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Everything posted by Pendo

  1. 655k to 99 hunt 892k to 98 div and this 3 to go!
  2. 691k to 99 hunt and 180k to 97 div Looks like 97 div tomorrow, 98 by end of the weekend probably
  3. Haha yea we lost the war, however one day I'll get revenge on that bird. Also thanks, hopefully with divine hunting traps and chronicles I'll be able to get 99
  4. Lets hope so Ending today with ~ 730k to 99 hunt and 550k to 97 div
  5. Well it came down to either hunt or div for the bnb lamps, I figured hunt would be the better option because I can do other things while training div. Anyways here's the level ups Nearly at the end of the road now, 4 levels to max
  6. I'd say its worth it, worst case you try it for a month and realize you don't like it. I've seen far less bots now compared to around the time it first came out. Overall though I'd say if you're completely against leveling up again it isn't for you, however if you're fine with starting over you should enjoy it. I have no idea about the pking part; I believe they are going to have a poll on rejuvenating the wilderness soon. I personally have two accounts on old school that I play semi regularly and enjoy it, the only other issue can be finding people for certain mini games.
  7. I tried tears in a German world, I cant say it really helped though, ~150 tears 96 zzzzzz
  8. Nearly 96 div Also got this today and completed quests for ecto, ava's, fairy rings, and d scim
  9. Double level day! Probably wont happen again for a long while 7 levels to max Also this too
  10. Looking for a clan with: Casual dg Pvm Events/Skilling competitions maybe High or maxed level Citadel not required/no capping requirement
  11. Progress was limited due to some clan complications Overall I'm within 200k to 96 hunt and somewhere within 400k to next div level
  12. Div level tomorrow maybe Updated the front page on the blog not much progress otherwise
  13. Well today started off with this I'm glad to finally have it, although it is a little late. Overall decent gains in div today, 200k or so to 93 Hunt is 371k off 96, still a little ways to go there I may start posting about 07, as I've started a side project there as well. If anyone does read this, any thoughts about it? Anyways slowly getting closer to max cape, 11 levels to go!
  14. Much sand On a more serious note, I dont mind the slightly farther walk however Im not a huge fan of wearing the water tiara everywhere. Also ~440k to 96 Hunt
  15. If only :p Overall update, +400k or so div xp today, hopefully 92 div sometime tomorrow. ~500k to 96 hunt as well
  16. Hunt consists of logging into world 2 and gathering from a divine box trap. Currently 580k to 96, I may end up using the rest of my lamps from BnB to get somewhere relatively close to 99. My thinking is by the time I get 99 div I should be fairly close on hunter just from doing divine box traps and chronicle frags. Yup! Hopefully I'll be able to get 99 by the end of the month, however its been fairly slow progress lately.
  17. Ports 2 is out! gogogogogogo I expect you to finish everything on it before I even get through ports 1
  18. Not much progress these last few days, however I expect a div level hopefully by the end of the week. Also a side note, I never finished ports 1, now I'm behind even more. :mellow:
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