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Everything posted by Nexaduro

  1. I continue firing. If we kill, it, I drag it's body back to the Duty base AND KILL ANYONE WHO TRIES TO TAKE IT ANYWHERE. That means you, Kimako. Anywho, if we don't kill it, I continue firing until we've killed it and then drag it back to base. Gotta go now.
  2. ... indeed... Paul, no offense, can you hurry up? I have to leave in 10 minutes, in the middle of a boss battle =/
  3. Why do Ross and I always end up fighting the bosses?
  4. I attempt to mimic the creature's gestures with one hand, while trying to mentally lash back at it. I continue shooting with my MP5
  5. ... Did you not hear when I said I shot at it? I still try shooting it.
  6. So long as it's not the Hulk...
  7. NVM. My action is to try to fade into the shadows, then open fire with my MP5, emptying my clip.
  8. I walk out the exit, and back to the Duty base.
  9. Gah! You're just lazy, Tech.
  10. How goes the rest of what I said Retech?
  11. He's following your destructive strategy.
  12. I continue through the tunnel.
  13. If the Daeka think the Hippos would make good mounts, they herd some of them towards their base, If not, they note their location and leave them alone. The 100 woodcutter Daeka begin building a platform on the tallest tree, and carving images of Adakkar into the wood. 50 of the woodcutters then remove their arm-blades and form spiked bone plates over their foreheads, shoulders, knees, elbows, forearms and knuckles. They begin training as warriors. The other 50 revert to their original forms and begin training as priests of Adakkar, perfecting their shape-shifting abilities so that they are able to change form more significantly and merge their bodies with other Daeka. What are my resource production values? How do I increase them? I don't understand.
  14. I loot the bodies, and split the loot with Enigma. I then follow Enigma out.
  15. I look through the ammo dump, seeing if there's anything worth taking. I then pick up my knives and back away to the ladder.
  16. Can we do this while 2025 is on?
  17. I remove one of my knives, and take out my pistol. I slit the throat of the nearest Monolithian while shooting at the next nearest.
  18. I try to fade back into the shadows, then move around behind the monolithians and slit their throats with my hunting knives.
  19. ... When is this starting?
  20. You are drowning in a 6 inch puddle. Nice going Twinkletide. Hehe, never offer a powerful object to a powerful being Jen. Ok, now I think that our conflict can wait.
  21. I continue praying, and attempt to shield the villagers and myself. Shield with stone magic, though not actual stone. They can still move.
  22. I knew it! It WAS the Protolich! My guess was that or an Ivory Mage. I kinda would've preferred an Ivory Mage.
  23. "Good luck." Nexaduro prays under his breath for the salvation of the villagers and strength for the brave woman protecting us.
  24. To make sure the action is noticed: I create halberds for my golems, and send them to attack Jen. I raise my arms, and pray to the gods for the salvation of the civilians (Divine Magic?). If that's impossible, I blast resonance bolts and stone spikes at Jen and her minions.
  25. You, me, Jen, Hakon, Earthsage, and a number of innocent civilians. Yup, it's personal. Ok. I create halberds for my golems, and send them to attack Jen. I raise my arms, and pray to the gods for the salvation of the civilians (Divine Magic?). If that's impossible, I blast resonance bolts and stone spikes at Jen and her minions.
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