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Everything posted by Sir_Tallin

  1. Dude, that is so totally awesome! I hope you win bro! :P
  2. Ditto...What he said! *Points up*
  3. Yeah it's real good, but way too big. :shock:
  4. I apologize everyone, I shouldn't be talking because I don't have the skill in abstract art like Jab and Nad do, so I'm apologizing. Jab, your sig is unique. I like it, I wish I had the skill and uniqueness to make a sig like yall do.
  5. Yeah, since Halo 2 came out, he has stopped for awhile, you can find his last pixel on RuneVillage (since it was too big to fit here).
  6. Could you post a picture please, it will really help me out.
  7. Ok, it's your opinion whether it's going to be good or not, but do you like my sigs i made above?
  8. Post what you want on my topic, Auron 14, and I'll get started on it pronto.
  9. Yeah! Go Phantium! See You On MSN! W00T W00t! Phantium Owns! :twisted:
  10. Yes, that's right folks, I have decided to do no more free pixel signatures and to open up an actual shop. Here are just a few works of mine: To make an order please give the following information: Background: Text: Action: Armor/Weapons: Theme: When Needed: Price Willing To Pay: Thanks.
  11. 50k, if that, it's real easy to make.
  12. I fixed the finger length on the fingers. Thanks. Oh and Tuna, can you get me a good background pic from the fishing guild please.
  13. Ok, Neanderslave, yours is completed. Here it is: Also, to all others out there, please rate this sig and critique it.
  14. Tell me if you like it: I can keep the party hat if you want, or you can just take the plain 'ol afro.
  15. Ok, I will start ASAP on those, but I don't have my good software on this computer, so I will start them tomorrow when I go home.
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