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Everything posted by Mazhar

  1. not me obviously but I think DGS was trying to do meds..best one I've seen yet, farty #1 lol jk got this 10 mins ago cya, farty #2
  2. I'd rather pp because its so effortless and I can duo w/ a friend but monkeys are definitely better if not multitasking
  3. I meant chick over guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goHf9pMF5o0&hd=1
  4. I guess thats you quitting rahzam? I guess the guy above me didnt realise that that was your acc that lost :P Yeh im confused now. Rah vs Guy. Guy wins. Guy takes screeny and sends to Rah. Rah posts screeny. Incorrect. It was a chick.
  5. Did a 7 floor row all <13 mins y'day, clearly im DG handicapped & not adept enough to use a primal battle axe. I also use my hex much less than the average player so I don't see why 2h would be better for me w/ your logic. My argument w/ b axe is not its dps but because the slower and more concentrated attacks from 2hs help tremendously in getting the map itself done faster. If DPS was all that mattered the ideal hero map binds wouldn't have a chain/plate in them. The majority of gd's SHOULD be solo'd anyway so the whole prioritizing monsters promotes an incorrect approach to how to DG as a whole.
  6. Many people prefer primal B Axe because: -They Don't look at map enough to miss hits -They are forced to bind it -They don't lure-to door melee npcs in gds -They enjoy spam hitting 0s on Mercs & ramos -They don't hit between actions in robot room -Think Gd's aren't meant to be solod when not main path -Like binding a surgebox to piss off hexers that really need the arrows from starting table so that they can spend 30 seconds extra at base to knock down some primals a bit faster cuz their battle axes are too crappy to damage them without it -Are nowhere near my skill level -Think straight forward DPS applies when you're not attacking half the time in a dung -Don't know how to abuse gatestones on boss when legit-dging -Don't abuse tele-in hits before running off -Don't loot food or make pots between hits
  7. cosmics and prom 2h forget these trolls m8
  8. Dging gets easier for lower levels as time goes by, its just hella expensive and that isn't my problem :thumbup:
  9. In all honesty, if you're a girl and are offended when people say they're bad at dg, you probably suck too because a good female dger would know how [cabbage] the average female dger is
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIZ0FCp-vsk&feature=feedlik fastest large in rs with a female on team, history was made ffs
  11. only 143m of it was profit, won 223m, lost 100m, lost 100m, lost 33m, lost 200m, lost 200m, won 400m, won 80m, won 50m, won 13m basically risked 30% of my bank for 5% profit, totally not worth it lol
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgXt_C-pqPI me owning like always
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