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Everything posted by Wiv

  1. ever since the new clues nothing has been going right... gf anti poison totem... it was great while it lasted
  2. willing to sell for cash/trade other tt for it?
  3. i cant even get a lvl 4... let alone a lvl 3
  4. lol and u thought my last clue was bad? this is a lvl 3
  5. wana sell me it lol? i love dragon
  6. [/hide] Luck is a cruel mistress. I was soloing Bandos earlier for a clue, the kind gentleman dropped me his tassets. Nothing from clues though lol. i love the way you worded that lol
  7. this a joke? this what i get for doing clues for all those years? and u give first time clue people drag mask? great job on update.
  8. I'm 138 maxed combat I've had the best gear and dragon claws yet i have never crashed? I see no reason in crashing if it takes me 30 min to find a world so be it. If i don't have time to look for a world ill log out and watch TV or read till what i had to do is done then come back and look for a world. The need to rush for money seems to drive most peoples crashing or out of pure enjoyment of seeing someone complain or get "owned". I don't enjoy or follow any of that and if I'm crashed ill see if i can get kills and if not ill tab and do something else. I never talk trash to them or talk down i be polite in hopes they will try a different world. I guess I'm a pushover then but i cant help it its just how i was raised and grew up. I just think people should try harder to find worlds and be kind to crashers because raging dose nothing but waste time. No I'm not saying i think crashing is ok but the world is unfair and some things can't be helped so its best to move on and try again later.
  9. Put each of them in incubator, once they are done in there after several hours take out one, grow to its adult stage, put in mergaraie in your house, pull another one out of incubator and repeat. the cockatrice summon can turn those eggs into summon materials witch are 3-5k each...
  10. ive killed 200 non task and killed 200 in task still no egg... i have green/blue/red though my friend gets 85 slayer then his first task... 4 whips... after task he kills more for 99 att 1 whip
  11. Yeah, it really sucks how Jagex are rewarding people who trained the skill and offered more incentive to go past the 80 mark isn't it? :roll: Sorry, but that post really annoys me. thats kind of a dumb way to look at it... thats like saying the people who got 81 herblor for sara brews then the herb update came out... awmg jagex wtf u didn't tell me new pots were coming out. Jagex even stated that more stuff was coming so stopping at 80 is your own fault and no middle finger to you. also any1 els tired of slayer being made more cannonable... kinda ruins the skill for me but thats just my opinion.
  12. some1 got an awesome rework here we see the Bunyip in its natural habitat
  13. hey its hard when he has veng and a chaotic long at least i didn't run and stayed when i had 0 food. good fight bacon.. or ex bacon, id tap that? edit: guy with divine isn't bacon just some guy who been sitting there for 4 hours figured no1 would att him if he had that stuff.
  14. small pro tip the jesters boots from that fenmark quest have the same magic defense as infinity and are free.
  15. that's actually in the game right now its the elemental body like the elemental shield and helm just like there is an mind helm,shield body and a body helm,shield and body. Just go make regular elemental bars and use them on the body machine or w/e thingy.
  16. How is that a fail? :mellow: i thought the fail was the d bones on the ground >.> and its not maging metals is fast exp.
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