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Everything posted by Beckingham

  1. Wow...most impressive. You're a very underrated clan RT.
  2. I read RSC topics, but I post here. RSC has too large of a community, in my opinion, what's the point of making the 5,000th post on a topic? Nobody else is going to read it anyway.
  3. A little jealous that Sparze won best flamer and best troll? Don't worry buddy, maybe next time. Go back to playing with your power rangers. I watched the war, it wasn't a massacre. It played out just the way you would expect based on the levels and numbers, and honestly you cant really "massacre" a clan in such a small war. To me there is no justification for anyone ever putting a word like massacre in a forum post, it's obvious flamebaiting. So don't complain, Dv, if Legendz members are angry; if you wanted a nice clean congratulations you wouldn't have posted that.
  4. Impressive pull Dv, would have expected the war to be a little closer, but these things happen. Gj both of you.
  5. Hard to do anything against levels like that...sheesh. Gj both of you!
  6. Bit of a bad time for us, with a leader change and all... Nobody should lose any points for this, it was a fun war. We had a big spam at Bh asking "forfeiting?" because our leaders had been in disscusions with yours, your pile replied "yes" (I'm not sure if we have a screen of that, as I said, we're quite busy with other things).
  7. You forgot the part where this was a FUN WAR. You guys forfeited because you only massed 9 people, then agreed to a fun war with the same rules (why I still don't know). Also we have around 20 different screenies of you flaming us, so have fun being dq'ed for that anyway.
  8. I love the intensity. Rs is a fun game in general, but nothing is like preparing all week to fight your rivals.
  9. Just a regular member of 'The', I love their topics (and oranges).
  10. Bs war Tko cheated cause I wasn't there. Try warring us when I'm there so it's fair.
  11. We get the "I'm too busy fletching/cooking/firemaking to train combat to 95" a lot.
  12. +10 was obviously too much. As to the large handicaps we get on wars, we don't think of them as handicaps really. With an ml as big as ours it sucks to get matched wars a lot because then about 60% of our clan can't participate. So +10 is just a chance for us to not have to drop as many people....although we ended up dropping 12 anyway. And is it just me or does infi always mix up the names of the clans we fight?
  13. And was one of the individuals you dealt with yourself? "shame your sense of humour is about as advanced as your warring. Not very." Don't worry, war us in an official war with rules that suit both clans and we'll see what happens. Sure the fact that we had the time wrong, and the fact that the war was originaly planned for a day earlier are just excuses, but they're valid excuses. So keep on being cocky until you war us for real. Remember this was a FUN WAR, so congratz on your meaningful win. Truly, you guys are the [cabbage] and I cannot express how awed I am by your awesome "desctruction" of us.
  14. Jc, you underestimate my powers of seduction... Personally, I'd ask for a quick spell option for binding.
  15. I'd just play it cool: Me: Hey man haven't seen you round here before, nice level. Jmod: Thanks, by the way, I'm a jagex mod Me: Orly? That must be interesting, what quest do you have to do for that? Jmod:...err...it's an actual job, I help design Runescape Me: Orly? I've played that game before. Jmod:...Orly? Me:Yarly. What do you think of these [wagon] new updates jagex is making? I wish I could give them a piece of my mind! Jmod: Actually, we're trying out this new thing...etc, etc (he tells me his secrets) So basically I seduce him and then use reverse psychology to penetrate his shy outer shell.
  16. There's a decent pre-RS2 history out there...can't be bothered to find it for you though :P
  17. Was my favorite issue so far. I read every topic :thumbsup: Was very surprised by the dk answers. I was expecting something along the lines of "we do whatever we want and you guys are just noobs and whiners." But they actually gave us an insight into the philosophy behind their choice to be Nh, and I agreed.
  18. Best Troll: Funniest Poster: Quickdrawjoe Most Intelligent Poster: Ninane Biggest Flamer: Sparze Best Signature: Y guy Most Hated: Sparze Most Active Clan : Tk Best Matched Opts Clan : Pkm Best Fullout Clan : Cr Best Clan Signature : Dragonwood Best Forums : Most Hated Clan : Pkm (hehe) Most Organized Clan : Pkm
  19. Is that really what the PK stands for?? I feel like an idiot now... Anywho...Sounds like you guys were much better today, gf. No, that is not what the PK stands for. It stands for Player Killing. :P That was my original thought. I'm gonna pretend it stands for Pokemon though.
  20. Is that really what the PK stands for?? I feel like an idiot now... Anywho...Sounds like you guys were much better today, gf.
  21. Congratz! Must have spent a lot of money on pizza parties over the years :lol:
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