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Everything posted by Beckingham

  1. - How long have you been clanning for?- Since joining clans, how do you feel you have changed? eg: maturity, humour, knowledge etc little over a year now I guess, definitely learned a ton about people in general. It's been amazing to me how stupid and juvenile some people can be, and at the same time how awesome others are. I've definitely learned the value of patience, and the value of staying away from drama as much as possible. - Who or what clan, if any would you say caused these changes? Legendz, especially at the end and the beginning of T0 - Has any of these changes carried over into real life, if so, how? Yeah, although I'd say they developed irl and in game - If you could start over clanning again, what would you do differently? Nothing, I got really lucky at the start by joining the clan that was right for me - Do you have any goal or ambition to do with clanning, if so, what? I've been lucky enough to be an official in a couple clans, and thats good enough for me. I'd never want to try leading. - Do you have any regrets? It's not really a regret, because I like smaller clans a lot better than bigger ones, but I would like to join a top 10 clan at some point, just to see what it's like.
  2. Corrupt Dragons, too easy, lame Jaguars, Blasphemy, TRWF
  3. Violent Archers of Silent Exodus Flipscape, Rune Raiders, Poison, Echo of Silence
  4. THE Blackiatorz Edit(Uffan posts too fast): The Rising Australian Negga Forces Red Devil Clan, Red Dragon Kinghts, Dragon Hunters, Strong Green Dragons
  5. Both are terrible for my timezone....but 2m TT or BK
  6. Gladwood Blacknights and The Neggas Clan
  7. Yet another close, intense war. Great fight Ce, you guys had some phenomenal tanks (Noffeli and H A Richards were impossible to bind). However, we had some great tanks too, and I think that's what won us the war in the end. Rafa somehow having an unlimited supply of food also helped. Gj.
  8. Was very fun, and very long. Great fight Df. Used up all my nats so I'm poor again ='(. 29hp Joe!?!?!? What the hell were you doing hiding off in a corner?
  9. Couldn't make the war but I saw the vid. You guys looked good, looking forward to a rematch :thumbsup: .
  10. Too bad our first fight had to be like this, we would have liked to put up a better preformance but your levels were too much for us. Don't know what happened to our pull,it was the first time we've warred at that time on a weekday and it didn't work out too well :P. That being said, I'm pretty sure I cost one of your members around 40k in pizzas. Gf.
  11. Not really about Df vs Dv, but: I think it's pretty naive and pretentious of you to assume that just because a rivalry is based in cwa it is inferior to one based in pvp. Whether you lose pixels or not really doesn't matter; what matters is what happens outside of the fights. Any fight can be intense, that doesn't make it a rivalry. Rivalries are born on the forums and in ircs, and later make their way to the battelfield (wherever that may be). Location doesn't matter, a fight is a fight wherever you are.
  12. I agree with Mago. Dv is better than Df because they get more youtube hits.
  13. Gratz Poison, I'm much more inclined to believe a clan that has proof. Gf Seduction.
  14. Ehh, Rot i guess, just to try out p2p wars. Pr or Dk
  15. I doubt they'll go 90+ for a couple reasons: 1) 90's don't have the bank to be in pvp clans (for the most part) 2) It's not like there are only a limited number of 100 or 110+ in rs...people keep training all the time so there will always be new members. We're just seeing the old crowd leaving. Gl Eh members!
  16. The beef got to a point where irl flames took place / Racism. Have fun with you're racism flames :S?I'm not implying you to become friends just asking a few Q's to recent events, DF has made some points and said that it shouldn't have been closed, and DV has some points in why it should be closed. Enjoy your racism bracelets...there's a fine line between rivalry and hatred beef. This includes hacking/ddosing/irl threats/racsim and some other stuff im prolly forgetting. You may not see it because the mods delete it but it has happened. I'm sorry, If you had asked me my opinions about racism I would have answered differently. But you didn't. You asked for my opinions on the beef, and the beef is good my friend. Grade A beef.
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