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Everything posted by EGmaestro

  1. the guide said that melee is most effective on the troll king at the end of the quest, but will range work? ive come across other boss monsters in quests where range did jack squat. my range level is 81 btw. thanks.
  2. then some1 had way to much time on their hands...
  3. the riot shield sounds really cool, but its annoying how people complain about it and other stuff being "too overpowered" :x yes, lets make everything exactly the same so nobody gets an advantage. that would be the best game ever.
  4. ^she doesnt look hot at all in that pic..ewwww
  5. [hide=] [/hide] that wasted how much of your life? it looks cool tho.. -.-
  6. ^ omg your radioactive :o because its got the name mechscape, i wonder if we'll be able to have mechs and run around shooting stuff, like mechwarrior :thumbsup: every game needs giant robots that shoot things.
  7. martydom might be easy to avoid, but its alot more difficult in hardcore, where you dont get an indicator. especially on maps with lots of grass and tons of people. even then i can usually avoid it. but you have to admit even being able to avoid it most of the time theres always occasions where you're like.....[bleep]ing noob...i hate marty..it usually happens during a rampaging uber pwnage killstreak. pisses me off sometimes.
  8. yeah ive been wanting to make a steel setinels thread here, its actually a really fun game. rated games are available to free to play, with fully customizable setinels, 6 different ones to chose from, and tons of weapons. of course theres aloot of bugs that need to be worked out, mainly the one where every single game you play laggs like crazy. it happens to everyone on every game. kinda hurts my rating a bit..but its still over 1000 =)
  9. the reason im asking is cause cod4 runs fine on my comp, but cod5 runs like crap. i run that game with the lowest settings possible and it still gives me extreme lagg. so i need to make sure i can run the game before i pre-order it.
  10. [hide=] Since when are porn stars attractive? What is your logic? REALLY loose, Fake [bleep], white hair, too much makeup, and their whole purpose just to [bleep] whoever they see is a turn off. I don't have a problem with models though, I really like them. :thumbup: ^ and to above, good post man! [/hide] i gotta admit people selling themselves is an automatic turnoff.
  11. anybody know the system requirements for the pc? i need to make sure my computer can handle it.. -.-
  12. hate to bring this back again but ive been gone a few days and need to comment: [hide=] [/hide] why would people pay to see that? i'd pay to not see it...
  13. hes right, it was the spinosaurus.
  14. i gotta agree with that. meagan fox is hot, but at the same time your kinda like..meh w/e ahhh crap. i completely forgot about hayden panettiere. i dont watch heroes but if i did that would be why. i like this man!! :) +1 to that :thumbup:
  15. You play runescape but this thread is beyond your imagination? what?? that doesnt even make sense. runescape has nothing to do with this thread. its in off topic for a reason.. [hide=] Do I need to spell it out for you? It's because velociraptors hate humans. This is why they go after us. They go after us because they hate us. Ergo, they can feel hatred. QED. Wrong on all counts. Any competent historian will tell you that the HMS Hood was sunk by velociraptors. The Bismarck only lit its guns to make sure the raptors wouldn't sink it as well. But it was sunk anyway. Coincidence? I think not. [/hide] :lol: -.- troll.
  16. probably. and is that TSO in your avatar?
  17. yeah but she is pretty hot tho..u can wave my wand.... :lol: :-#
  18. actually flying a helicopter is very difficult, and you wouldnt have time to learn in a simulator. sims take hundreds of hours to get it right. pilots are constantly using sims for a reason.
  19. Not so much of a turn-off, but they're more artificial than a Big Mac. Some girls in my school are so much hotter than celebrities. Maybe the fact that they're much more natural-built increases their beauty. your absolutely right, theres people i think are way hotter than celebs, but sence its what the topic is about, gonna go along with it.
  20. describes what their cat does to the computer screen..idk im outta ideas.. -.-
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