I've come to you, the wise population of Tip.it seeking aid... You see, I've lost my direction. I have no clue where to head next, after I've achieved my year long goal of 99 slayer. I spent some of the spoils in gear, bandos, armadyll, 85 herb and 92 pray. Now I have 25m left, and no idea how and when to spend it, or what to do for more money at this point. With my levels and a chaotic rapier, I can do a measly bandos solo of 2 kills, and I take an excruciantingly long time killing tormented demons due to no turmoil and/or overloads. On the other hand, I'm a cheapass and I like to keep some money on the side for emergencies, and I don't like selling gear at all... I've done every quest that is available to me, so I have all the major quest rewards down. I've achieved everything I set as a goal, and now I need more... Any advice?