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Everything posted by Beckingham

  1. It's just another strategy, might as well ask whether or not piling or tanking is fair.
  2. "Everyone hates us!" "Stop picking on us!" "Big bad bullies!" "Meanie-heads" Gj Dv.
  3. This. Both clans were no honor, expect to get crashed in the future.
  4. Not much you could do against our levels, but it looked like you had fun =P. Gf Tv.
  5. Very true. It's also (generally speaking) much more obvious who wins in a CWA fight which in some cases makes the rivalry more intense with teams trading victories. On the other hand, contested wins in pvp also lead to heated rivalries. So basically what I'm saying is I don't really know, I guess it's just whatever floats your boat.
  6. Couldn't make this one (my gutter fell off my house and snapped the telephone/internet line in half<---fail). Nice job boys!
  7. Typical response when a Troll gets gwas'd. Like I said keep trollin' see what happens, or you could stop making yourself look like an idiot and accept the good fight and get over the loss Mr. Rising Legend. Well if you had said "good fight" I would have graciously accepted it. Instead, however, you felt the need to needlessly flame throughout the entire topic, including the title. Anywho, point still stands: Tpr are scared of Beckingham.
  8. We will see you again don't worry. they didnt drop, keep trolling. I will as long as you keep "warring" (is that what you guys call these?)
  9. I think most people just see it as a relatively harmless form of multi-clanning, but they don't want to refer to it as multi-clanning because that phrase has always had extremely negative connotations.
  10. 1) What draws the line between clans and teams There really isn't one, other than which one you give priority to. 2) If your in a team do u PK? Yes, sometimes. 3)Do you think team's should be PKing aswell as doing cwa? Absolutely, that's why I joined a team. 4)If your answer is yes to #3 then dont you think it is classed as multi clanning? Honestly, yes. I think it could be considered multi-clanning, but I also think it's a great way to have fun and make friends outside of your clan. It helps improve relationships between clans as well as offering a different kind of experience to people who are used to predominantly one kind of warring (like me until I joined Lnd).
  11. I'm confused as to how a laggy world means you can't take a screenshot...it's a still picture so the lag shouldn't matter.
  12. Roflworld hop to take ur pics in the world u hopped as u were logging out lol ur new broski? :smile: dude world 32 was laggy,thats why unior suggested to hopwas fun fighting you guys :Dgot loads of r00n, and died only 1 time to lf Two different Dv officials, two different answers to why you hopped worlds. Explain?
  13. You should be, considering you created most of them. I seem to remember a certain T0 vs Tpr war in which all of your snipers tanked out of bounds and then stood in 1v1 for the entire second have of the war. oh yeah we created going out of bounds (?) those 2 people were dutchies, and got kicked, you can ask your leader jack if you want. and I would kick any crybaby from my team that was like "they only pulled 15 try changing the +2 for a matched at the last minute, dont drop, cross the map, and go ask them if they want matched, if they say no , then say no war". Thats for sure. Lol, get over it boys. get over what? this is the 2nd time you guys cry about rules and try changing them in the last second. get over the 2 dutchies that didnt speak english or had any idea about anything go out of bounds. See I can play that game too. Diference is I doubt LND are dutchies that dont understand english so they have no idea about rules, and I doubt any lnd gets kicked for last-minute-push-to-change rules , because even some of your ranks are like that. Probably only darkrai is the exeption. Well I'll apologize then, I didn't know you'd be taking things quite this seriously. I never meant for you get your panties all twisted up over such a little thing.
  14. You should be, considering you created most of them. I seem to remember a certain T0 vs Tpr war in which all of your snipers tanked out of bounds and then stood in 1v1 for the entire second have of the war. oh yeah we created going out of bounds (?) those 2 people were dutchies, and got kicked, you can ask your leader jack if you want. and I would kick any crybaby from my team that was like "they only pulled 15 try changing the +2 for a matched at the last minute, dont drop, cross the map, and go ask them if they want matched, if they say no , then say no war". Thats for sure. Lol, get over it lads.
  15. You should be, considering you created most of them. I seem to remember a certain T0 vs Tpr war in which all of your snipers tanked out of bounds and then stood in 1v1 for the entire second half of the war.
  16. That was ralph and he's like dumb and doesnt really play rs. And for the record we left because you guys said no war then if we didn't allow you to keep members. We've put up with your [cabbage] flames after every loss. Once again I find myself drowning in hypocrisy after one of Dandaman's posts.
  17. You're intro almost made me want to join =P. Gl in your wars!
  18. With all due respect, you're Tpr. It says in some of your sigs "Victory Before Honour", so I find it hard to take you seriously when you come here whining because we left the war. If you were a legit clan or team that conducted themselves with honour I'd apologize, but you pride yourselves on being [wagon] so don't expect any sympathy.
  19. Beckingham #1 gmt, Trwf a close second.
  20. Couldn't make this one, I thought it was supposed to be a 1 hour cap?
  21. It was a fun wars, we k0ed one sniper and two of our anti's redbarred another. Better luck next time Godz.
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