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Bearded Phil

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Everything posted by Bearded Phil

  1. What's most sad is that they probably thought that was a real zinger.
  2. At the higher level of prayer curses are probably more useful than normal prayers most of the time.
  3. Are you perhaps mixing up retribution/wrath and smite? Smite is the one that drains the opponent's prayer. Ah, yes, i am. Either way though Soul splits ability to heal some of what you hit makes it a better choice than Smite's pure prayer drainage.
  4. Most people who really pvp a lot would take the option that would have them stay alive, smite is a last ditch effort to hurt whomever when you die. Dying isn't really the goal of a pvper.
  5. Yea had to explain that it wasn't 99 in a skill to a few people. I like to spring things like that on unsuspecting people. More enjoyable than a HUGE PARTY!!! woo wo wooo
  6. Got this a day or two ago but couldn't post because the forums were down. :D First Non-combat 99, next will most likely be Slayer, 96 at the moment but it'll still be a while.
  7. * Advisor Ghrim now understands what "No" means when deciding not to collect resources. Didn't know this was an issue, no means no Grhim!
  8. Can anyone confirm if you have to actually catch the jads to get witchdoctor pieces or just attract them?
  9. Thats a lot of snakeskin chaps. they bought his divine with the junk in his invent lol Do you guys think this is cool, or something? People who derive pleasure out of causing other people strife are among the lowest forms of scum on this planet. Not sure if I would go that far but it is pretty damn hateful. Only one more.
  10. Do 90's Kids know about the pot and the kettle? Best ice wyrm task to date. Staffs #2 & 3 plus Elite clue I haven't done yet
  11. True they may just reform the way the water runs to implement this new area.
  12. I imagine killed him just before he reset for the day then went back. Another caper solved. Nice sig by the way Dark Dude. and I can sit in my equip screen.
  13. For the record pornagrophy isn't a word. As for the others well...nuts.
  14. Huzzah. Makes up for accidentally getting 2000 total with dg by tears. Now I can save all charms for next xp weekend.
  15. Just got this; long term goal made short by a four day hiatus from work and a fire in my belly. Also 26k gold ores. Which led to this. And now it will be time to go back to herb farm runs :shades:
  16. Task of 177 Nechs, the only monster being good to me as of late.
  17. An Ice Strykeworm with half a head? Yup, definitely rare. So good at spot the glitch I didn't even know we were playing haha. Good spot.
  18. Ice Strykewyrms will dissapear when burrowing if you run around an obstacle at the right time, happens too often for my taste...but i'm also pretty sure they don't go anywhere. As for this well....dont know, no opinion.
  19. grrrrr. got 95 slay halfway through this task and i'm still yet to see a sol. got at least 1000+ ice wyrm kills, In invy there I got four loops and then this. The only thing decent about this task is that clue (elite) and who knows how that'll turn out... Ice wyrms hate me
  20. Thread gets bulky, they let it die and start a new one. If they didn't after like 600 pages most of the pics in the first half of the thread wont even be hosted anymore. Edit for first first page post: I've gotten lots of doubles other places but how about here?
  21. Albeit a bit annoying to have to figure out how to get the same effect of "make-x/takeBob" with the new make all box with a little patients and observation it was fairly easy, and in my opinion makes offering bones kinda easier. Light burners and start offering bones like you would before, when you've got like 4-6 bones left in invy (personal preference) take from your Bob. Before you stop automatically offering bones you have time to select use bone from one of the few bones you had left in your invy and use it on the altar. Hit the giant (love it) make all button and you're good to go until you take the rest of your bones out of the Bob and repeat the re-offering. It's important to start the offering process again with a bone that was already in your invy when you took more from your Bob since for some reason if you use one you just took out, after a few bones you will stop and have to restart offering again. yea you have to offer at least three bones and click go for a whole trip but if you know how to do it you won't be slowed down significantly, or run out your burners. Also no more typing in offer "222222" bones like before so that's a benefit for me, hated having to do that. I hope this helps some of you still training prayer like me. Any questions feel free to pm on forum.
  22. I don't quite understand how this lasted to go on so long, why do people care how others play Runescape? :P it makes them feel better about themselves. On topic: My luck has made a good turn since I got 96 sum Back to back dark bows, and that effigy wasn't too far behind :cool:
  23. So in an attempt to make getting crimsons easier I completed Seers Elite diary to get 400 heal from excalibur, after a few fletching levels and some spice gathering I had done it. Now I had these five lamps and everything i really wanted to use them on I wasn't 80+ in so I threw most of them on summoning, and after calculating I realized that with the charm stock I had I finally could reach my goal. Baroo! Time to do that 109 iron dragon task I have :thumbsup: Edit: Second kill and ended a long dry streak
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