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Everything posted by EGmaestro

  1. does anyone know if jagex is going to do something about price manipulation clans? if so, what will they do? it seems like a difficult thing to get rid of, but i sure hope they do. would they just ban accounts advertising or operating in them? what do you know/think?
  2. [hide=+2] good job bumping a 3 year old thread. Good job on showing us your stupidity. +1 [/hide] +2 : EDIT: racheya what does the shirt in your sig say? youve just been...?
  3. i agree with that, no other dragon weapon gets all of that..
  4. To err is to human. Nobody is perfect. Don't tell me you don't make a single grammatical or spelling mistake. If you're going to criticise my comments on grammar, at least get your own right. To err either 'is to be' or just 'is', not 'is to'. Fair point, yes I could send in corrections (and for the purposes of this response I'll ignore your own mistakes above), but as a reader that's not my job. It's a little like saying J.K. Rowling doesn't need to bother about grammar in her Harry Potter books because the readers can just write back with corrections. :P In my opinion the corrections should be made before 'going to press', especially given many of the errors in this week's articles would be easy to fix. The only reason I comment on errors is because I feel they detract from my reading experience and in fact can often completely ruin a good post. if your going to be that much of a grammar troll gtfo out of here and go back the the RSOF where you belong.
  5. lmao are you really that pissed that i made you lose the game yesterday? for those of you that dont know i posted this topic that pissed him off so much. if you dont like it dont read it. not a big deal. EDIT: i just lost the game. :lol:
  6. thats true. but it is much easier to aim using a mouse. especially when sniping
  7. get the pc version. cod owns with a mouse and keyboard
  8. yes, please use paragraphs, most people wont bother to read through a huge lump of text like that, and i hate to sound like a troll but better grammar helps too.
  9. i liked the first article, i've always wondered how that happened the one about hip jagex was a good read too. :thumbup:
  10. while i dont agree with all of it, overall its a sound argument. :thumbup:
  11. for me its fighting progressivly stronger and higher level monsters..eventually ill work my way up to even higher ones..and better drops :thumbsup:
  12. haha i didnt want to do it cause i know how stupid it is, but i couldnt help it..sorry guys
  13. Hourly? Would you like to give us a source? i think that was a figure of speech..he means alot of info is being released at a fast rate..
  14. im not 100% on this but i think they're the same. how bout a 20 gauge shotgun? useless at a distance but very good close quarter weapon, much better than a sword, plus a 20 should be fine as anything more powerfull is just overkill.
  15. keep that one, get 70 range and str, then maybe be a rune pure, i dunno tho, pures arnt as usefull nowadays
  16. 1. get 80 range (78 now) 2. get 70 def (50) 3. get 52 pray (48) 4. get 80 cb (74) ill get 80 range for sure but i dunno bout the other ones :?
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