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Binary Mage

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Everything posted by Binary Mage

  1. Just as a heads up: These are the two new Elite Reinforcements that can be chosen as one of the options in this week's vote. Saradominist Prideleader (We saw concept art of this previously! I knew it was World Event related! :P) Zamorakian Butcher Demon Both have a chance for an AoE Stun attack.
  2. I think the problem with The Death of Chivalry is that you only get the options that make him seem sympathetic and morally grey if you have already supported him in previous quests and dialogue. If you think he's an evil arse (and treat him as such) he just continues being an evil arse. But yeah, its definitely something that they are getting better and better at. The more information we get about the different gods the more they seem like complex characters rather than one-sided personifications of their chosen specialization.
  3. Ok, time to finally do a summary/bullet point thing for the new World Gate podcast. You can listen to it here. Sorry for taking so long, first few days of college have been really busy for me. :P I've barely been able to train Divination either New quest is in early stages--hoping to be released in next six months. Centers around the World Gate. (Will save you the details of their recap since its on the wiki page for the most part) "It would be a bit lame if you couldn't actually go through the World Gate [during the quest]" The Sixth Age centers around more than just the Gods--it also centers around moving outwards, incorporating more worlds and races than we've seen before. The World Gate quest will allow them to more easily incorporate new worlds to the game. Mental illness and isolation will be major themes--there won't be a lot of characters, and the player will be alone for most of the quest. You will get very, very deep conversations with a select few (2 or 3) characters, which will partially be characters we have seen before and will have many questions for. The Gods and Elder Gods will be featured in some way. No Dragonkin though. There will be a crazy amount of lore and narrative impact (TWW-style) in the quest, considering how storylines are effected by the World Gate. Playing this quest will, apparently, give us the idea of the direction for many quests in the next few years. It explores the nature of being a World Guardian, and what that power means. What can, can't be done, how much choice a player has in how the Gods can effect you. Divination will be included, and will have a skill requirement. Master-rank quest. Will not be another quest that has Novice requirements but than post-quest high level rewards, will be Master rank from the start. The World Wakes had the working title of "Sleeping Dog". There was a prayer update that had the working title of "Swizzle Sticks". (Working titles are fake names they use to talk about quests internally) The quest opens up some storyline elements where they had previously written themselves into a corner. Mod Rowley's mastery of the lore allowed him to resolve this problem The quest will be largely about divergent choice. "Something you can replay to see the different experiences" Much more effective use of player choice to change major parts of the quest. Specifically, "re-skinning" the quest was talked about. (This implies that graphics will be changed depending on choice. Perhaps this means that we will have a choice as to which world we go to through the gate?) Mod Rowley has a quest cape on his personal non-Jmod account. They love to introduce things (like characters) in quests that are based off what the Players have been wanting--but then not in the way they expected. The designs for Armadyl, Bandos, and other Gods will be based on what the players expect, but then have large twists that make them even cooler than we thought. "Will we get to fix the World Gate?" "I'm not entirely sure it's broken.." We will be unlocking new functions of the World Gate in the quest. Bandos will not hate us because we defeated the Avatar of Bandos. He is likely to see it as a good thing, and want to test our combat prowess further. Char is the last remaining Auspah. It was important to Zaros that she is the last of her race--it gives her more potential for power. Lizardmen will be featured in content in some way. They have another form, and it has been mentioned in content recently. KBD lore content is related to this. Bandos is one-dimensional in the eyes of the players, but is a bit deeper than that. He doesn't lie, but he does influence people. They know the answer to Zaros' origins--what race he was originally. They don't want it to be an easy answer (Mahjarrat, Human) and will be something immense and rather complicated. "He is unique" Mod Osborne's dream quest would be the final Elf Quest--turn Prifddinas into a post-quest high-level skill hub, bring back Seren, reveal who the Dark Lord is, and tie together the lore of the elf Clans. This is, however, just his dream of how it will work out, and he knows it will likely be very very different than what he would do with it with unlimited budget and time. Chaos Elemental Hint: "The number of exempli gratia who never made it to Gielinor can be measured in one-thousandth of an ampere-hour."
  4. The way that Mod Hew said it made it seem like there are elements to Skill 2's development or Q&A that could either take a very short time (late 2013 release) or a very long time (early 2014 release), and that the team can't estimate it well enough until later in the year. Basically, neither is set right now, and they aren't certain enough with how the development will work out to give a good estimate on which will end up happening. Mod Hew would really, really like for it to be released this year, but it may end up needing a little bit more time. This could mean a lot of things, from their design direction shifting (unlikely, seems like its been cemented for a while now from how Osborne talks) to potential new additions being considered, the sheer number of items created using Skill 2 potentially creating a lot of bugs, or perhaps even the complexity of the items potentially causing lots of Q&A uncertainty.
  5. Here's a new official video they just released explaining Divination to new players. Useful to F2Pers who want to see how enriched wisps and memories work at Level 10 as well.
  6. I would put money on it being some sort of Artificing. The like of using Divine Energy to power machinations and weapons with the power of the gods. (a la Sixth Age Circuit) I can see a very good lore battle between Diviners who want to heal the Anima Mundi using divine energy, and Artificers who want to tear the world apart to get as much energy as possible, with no regard for nature.
  7. There's a Divination AMAA going on on Reddit over here. I'm not doing a full transcript since its two mods and a lot of questions, but I'll do a summary of interesting info. Sorry if its a little slower than normal, fitting in Divination training whilst doing so :P The Enriched Wisp Springs were previously spawning much too often, they fixed it as well as the tick-timing clicking. Confirmaiton that Chronicle Fragments are instanced to you for a short while after they appear. It was intentional that all of the Wisp nodes are the same color--they wanted Divination to have a specific unique color to it that is recognized quite easily. They decided to differentiate size and shape instead, as well as not get people confused with 12 unique colors that would likely have some overlap. Colored wisps ended up being a color blindness problem and tended to clash with the environments they were in. Divination has been in development since February (or late January). The second skill has apparently been in development much longer. Your chance to get Enriched Memories increases as your level does--there is a constant increase in the XP rate. Divine Energy will be one of many resources used in the next skill, but there will also be elements where a higher DIvination level will be beneficial. They will be making changes to the rewards balancing, but won't do so until players discover how they intend them to be used first and give it some time to make sure they actually need balancing. It was a decision they made to not have lore directly as part of the training itself. They found that it was much too annoying to have story elements popping up constantly for players who just wanted XP. Future Divination updates and rewards will expand on the lore instead. Naragi Fairy Ring is on Mod Ana's to-do list right at the top The Divination XP rates are going very, very well--almost exactly as planned. They intentionally left some gaps and other slower areas in the XP rates so that they have plenty of room for new training methods and D&Ds and such. Divination will be getting more updates as we get closer to the release of the second skill. Instead of releasing them both at once (A development nightmare) they decided to separate them, which means some Divination content has been left until the second skill release. XP Lamps and other XP-boosting things will be allowed to be used on DIvination two weeks after release. There is a Divination quest currently in development. The original concept for Divination had a different name, but they aren't revealing what that name is because it has been changed to become a part of the second skill. Divination and the Second Skill won't have a direct lore link like Mining and Smithing, but rather a more complicated relationship where practitioners of both don't necessarily get along with one another. They are looking into "backwards" transmutation and "sideways" transmutation--the original idea for transmutation was completely sideways. (IE: Logs into ore of the same tier sort of stuff) They are going to pick and choose these very carefully if they do end up making it into the game, as to not upset the market. They would "love to fit [the second skill] into this year". They are uncertain as to how the release date will turn out, its up in the air between late this year and early next. They would really like to get more people using Clan Citadels, and are looking into updates to help make them more useful and popular. However, with the update schedule for this and next year so packed, he isn't sure where it would fit. Transmutation is meant to be convenience more than profit, but will give profit in the right market situations to people who keep watch over the prices. Mod Ana will be investigating reported bugs where certain levels don't seem to be getting any Enriched Wisps randomly at all. They definitely had a challenge in releasing a "support skill" to a skill that hasn't been released yet. The current rewards were put in to tide people over until the second skill's release, as they couldn't release a skill that didn't do anything yet. Mod Chris L created Max and updated him for Divination--he wanted to add dialogue to reply to people who called him a bot, but ended up not getting to it. Divination had a massive design phase compared to other updates and skills--they have refined it to where it feels and works exactly like they want it to be.
  8. Items received because of other players in Divine Locations actually don't count towards the daily limit. However, you can only ever place one per day, and it only works with up to five players before it stops giving you any additional resources for the rest.
  9. My friend just made a Tier 2 Herb Divine Location, and had a few clan members help out with it. Here's my haul (took up about 30% or so of my DL item cap). This is about 30 seconds worth, before it disappeared. Apparently from three people harvesting the node he got about 10-15 more herbs than the rest of us. Was very nice. Should be worth it, especially the Tier 3 Herb node.
  10. I had some pictures a few pages back. For the most part, the only things you can make are the regeneration portents and Portents of Passage, which let you open skill doors that you don't have the level for. (Each tier has a different maximum level difference, up to 20 at the 90+ divination one.) I haven't yet found any of the skill doors though. I really wanna see what they look like :(
  11. A few things I've found: 1) I wouldn't be too worried about stockpiling Divine Energy for the second skill. If you choose to convert Memories into bonus Energy, it's quite a good exchange rate, to the point where it will be much easier to get large amounts once we aren't focusing on experience. Most of us should be more concerned about XP than stockpiling for now :P 2) It seems that Chronicle Fragments are instanced to the person who they spawn for, and after a short period (I'd say 4 seconds or so) after they appear for everyone. Don't get discouraged if you can't get any, as eventually you should have one spawn specifically for you. It makes an interesting sound effect when this happens. There seems to be some that spawn randomly from the ground as well, and instantly appear for anyone to grab. 3) Max seems to stay at the tier below that of the person with the highest Divination level--either on the world or globally. (These are both currently the same so its hard to tell atm)
  12. QFC? Not a forum thread, the FAQ at the bottom of the official Wiki Entry. (Before anyone asks: No, it was not edited by a player to say that. I checked.)
  13. It's the Saradomin shirt thingy you get for siding with Zilyana in TWW. Apparently its that choice that unlocks the dialogue options in DoC, which is why its required.
  14. On the positive side, the Loyalty Shop update is next week so we'll be able to spend Loyalty Points on bank space boosters. :D
  15. I was able to notice the difference, but I was looking for it in particular so I don't blame you. The difference is a bit easier to see once you hit the Tier 4 node at level 30 and can see the first orbital layer, since before that its purely size and intensity. Here's a sloppy made picture I just put together detailing all of the Wisp types. You can see the differences in orbitals and intensity between the levels. (With the Enriched nodes tending to get a lower central orb) The upper ones start looking more and more like the Divination logo :P
  16. The wisps are different--at the bottom of the page here you can see images of all of them. They change in shape and number of orbitals rather than color. I do like the placement of the colonies. Nicely using areas that were really quite bare previously.
  17. For those who were curious, I took a short break from powertraining Divination to check out how it works in Dungeoneering. Energy Rift in the corner of the start room. Wisps randomly spawn in Dungeoneering rooms, all tiers are potentials spawns. They seem to be very common, I'd say 40% of rooms have some kind. Memories inside Dungeoneering are stackable (!). Currently looking for any naturally occuring energy rifts or Divination lock doors.
  18. Portents and other rewards are very, very small amounts of XP--not worth it in comparison to purely training. I think the XP Rates are really, really nice right now. They definitely learned their lesson from Hunter, where you went 1 to 20 in about five minutes on the first day. The option to spend energy to get 25% more XP is neat--gives you a chance for faster XP if you dont care about rewards. The fact that energy is stackable makes it a lot less annoying than Fishing and stuff, powertrained quite well. Transmutation is going to be ridiculous profit up at higher levels. 9 coal currently gets you an adamant ore--I can see myself staying at coal trucks for a good long while once I hit level 76 in a few days :P Divine Locations are definitely balanced towards the higher rank ones--you should be able to get a decent amount of herbs/magic logs every day from them. Placing them in very populated areas is gonna be a ridiculous burst of noted resources. Tip 1: Grab as many Chronicle Fragments as you can, and spend them as soon as possible once you get 10. I get about 1/4th of a level worth of XP for offering them at the Guthix Altar, definitely worth the time you put in. Tip 2: Make boons. Seriously. ASAP. Or at least as soon as you unlock the next tier.
  19. I think when you have such exciting skills as Woodcutting and Fishing to live up to, Divination is a rollercoaster of a gathering skill in comparison. Some of the random events so far are really, really nice. Gathering skills have always been boring--the fact that it has a psuedo-production-skill element tacked on to it as well only makes it better. There's a lot of potential for new rewards and interesting things coming out of this, although some of the biggest game-changers are already here. Really liking this skill so far--the higher level herb Divine Locations seem like they will be the most worth-it ones to spend your cap on. Hoping to get 51 by the end of the day to try those out. I love the locations they've put the colonies in. Using Dragontooth Island for something is definitely not what I expected :P
  20. That's the thing I'm gonna have to see--I imagine it does the total calculation the first time you log in and will spam everyone's chatboxes all the same :P If it doesn't, then I'm not too bothered, since I'll be a special exception. (And possibly result in new information for the wiki or something)
  21. 1999 Total Level! Prepared for Divination (hopefully tomorrow). Decided that I wanted my 2000th Total Level to be Level 1 Divination just because that's silly and stuff. Bonus picture of my "I'm a Seren supporter! Seriously!" outfit.
  22. I think it's likely--either tomorrow or Tuesday for sure, barring any major catastrophes that push the release back a day or two. Knowing my luck it will be Tuesday, since I don't have much going on tomorrow and could spend most of it training Divination. I'm preparing my 1999 Total Level just in case it does drop tomorrow :P
  23. It was pretty much a silly community fluff podcast--not much in the way of update news or lore hints. Here's a link to my "summary post" of the details that came from it, if seven short bullet points even counts as a summary post lol. Most of it was the JMods talking about what gods they follow, and so was almost entirely things we knew already but brought together in a way that made it somewhat nice for players who haven't chosen a side yet.
  24. Ah, the livestream! Sorry, the terminology confused me for a moment :P I don't generally do transcripts or summaries for the livestreams because very often they don't have much interesting details (and are instead just fun community events), but I completely forgot that Mod Stu had one today, and he's always full of nice lore content. I'll see if I can find the recording and do something or another for it. It appears that it's still going on, oh my! Lots of details to summarize. I'm going to start and then perhaps go back later. It's for the most part a Director's Commentary of the Death of Chivalry. There's a lot of details about previous versions of the quest, but I'll try to stick to future update and god content. Apparently Horses are one of the many mythical creatures of the Eastern Lands. The future DoC-line quests will feature a heavily theme of Virtue vs Corruption Not all ghosts will require the Ghostspeak Amulet from now on--they don't want every single ghost-related quest to require Restless Ghost to be a prerequisite. It will be the quest creator's judgement as to whether or not it should be. The fights in DoC won't be added to the Dominion Tower because of the built-in ability to replay the fight after the quest. It's not a good enough challenge to feature alongside the other Dominion fights. Skeletons in the quest will be updated to be a bit more beefy so they aren't one-hit by most players Looks like he's stopping for now shortly. I'll go back and look at the recording when I have time later tonight, but I too actually need to go for a little bit :)
  25. Which one? If you mean the new one posted on the Runescape front page, that is the podcast from a few days ago. They were posting to show that it's now available to download after its initial airing. It was rather short and had a grand total of five short sentences worth of update-related content in it. It was mostly the Jmods having some silly banter between themselves :P
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