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Everything posted by EGmaestro

  1. i would live on one. :thumbsup:
  2. no, i read it all, but seing as every1 else is only talking about raptors so am i.
  3. sorry i didn't know we switched places with raptors... i can definetly see how the human race will be virtually extinct and dino's the size of a large dog will dominate the planet. i must have missed that part.. -.-
  4. any good stuff that can be mixed with dr. pepper? give me ideas...preferably something with " " proof on the label :
  5. dont get why people are still planning, we already established it would be open season, with velociraptors being the size of turkeys and being nowhere near as intelligent as hollywood says. no, their not stupid, but are they gonna overpower humans? nope.
  6. good man. its not the most important thing for me, but it sure is more important than having boobs bigger than my head...
  7. Complete fail. Alright, say you manage to reach the base. How do you plan on stealing a well guarded helicopter? Do you even know how to operate one? Dunno what good there is posting five pages later. But I'd get into the base with my grandpa's clearance seeing how he's a Colonel in the army. And yes I actually do know how to fly. you can fly a helicopter....sure buddy. and I was married to jessica alba. [hide=] [/hide] hate to be a buzzkill here, but hes right. hollywood tends to over exagerate everything. raptors dont have guns. raptors dont have modern weapons that can kill things from miles away. raptors are nowhere near as intelligent as humans. raptors dont have opposable thumbs (at least i dont think) humans win. end of story. i'd be more worried about the mass panic attack from the general public than some raptors. stick with zombie plans.
  8. we should definetly do a thriller vid. tip.it exclusive haha Haha, made me laugh; although it's kind of creepy to think that people who play Runescape actually think of stuff like that. the ending was funny, but the first 3/4 were just weird/creepy EDIT: heres an example of what NOT to do...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kf-2ORm0Pg&feature=related i was like...u cant seriously be entering this garbage..
  9. i think tip.it should band together and make a video duplicating the thriller music vid. get some1 to dress like michael and get a ton of backup dancers. :thumbsup: has any1 else noticed that the zombie dance emote looks like part of thriller?
  10. i have to admit i dont think tila tequila is all that hot..and implants are a turnoff. i just saw that too. daaaaaang. :o its like their staring into your soul :ohnoes: thats a +1 from me. my list has been expanded to 6...
  11. EGmaestro


    trust me thats nothing. count your blessings.
  12. haha keri from mythbusters? she dresses funny tho... elliot is hot yeah. and no, i didnt forget i'm on the internet.
  13. O rly? [hide=The person that finds out how I did gets a cookie]Silver crown has nothing to do with it.[/hide] i think you put a space before peff instead of after.
  14. [hide=] I know who your talking about lol, i just can't remember there names either #-o [/hide] oh good im not the only one...
  15. im having a major brain fart right now and cant remember anyones names..but in no order.. the one blonde on dancing with the stars the tennis player...anna something...? ashley tisdale :oops: its true. shes fine. rachael mcadams the girl on that tv show "what i like about you" i feel retared for forgetting their names lol :wall: keira knightly isnt hot when shes not in pirates of the carribean
  16. EGmaestro


    It's about 50-75 dollars here. Be happy. You should be. It'll be fun and new. But let me tell you: this year will suck balls, especially compared to how awesome the rest of high school will be. Enjoy it as best you can. yeah, nobody likes freshman, you just gotta suck it up and wait until your older. i start this coming monday, august 17th. gonna be a senior!!!!!class of 2010!!!!!!w00000000!!! ill be really active this year, gonna be at all the senior events. its gonna be so sick. im getting my schedule today, will post when i get it.
  17. smacks gorgothun for posting a pic of what i just said before him. and smacks death for not realizing he copied me. also for making me say smack 3 times in one post.
  18. well of course they would release a beta..nothing that special
  19. has a noob doing all the banking for him in his sig :thumbsup:
  20. just keep chat turned on, u can just ignore pple around you, but u can still see and talk back if your really need to.
  21. *drops an h-bomb on all of you.* then unleashes chuck norris on any survivors. that would be endgame my freind...
  22. ok, thanks for the warning. ill make sure not to go in that area
  23. aviansies or tzhaar. i got 81 at the tzhaar caves, its good money and decent xp as long as pple dont steal your kills.
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