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Everything posted by EXToL

  1. edit: Thanks to the below(with the exception of the insult to tip.it staff) for proving me wrong.
  2. EXToL

    YAY! Earthquake!

    Well I wouldn't say "Yay" or anything like that... if it was the big one we'd probably be saying "help." I feel like a hypocrite though because I was talking to a friend at my school about it and said "it was awesome."
  3. SWINE FLU... eh ? eh? But seriously, I wouldn't say scared but, I'm suspicious when someone knocks on the door at night. I've been watching way too much 24... -.- Would have to say I am scared of spiders, but then I kill them.
  4. "For the good of the state" is not a good enough reason. "Here, let me stick my hand in your pants for the good of the country...." You're an idiot. On the topic, that was extremely stupid to do. That was a major abuse of power. If I were the girl, though, I would've stood up for myself and refuse to let them do that.(Since I would've known I was innocent) But that's just me.
  5. Travel to Mexico for a week then come back, so you could be the one in your state known for starting it. :P No, I'm kidding... after reading the last line on http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090428/ap_ ... _swine_flu Doesn't sound fun... at all.
  6. There's a couple in LA as well which is kinda bad... going to be a sandwich...
  7. And I think I heard something about FEMA camps and coffins, trains being camped outside cities...
  8. OH [cabbage] :o :o I think we should head to Tipitopia! The weapons might come in useful to kill the unclean ones :thumbup: I didn't even think that this would be that serious, but now that it's overseas I'm a little worried. It's just funny at the moment, when it starts to spread it gets exciting! (Yes I'm evil. : ) This isn't the topic for joking around. If it wasn't serious, they wouldn't have shut down Mexico and (from what's been posted here) the border. If this thing can kill people, and is spreading around the world, I would be worried.
  9. Ok, say he leaves his home. Where would he go? Ax, firstly don't leave your home. I think that would be a mistake. Secondly, talk to your parents. Sit them down or something, and ask to talk. Be mature, Be calm. Threatening to beat them(?) etc isn't the way to go about this problem. (If they bring that up just say you were very upset at what they did etc.. why they would do that to someone you just happened to be in a relationship with.) If they start yelling at you while talking to them, don't yell back. Keep your calm... Also, In my opinion, what you need to prove to them is that you can make your own decisions, and they should let you. You may make mistakes, but they shouldn't get involved. Especially not cussing/threatening your girlfriend who just happened to have had some tough times in the past.
  10. Ah yes, stabilize Somalia. Sounds like fun, can the US call "dibs not" on this one? Could allow the sailors to just fire on the pirates if they appear to be a threat...
  11. It seems the captain has been rescued. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,514719,00.html Don't really have any details at least not when I loaded the page.
  12. Try finding some movies you think would be good to watch. If they turn out bad, the good thing about it being at your/her house is you can just turn it off and put in another, or watch the whole thing making fun of it the whole time
  13. This. Although I did have a good laugh. Silly Americans getting trolled IRL. Would you have had a laugh if it was someone from your country? That would be funny. If it was your friend, it'd be hilarious! .... Wouldn't it?
  14. I guess it's bad I live on the west coast. :roll:
  15. Firstly, I didn't expect to be attacked because I placed my opinion in my OP.(Yes, your whole first line equated to "you're an idiot" if you look past your wording.) Going to edit it out so people can actually discuss what the topic is supposed to be about... Secondly, Then why leave behind the capability to? Unless I'm mistaken we can't do much without power.
  16. Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123914805204099085.html Discuss the info above.
  17. TIF/RS dreams aren't EFFed up, this is...I don't remember this one exactly but I was looking inside a metal room. I didn't seem to be even there, and people were being tortured it seemed. A person was in a Steel cage, and the cage started moving back and forth, the steel cutting the person. Yeah, that's as far as I want to go with this. Another maybe when I was being chased and somehow I couldn't run that fast. Tried but couldn't.
  18. Yeah, one time I dreamed I was just walking, and I tripped and right as I was about to hit the ground I woke up suddenly. (gasp and all) As for last night, I don't remember. All I remember is that I didn't sleep well.
  19. I feel sorry for their kid... not them. They're screwed, and they'll likely take the kid with them.
  20. I really hope you're joking... because that's way too funny. Sorry, but if I figured out some brought an extra pair of "undies" I'd be laughing. hard. So I don't blame those guys. Anyway, IF what you say is really true, my advice is to just well... grow a pair. The only reason anyone would pick on someone is because you won't do anything about it and they know it. Easy prey. I'm imagining someone getting mad or saying "GIVE THEM BACK"... hilarious. :-# but seriously, getting mad or yelling at them would be hilarious ... so don't do that.
  21. Yeah, I'm not thinking it's a good idea meeting through MSN/texts or whatever. I'm not an expert on this(since I posted here asking for advice) but I believe that could be a double edged sword, could work out great and could also backfire with her thinking you're not confident enough to talk to her yourself, therefore working badly depending on what your goal is. Also LOL at that ad. If i'm thinking about the right one. Very true.
  22. OK, In a little situation currently. I'm currently split on what to do. One side tells me to ask this girl, the other to not ask. Little background is the reason I can't ask is I hardly know her, if I can say I know her at all.(Have no common classes, at most maybe talked to her 2 times) My friends tell me "Well then that's the perfect excuse to ask her and get to know her better" but I'm still split. I don't know, I just find something weird/awkward, so to speak, about asking someone that may not know you exist. Not really sure whether I should, or not. Its kind of the same situation I posted somewhere else in the thread, but can't find it now, and I don't remember what was posted.
  23. [hide=] Hmm I'm not sure actually. Not much is what I know for sure. Though, that's my whole point, putting myself in someone elses shoes it would be weird to be asked by someone you don't really know.
  24. Hi. I came here because I usually browse this site's forums but usually don't login/post. now onto the point my friends aren't much help with me deciding this, since they'll just tell me "go for it". I told them I liked a certain girl, problem is nowthey want me to ask her out. Now, such a thing wouldn't be much of a problem for me, under normal circumstances. These aren't normal circumstances at least I don't consider/think them to be. The person I said I have no contact with, and have rarely talked to.(heh seems I got myself in a situation I want out of) My friends want me to ask but I just remain undecided on it.(They and this won't stop annoying me as well) I don't know, I just find/think something is wrong with asking someone you haven't talked to. Am I right? What would someone suggest?
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