- 16.4k

    1k pounds of silver- 5k

    6,600 gold coins

    And the pendant of the unknown god.


    Next session we are going to need to sort out exactly what happened with the other kobolds, and what god the crystal pendant is of. Also we need some huge saddle bags for the dragon, as it should be able to carry all of the loot out in one go.


    Journal of the twiceborn:

    Day 42


    Things have been rather hectic so I have not been able to sit down and write as I would have liked for quite some time. The island is coming well under way, I have picked up enough corpses, as well as party members that we have made good progress on making a sloop. One of the new members of our crew, a man who goes by the name of Trazin has convinced us to take the sloop, when finished to look for treasure. I can't say I'm entirely optimistic, but I remember the man being halfway competent in Fregas crew, so there's that. Anyways, I will write further when I have cause to."



    Day 49


    Well we made it to the treasure site on the sloop and things have been fairly insane. After catching and questioning a kobold sentry I ascertained that the snake I sent down to scout out the area was not, in fact coming back. It would soon become the least of my worries. After neutralizing the kobolds lying in wait for us through my power over stone. We then proceeded past the kobold's camp and down through a swamp, at which point we ascertained that we were being followed, by no less than that blasted blue kobold priest himself! So, as civilized adventurers are wont to do, we ran and sealed up the way behind us, before we came upon a secret door of dwarven make. We stoneshaped around the door and came face to face with a scene of murder, murder most foul. Long story short, a dwarf had cannibalized his 20 or so other brothers and attacked us too, trying to kill and eat me. This would not be all together unusual, as I have been told that I would look exquisite with a light wine sauce, but that is beside the point. The point is that the Whispering Way, a name that I fear I shall learn to rue in the coming days, knew of this place, and tried to convert me to their way of thinking by force if need be. I came to this revelation when I read the note left for me in the locket, and found that the dwarf was a vampire. So, after using a scroll of remove curse, I drove a stake through its heart. I will write more, later on a seperate page. Glory to Thenatos, Garmund Twiceborn



  18. The problem is that we're dealing with a 9th level + cleric (or 9th level + druid as the case may be) who in all likely hood also has a fairly powerful artifact in his or her possession. I at least don't want to go up against a caster with higher level spells then I do, on unfamiliar ground, and surrounded by hostile creatures. That seems like a bad idea to me.

    I'm going to try to talk my way out of having the kobolds shoot me and then pick you up to find out (IC) what happened.

    Also, as a note to nex, if you're adventuring in the military, don't go to the Shackles if you can help it. If you do, and you choose to attack us I'll kill you. And then animate the corpse to prevent Resurrection.

  19. Well what other spells are you getting? Because if you're only getting phantom chariot you might do better to swap that out for ride the waves, which gives you water breathing and a swim speed (you could also get phantom chariot later). As for a second wall, I'd suggest either wall of ice or stone shape personally.

    Oh and if you can get 3rd level spells too, I'd suggest rope trick and wind wall (You don't need that many blast spells tbh, and fireball does fairly well at this level).


    Also as a question for retech, how many rafts would one be able to tow behind the boat without destroying them at squid speed?

  20. If you want to try out modern fantasy (and FATE through the DFRPG, which is what I'm mainly familiar with [aside from a bit of Legends of Anglerre and Diaspora]), I'd be willing to draw up an outline of supernatural San Francisco (basically create a setting that you can scrap or alter as you see fit), and go on irc to answer questions about FATE in general.

  21. How would some sort of FATE based homebrew work?

    You would choose your basic stats and then have however many points to purchase powers or stunts.

    An example would be to give 30-40 points for stats and then another 10-15 for powers. I'd like to see aspects thrown in too but that might be a bit much (though it would be easier on the gm as FATE has always been very easy to run in my (limited ) experience.

    It would keep the same feel if you lessened the damage that stress gives too.

  22. Have you read the Diaspora game books? Even if you don't want to use the system, it's one of the better implementations of hard sci fi imo. If you want to do something semi serious I'd look at the dresden files (create your own stat system if you like) and run a relatively high powered game based off of that (The rpg books also have some of the best setting creation rules imo.).

  23. Crewed by people who can, and who will rip you apart unless you prepare yourself. By prepare I mean scribe a couple of scrolls of fireball and let loose while flying and with wind wall active (preferably on a sloop or something similarly easy to control via unseen crew). Or you know you could actually pay for your passage.

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