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Everything posted by Nexaduro

  1. Yah, Jen often gets annoyed at Poseidon... as do Earth and I. You're lucky, Ross, he's not on enough to be as annoying as he is at school. But I think you can get the general sense of his nature by reading his sig... he's just saying go die in a hole because another classmate of ours (who also dislikes him) says it quite often. Another issue is the fact that I would have influence over Jen's decisions, because I've been giving him lots of chocolate. Well, maybe more like bribing... Mather, please never, ever, ever, mention that again. I will be forced to launch Thermobaric Vacuum Rockets at Drammen.
  2. Oooooooh no. Not good. Better give him an idea as to how you want the game to go... or we're all doomed. You'll still be modding this session, right?
  3. Here's a quicker way to state my agenda: 100 Archers - training defensive hippos to stand still, halt, and turn 100 Berserkers - training spiked hippos to stand still, halt, and turn 100 Hunters - Exploring the edges of the swamp for any forms of life 50 Farmers - searching for new plants 50 Bamboo Tenders - making arrow shafts out of bamboo 50 Flux Priests - asking Adakkar where to find another sentient species to befriend or conquer 50 Mixers - making a contained, indoors, ground-level building to contain and and experiment with potentially hazardous substances (so that the irritant and other toxins don't scare away animals) 50 Researchers - perfecting spears, bows, and battleaxes 50 Forges - perfecting spears, bows, and battleaxes 0 Priest-in-Training - no longer training as priests, becoming Biofluxes 50 Biofluxes - alter their form to become living homes to plants, learning to hold irritant plants safely Hippos Poison Eels Smellflowers (Medicine) Stenchweeds (Bread) Irritant Plant Swamp Bamboo Bone Bows Irritant Poison (Evaporated into toxic gases and poison residue, then combined) Poison Dust Spiked Bone Plate Hippo Armour Thick Bone Plate Hippo Armour
  4. I have school starting at 8:30 EST... 20 minutes after that post. I walk to school. That's why. =b
  5. *Imagines Earth searching the foot* Meh, too eas- *imagines Golemzilla lifting foot... with spikes...* Hehe, much better.
  6. Actually, Grim, the longsword's taken. I'll update the front page. Eheh, as in Paul can't have one. Earthsage, if I remember, took the only one from the armoury, and the armoury only has one of each weapon. Also, it would help if you PMd me the stat gains so far. P.S. The wall is very far away, and you would have to travel by night to reach it, which would mean a quick death for anything but a large group of highly powerful players. The whole point of the game is to pass the wall... So we can't have that happen soon.
  7. See ya tomorrow guys, I'm gone for the day. Also, Grim, PM me about any plot events you plan. Also, I wonder what happened to the thing Mather released...? *cough* Dweller *cough* Archive door's open *cough* Specimens *cough*
  8. The hunters look for a non-sentient species to test the irritant on. The priests try to each become a segment of the colossus, not joined directly but secured at the joints (like, one would be the forearm, on would be the shin, yada yada yada, so that way they retain individuality). The spike plate is given to 100 hippos, and another 100 get the defensive plating. 100 of the warriors begin to specialize in archery, and another 100 in berserker combat. The hippos are taught to move slowly and turn at command. The defensive warriors begin training with Bone Bows, and the berserkers begin working with the forges to make short throwing/stabbing spears and battleaxes from bone. The hunters continue searching for a species to test the poisons on. The farmers attempt to cut down the swamp bamboo plants, then apply the Irritant poison to the ground in a circle around the bamboo gardens, to prevent it from spreading it's roots (is that how new plants are made, or is it seeds?). 50 farmers become dedicated bamboo tenders to make sure the city isn't overrun again. The mixers and researchers try to make the irritant poison into a poison dust to use as a bioweapon. All Daeka form filters in their lungs to avoid accidents with the weapon. 100 Archers - training with Bone Bows 100 Berserkers - making spears & battleaxes 100 Hunters - searching for non-sentient species to test poison on 50 Farmers - cutting bamboo 50 Bamboo Tenders - cutting bamboo 50 Flux Priests - attempting to form a colossus 50 Mixers - trying to mix the Irritant Poison with dust to create a lung-damaging bioweapon 50 Researchers - trying to mix the Irritant Poison with dust to create a lung-damaging bioweapon 50 Forges - making spears & battleaxes 50 Priests-in-Training - training Hippos Poison Eels Smellflowers (Medicine) Stenchweeds (Bread) Irritant Plant Swamp Bamboo Bone Bows Irritant Poison (Evaporated into toxic gases and poison residue, then combined) Spiked Bone Plate Hippo Armour Thick Bone Plate Hippo Armour
  9. Hehe, don't think he would appreciate that... Plus, his armour was essentially god armour anyways, so it kinda fits. I might be co-modding occasionally, but I can't think of a storyline for the life of me and I have a bad schedule for modding. Nevermind, feeling generous aye Karl?
  10. Meh. I'm gonna play Mount & Blade, unless MaDe or 2025 is on.
  11. Ross, I though Divine or Holy would be a kind of variant of light magic... like dark and shadow. It's power would depend not only on your level, but on your actions in the past, and whether they are morally correct. I suppose it wouldn't make as much sense with a polytheistic pantheon, only a monotheistic "good" religion. Anywho. I walk into the largest nearby forest, and use nature magic to create a clearing. EDIT: Darnit, Ross. So sorry.
  12. What about D&D? Meh, I couldn't be a mod for this. My schedule isn't reliable enough.
  13. Ok, my last roll. If I have a medkit, I patch up Earth. If not, I move him to safety and start following Karl through the shadows (am I ever gonna get stealth exp for doing this? :blink: )
  14. Varius turns and, seeing Stephen, he nods and then fades back into the shadows, following the sound of the gunfire. When I reach the site of the battle, I hand Earth and Grim a katana saying: "These aren't free. I expect my pay when this mission is finished."
  15. I go to the factory where everyone is, practising stealth on the way there. When I get there, I exchange 2 of the katanas with Earth and Grim for 500 and 1000c, respectively.
  16. I have 1950c, right? I sell however many 9mm rounds I need to get 50c, then buy 4 katanas. I strap two to my back, and carry the other two with me, walking towards the factory thingymajig everyone is invading. On the way I practice moving silently between shadows. If woodland camo is inappropriate for the situation, I remove it. Current Arnament: 2 katanas, in back sheathes 2 hunting knives, 1 in each boot 10 throwing knives, in sleeve sheaths and 8 in a knife bandolier 1 9mm pistol w/ silencer, in side holster 1 MP5 w/ silencer and thermal scope, contained in the Hammerspace Teehee!
  17. I ask the loners what melee weaponry they have, and where I can get the best melee weapons (the best melee weapons I would currently be able to access. Not the stuff with the base being cut off by PSY waves.).
  18. Varius asks the trader where to get thermal goggles, and how much they would cost. He then goes to the nearest loner outpost.
  19. Yes. I said that's what the forges were for, otherwise the Daeka don't reproduce, and the priests imbue the new Daeka with a mind and soul (a gift from Adakkar). Well, a normal one can do the same thing, they're just not specialized. And you don't want birth defects! A) Did the Hippos learn anything? B) Did the forges get better at making bows? C) When will the children be fully trained? Ok, my actions now are: The forges, researchers, and warriors work together trying to make armour for the hippos and bows made from bone. The hunters look for a non-sentient species to test the irritant on. The farmers begin planting the trees. The priests try to each become a segment of the colossus, not joined directly but secured at the joints (like, one would be the forearm, on would be the shin, yada yada yada, so that way they retain individuality). The mixers start evaporating the oils of the irritant plant (leaving some kind of dust or something?) under a sieve holding the leaves of the plant. They then crush the leaves into a powder, and mix it with whatever's left behind from the evaporation. The priests-in-training continue their training. 200 Warriors 100 Hunters 100 Farmers 50 Flux Priests 50 Mixers 50 Researchers 50 Forges 50 Priests-in-Training Hippos Poison Eels Smellflowers (Medicine) Stenchweeds (Bread) Irritant Plant Swamp Bamboo
  20. He means in the end of day stat and inv. update smart one.
  21. Also, Ross, you never updated stats at the end of the session yesterday! Fine, Holy Magic. I am lawful Karma-fearing, and I want to be a Paladin =)
  22. After she tried to murder your citizens. I am now respected among them as their saviour from the evil Ice-Witch! :thumbsup: I will also open an Inn in or near Ikana soon. I travel to the nearest church, and begin praying to god/the gods (what's the pantheon in this game anyways, and I want divine magic!).
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