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Everything posted by Isthatok

  1. List updated: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=top250f2p&skill=Overall
  2. "PRO STALKER" - Haha. Nice, and congratz again!
  3. Constitution is a sneaky one... But a 99 is still a 99! Big congratulations regardless!
  4. Never mind the last post - We just blew the last record out of the water. 163kph F35 for 46.1k, bumping our full run up to a staggering 105kph (Mining Eggs got 111kph). [hide][/hide]
  5. EDIT (Might as well use this space): List updated: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=top250f2p&skill=Overall
  6. Really nice Sonic - you're getting better every day :P Here are my best - 147kph for large and a 167kph small (I think I may have gotten higher - I never really check anymore). I'm sure Nuff haxed for like 300+kph once (there's a post a few pages back) [hide] [/hide]
  7. Professional hackers... It's scary, and my one friend once got hacked by one. It's rare, but you never really know how or when they strike and in what area. So sorry for your loss, rex. That's why I'll never really stockpile my cash or buy any items I wouldn't be willing to lose. In any case I would really hate to see you leaving, as such a valuable part of our community. In my opinion Runescape isn't really about the fame and fortune - it's more about community and friends. It's nothing if you don't have great friends to play and celebrate accomplishments with.
  8. (From another post) Hey guys, The friends chat channel "Pure F2Ps" is currently available to roughly the Top 200 on the list. We have the top 190 or so ranked and a few guests have been added as well per request. Feel free to join us if you're a part of the list, and request entrance if necessary!
  9. Hey guys, The friends chat channel "Pure F2Ps" is currently available to roughly the Top 200 on the list. We have the top 190 or so ranked and a few guests have been added as well per request. Feel free to join us if you're a part of the list, and request entrance if necessary!
  10. No, unless you fall out of even the potentials list. https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=t_eh8K-eRstQvAjRWNEhgtA#gid=0
  11. List updated: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=top250f2p&skill=Overall
  12. Gratz Sonic! And a full F35 in all it's glory! (Mining Eggs got 66K, and clearing for level mod is clearly not worth doing) [hide] [/hide]
  13. Nice Sonic! I actually just had an 11 minuter with Larle today and was quite surprised :P The only better one was 10:54 so not much faster haha
  14. Soon Jamflex will lose half their customers. EDIT: Plus more fail - the irony.
  15. Nice stats. You're clearly so much better than Tezaki1 and everybody else now.
  16. List updated: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=top250f2p&skill=Overall
  17. Wow gratz, did you seriously do body tiaras to 50? That's hardcore.
  18. Sorry to be a little pessimistic here, but although I agree with your opinions the given suggestion won't work. 1) Only the most obvious bots are gold farmers. There's a bagillion other lazy [wagon] botting their wagons off on their mains and pures for the sake of getting better skills for their own in-game enjoyment. Hence 95% is a far from reasonable estimate. 2) If Jagex were to sell gold, which, sadly might actually happen in the near future with the current leadership, the game would become a total piece of [cabbage]. It is already heading that way, though.
  19. The most I've gotten out of big bones was 72kph, so if you convert that from 15 xp a piece to 4.5, it's 72 ÷ 15 * 4.5 = 21.6kph I've heard even faster was possible (222champ got 73kph, and Karl got about 75-76kph) but even a speed of 60kph is difficult to maintain for long periods of time, so I'll put normals at about 18kph.
  20. No they were not precisely 100. They were all the same level : 103 Todays Ramokee room had level 70 familiars. Good luck on the database. Looking forward to it. Thanks!
  21. Cool and gratz! Were they precisely 100? (I'm trying to make a database).
  22. Been there since they came out. It's just really rare. The bloodrager is level 103, but aren't the others level 88?
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