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Everything posted by Sir_Tallin

  1. Well: Background: Text: Theme: Character: Armor: Weapon: And all that junk.
  2. OH! Ranny, I worked on my shading too like you said to, and I wanna show you so get on MSN!
  3. I put shading in...what else do you want? What do you mean by line-work?
  4. Yeah...whatever he said... *points up to djscoobsta*
  5. That's friggin awesome! But please do my woodcutter one!
  6. Me tried Terragen and me no like Terragen, therefore me no do Terragen. *crosses arms to Zonorhc*
  7. I'm selling this pixel avatar for 25k. The automatic win is 50k. Of course when the buyer pays me, I will change the name "Sample" to the buyers name. But for now, here is the avatar: Feel free to rate and critique the avatar as well.
  8. Well it differs with every screen, that's why you post what screen size/resolution you have...
  9. Yeah, pretty funny...but some people could find it offensive. :shock:
  10. ...but you still mean you like...right...jab?
  11. Thanks for the rating dude...I like the glowing too...
  12. Well here it is! Please rate 1/10, and please don't flame. Hope yall like it! (My favorite part is Rudolph's nose for some reason...) Thanks.
  13. Don't you think 150k is a little too low for a pixel wallpaper...
  14. Well I can't see them, they're too far away... :(
  15. Phantium, I don't appreciate calling my work "noobie" I put some seirous thought into the....uh....the um....the uhh...font....yeah, that's it....the font!
  16. Here you are, free of charge: Hope you like it! :lol:
  17. I like it alot, so I'll give it a 9.5/10...man you, misterxman and tj sure do have alot of talent...how'd yall learn how to do it so well? Oh yah, ran shadow2 has good talent too...
  18. Well here is one that I have been working on...I made it after I found out Zezima got 99 Runecrafting. Well, that's done in 600x800... PS - Hope yall like it, for this one was not "a 2 minute job yall could do yallself" - entangle
  19. Ok, I will make you a free one, teenageloser, what do you want on it?
  20. Nice, erm, where exactly did you get the program? Looks interesting... Thanks.
  21. From what I know, and the cabbage dude above, you'll probably never get it under 0kb.
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