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Everything posted by NobleK

  1. Also, depending on this guy's Mining level, mining a few thousand coal will help too, or even a few hundred would do for a short-term cash boost. Coal is worth 300-400 each, depending on the RS economy, and even 300 coal at those price would be 30-40K. A good way to gather coal with no risk to the player is to have the Kingdom of Miscellania unlocked, along with the Etceteria half of the island; the Etceteria half has teak and mahogany trees, which also sell very well on the GE...
  2. My first Q. would be why you have two portal chambers, unless one of them is a portal room, as in with teleportation portals to more than one place.....?
  3. I think the best thing might be for you to create your own "I'm returning thread" with a screen capture of your stats as the first post. Then people can give advice on what they think you should do......
  4. What's that blue thing in tab 2 that looks like a puppet carrying a big metal thing? :-k
  5. I can't honestly say; I've never done Barrows; are you saying you used to use Slayer to make money? It's still good for that as far as I know, especially if you have decent combat levels.....
  6. The following part of the no. 7 entry is wrong as of this thread posting: "In the machine room in the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. The lamp gives 10,000 XP in any skill over level 55." The requirement of 350 QP's should be added to this section, as I tried to claim this lamp and failed, due to this requirement being in place.
  7. Welcome back; I have already posted an answer to your item question thread.
  8. Your best bet is simply to try and destroy something, and pay close attention to any messages. I believe the game tells you if you can reclaim it or not? Also, that key at the bottom right looks like a crystal key, and if so, the chest to claim those is now in Taverley, just Northwest of the gate from Falador/Asgarnia.
  9. No bother. It's just lucky I decided to say "The heck with it!" and tested it out; I just needed to get back into the final part of the UP cavern, and the only reason I only made like four(?) pouches was that I forgot to bring enough shards for six!
  10. On the Morytania Tasks page I notice there is no info for Morytania Legs 2; well here you go, it's: Armour: 83 Level: 20 Type: Hybrid Also, I feel this seriously calls into question the accuracy of the entry for Morytania Legs 1, which as of now is: Armour: 69 Life Bonus: 360.
  11. For the task 'Stranger Stranger', your description in the Trianwinn section of the Tasks page is wrong with a capital 'W'. I just did this task, and all it requires is 'Underground Pass', 'Regicide' and 60-whatever Summoning, NOT talking to Eluned or doing Mourning's Ends Part 2! :( Seriously, the overall quality of this place is great, but errors like this can really put people off certain things, like a set of Tasks or a mini-Quest. :mellow:
  12. GOOD, because I agree with Sirenix; it may not be efficient to smith at the same time as you smelt, but it's still a very handy bank,furnace and anvil combo; not only that, but it is useable by free players, unlike the furnace at Edgeville - or is that useable by free players these days?
  13. I respectfully advise placing the maximum security on your account that you can. This will help ensure it's not stolen in case you ever decided to return.
  14. Then I suggest you make a RuneLabs post with this idea.....
  15. NobleK

    Quest list

    I don't know the details of all the code but I would assume Jagex withholds that information intentionally if you have it set on private or friends. So there wouldn't be much we could do to bypass it, at least not in a completely orthodox way. That's not a complaint, I was replying to one of the people further up; sorry, I'll quote them next time.
  16. NobleK

    Quest list

    The Adventurer's Log also has to be set to 'Public' for this to work; anyone with Adventurer's Log set on 'Private' or 'Friends' cannot use the look-up feature....
  17. Right Hajutze, sorry; I wasn't sure what the person meant. But perhaps ashes aren't affected by the doubling function? Do you get two sets of bones when it's active if you kill stuff that drops bones?
  18. I found an unlisted Elite Clue site; it's at the group of cactus just Southeast(or maybe South by Southeast) of the magic carpet guy in Pollniveach, or almost due West of the Nardah magic carpet guy. Dig at the Southwest corner of the group, just West of the second, smaller ball cactus. I have attached the following image to help with this. http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w96/NobleKorhedron/Untitled.jpg Also, since I can't edit this topic's title for some stupid reason, the scanning orb clue about Wyson the gardner's house is wrong, it's actually just West of his house door, not East of it as the clue says at the moment...?
  19. NobleK

    Quest list

    I think this has been fixed, as I can now look up my Quests, and update ones I have done pretty shortly afterwards.....
  20. Hi all!! It has come to my attention that while the Haunted Mine Quest Guide says you can use Protect from Ranged/Missiles to help reduce damage, the Haunted Mine information page(i.e. map page) says you cannot? Which is correct and can this please be corrected? Thanks!!
  21. What do you mean? Demons only drop one lot of ash anyway.... At least I've never seen them drop two.
  22. Yeah, but it's costing people time and xp, right? Hope Jagex fix it for the rest of Dec.!
  23. Hi. Just to inform you, all the pics of your portal rooms don't work properly. All I see for that room are you text descriptions....? :huh:
  24. Hi all!! I'm something of an R.S veteran, but cannot play much outside vacation times/weekends due to being in full-time higher education. My account name is "Noble K". Feel free to add me for a chat/advice. Also, I reccommend the following C.C's Star Find - great place to find stars. Canadagrrl's Peng Hunting chats - always good - helps me get 'em fast ever week!! So, anyhow, laters!! Hope to see y'all around the gameworld!!
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