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  1. *raises hand* I have a question! RRRREEEEEAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLYY?????~~~~~ If that is true, show some proof. Some solid proofs might be concept arts, screen shots, 'project file', etc.
  2. Keep in mind, they would also have to give you a way to get it again if you had to destroy it for any reason. :wink: easily done, besides all the programming in the game, just hand out code cards at the door... put in the code on RS and get the item That would become 'cheat code' later, where anyone that knows the code might submit it to cheating sites. The main problem is, America is very big, and there are players lightly scattered around the world outside UK and US.
  3. Hack him, and... -Change gender/looks/hair (mess up) -Take my items back (but all his money, gold bars/ores, gems, runes, anything that has high monetary value) -Drop everything else (iron armors, etc) in a huge 'Hacked Drop Party'! only if that don't get me in trouble, though.
  4. Bobby1167, at least they're paying attention to the banner, which is, in my opinion, better than ignoring it completely. Right now, Jagex is making a nice standing with users. How about a little more data-mining (and I really mean it!) like user profiles and such. That would make RS a perfect place! And, for us humble users, just play it without breaking the rules. That will be the best way to repay Jagex for this great game, no matter if you paid $5 every month or not. (I swear I'm completely neutral between the F2P/P2P Borders in this message) It's just business, but the spirit of mutual relationship is another thing that is and will not be correctly defined by anyone in the world. I might be spamming with not-so-nice wordings (sarcasm and such), but my spirit is always true. As conclusion, I AM NOT DYING OR GETTING JAILED/CONSCRIPTED/Whatever, nor it will be a huge sandstorm in Europe or snow in Thailand, thanks. (for those who might think it's a special occasion)
  5. Maybe with these features I might consider... 1: Superheated-Furnace, higher chance of success for Iron, less coal required for higher ores 2: Coal Dealer, deals with coal stuffs... he ALWAYS buys at 150gp and sells at 160gp (limited stock) 3: Maybe a big flat area for merchants to come in and trade things so we can dump the products and continue the work.
  6. Suspicious link ;) In the site : unbelievably high amount of pay, which looks like scam, and the use of that lame font, too :) In the forums : they post the transaction records without registering? how dare they... Technically : The site auto-redirects. And it's hard for them to send money here too. (even electronically, Thailand doesn't support international transfers) Finely : There is no proof that it's not a scam, a single PRIVACY POLICY alone can't make a companies like this trustworthy in my opinion.
  7. Play on Australia servers, there are always people who do funny things at Karamja F2P. ".(multiple spaces ) Im drowning help me!" Or might be.... scroll:<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< fishies <>< <>< <>< which I use scroll: ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> fishies backwards ><> ><> ><> instead for added hilarity
  8. Noob means someone who call others noob when they aren't really noobs.
  9. Nice. How about giving incentives for 'cops'? Like a few uncuts or some money... Add 'Reporting Tutorial' as an optional course which people can enroll to certify as 'Educated Reporter' and their reports will make greater effect. The contents of the Tut would be.... In Field Trainings, you use the real Abuse Report button to report test NPCs, which, from this tutoring place, the Server will process the reports as 'training' and won't reach the hands of Mods. 1: How to report (study) 2: Using reports (study & practice against an NPC scammer) 3: Abusing? (around 10 NPCs to report, only 4 are abusive) 4: Which Rules? (20 NPCs to report, 13 breaking each rule) 5: The First Exam spits you a series of questions about rules, security, scamming and such. 6: The Field Exam Takes you to another room where you need to report abusive entities. 7: Certified! You get a certification for your scores in your exams. 8: Improve your standing : You can improve your Cert score by re-taking the exam. 9: Into the job : By reporting more and more abusers, you gain "People Reported" attribute to your account.
  10. LOL so true. The first thing that popped into my mind when I read the topic is OOC.
  11. I do. I helped newbies now and then (saved a newb once in SOS)... they repaid me with cheap 'materials'.
  12. The RLock seems too complicated and hard to program. How about the 'Strongroom' instead? A player could have a strongroom (one pass per room) with rares or money inside. The first 2 rooms are free but for the next ones you need to rent with gp (players that rich would have enough money to throw around!)
  13. Today, my friend asked me... (his name is not disclosed) Him : "Why don't Jagex make the word 'noob' offensive?" I thought ... "cause you are!" (he really is) Me : "Ummm... lemme think...." Him : "ANSWER ALREADY!" Me : "It's because Jagex would lose great deal of income for losing around half of players!"
  14. How much would they earn if they create a new account? 1. It's not much amount of gifts, AFAIK.. maybe a little leather set... 2. Trading them to their main is illegal Can I participate without donating first? (I don't seem to be in sync with one of the storage accounts.) About the 'all day' or not? I think the OoC could pop up from time to time and everyone else could donate whenever they want as long as THEIR times are still in 30th?
  15. Maybe parental controls? Passwords set by parents that's it. This is the best way possible I can think of right now.
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