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Everything posted by Nexaduro

  1. This is worse than when I try to talk to a member of the local goth clique... :blink:
  2. 50 of the farmer Daeka become brewers, bakers, and alchemists (aka Mixers). They start working on medicines made from Smellflowers, foods from Stenchweed, and an antipoison for the eel venom that can be integrated into the Daeka anatomy. Researchers and priests continue to study shapeshifting, trying to determine if they could safely link the priest's forms into a gigantic oracle to fight foes and communicate with Adakkar. The hunters carefully bring back a large number of eels, then go back to searching for new species and materials. The warriors try to teach the Hippos to stop and turn at their command. The farmers continue searching for plants to cultivate. My current forces (so I can keep track): 150 Hunters 100 Warriors 100 Farmers 50 Mixers 50 Flux Priests 50 Researchers
  3. Attack each other with trout? You're no Monty Python fan, Earth, so I doubt your prowess in the fish-slapping arts.
  4. ... Anyone here play Mount & Blade?
  5. ... No. My left hand hurts from typing, and I need no other reason. Being an evil mod is kinda fun anyways. Except when you bug me
  6. I'm bored. Paul isn't on, and neither is Jen.
  7. Focus on the positive - Now you have an Uber Forge! =b
  8. One of us... One of us... :blink: Never again shall you see the light of day! Ahahahahahaha!
  9. Nope. I wanna do MaDe and 2025
  10. Daeka hunters continue to search the swamp for new life to enslave/domesticate/ally with. The researchers look for a suitable poison to mimic in the bodies of the species, and attempt to come up with a method for Daeka warriors to form and toss bone spears. The Hippos are taught to step on and bite at targets indicated by their riders. The warriors practice forming and tossing the bone spears if the researchers determine it to be safe. The priests search for ways to communicate with Adakkar. The farmers try to determine what the Stenchweed and Smellflowers properties are.
  11. Think about. Think hard. Jen would have an easier time guessing, though.
  12. The miners revert to their original forms, slightly distraught, turn into warriors and begin warrior and Hippo-riding training. Also, the Daeka hunters continue exploring. 50 of the most intelligent and ingenious farmer Daeka revert to their original forms, and begin studying the shapeshifting of the priests, trying to determine a method to safely give the Daeka the ability to form poison glands (these would be researchers, and this is what I'm researching), and the farmer Daeka try to determine uses for the plants discovered. The 50 priests attempt to form an altar in the tree shrine out of Flux Metal, then absorb the rest into themselves, making them larger and significantly toughening their skin. They are now shaper-priests, and try to learn the ability to shift the form of inanimate matter, hopefully aided by the flux metal.
  13. When is today's session?
  14. The miners revert to their original forms, slightly distraught, turn into warriors and begin warrior and Hippo-riding training. The priests of Adakkar are brought in to try and paritally absorb the Flux Metal into their bodies, then carry it back to the shrine and expel it from their bodies in the form of swords for the warriors. Reiterating: Also, the Daeka hunters continue exploring. 50 of the most intelligent and ingenious farmer Daeka revert to their original forms, and begin studying the shapeshifting of the priests, trying to determine a method to safely give the Daeka the ability to form poison glands (these would be researchers, and this is what I'm researching). EDIT: And the farmer Daeka try to determine uses for the plants discovered.
  15. Also, the Daeka hunters continue exploring. 50 of the most intelligent and ingenious farmer Daeka revert to their original forms, and begin studying the shapeshifting of the priests, trying to determine a method to safely give the Daeka the ability to form poison glands (these would be researchers, and this is what I'm researching)
  16. 50 of the Daeka hunters replace their bone hooks with long, sturdy, pointed spikes. They change the joint on their arms so they can drive their arms directly downwards (think necromorphs). They begin digging out the Flux Metal and bringing it to the tree-platforms. The warrior Daeka train with the Hippo mounts. The priests of Adakkar begin working with the Flux Metal, forming it into intricate and strong swords for the warriors. The farmers continue foraging for plants, and replanting them in relatively clear areas near the main village.
  17. Hm... what do we give Kimako? The ability to spontaneously combust stuff?
  18. Hehe, so long as I get active camo, I'm fine with that.
  19. Or I could infiltrate Renegade, expose you as a traitor, then publicly execute you... And then you could come back! Foolish mortals, they do not realize the true extent of our power! Muahahahahahaha!
  20. That might soon be Squad Commander Kimako, soldier. Of course, these things never seem to work out. If it doesn't work, then I'll just have to prove my bravery against by reinfiltrating Renegade. :P ... How long do you think it will be before someone recognizes you...?
  21. BURN AND DIE ENIGMA. Lol, I really really want to turn in this one. I would even give you most, if not all, of the reward... I just want to find out how it works. When we killed the Bloodsucker, I was hoping to find out something about active camo. Dang Kimako took it first though... <_<
  22. I want this one, Enigma. DARE YOU DEFY ME?! :)
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