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Everything posted by Crossed_Body

  1. I am soon getting the level to make overloads, and I am wondering: Will I need super restores to cover for the stat penalty of the sara brews? I understand that overloads restore your stats from time to time, is that right?
  2. 100% Support, the most useful cape in the game IMO. What does it do then? It unlocks most game content / endgame equipment.
  3. Actually, RS is both a lottery and a math lesson.
  4. I was surprised how little I got hit by the mage... Still, I wear karil's top. If that is a problem, I'm sure OP can spend the first 10 seconds of the fight killing the mage. are you sure you have been to GWD? minions respawn immediately if the boss is alive. I never actually tried to take out the mage first, like I said, I don't get hit by magic often. Thanks for the info tho!
  5. I was surprised how little I got hit by the mage... Still, I wear karil's top. If that is a problem, I'm sure OP can spend the first 10 seconds of the fight killing the mage.
  6. Obby shield wins at bandos. Almost the same ranged defence, plus the soaking. Most of the damage you're taking is ranged damage from Graardor's attack (>300) and his ranged minion. DFS is rendered useless at bandos. Never been to the other bosses, so I won't discuss them.
  7. Apart from making cosmics and laws, there's not much use unless you're opening doors. But then again, you'd need 99rc to cover them all.
  8. Thank you guys, decided to buy Turmoil. This should keep me busy for a couple of days.
  9. Already have a questcape, and rc is a no-go. The very definition of a useless skill, only merited due to being a pain in the ass to train.
  10. If you have one greegree, you can buy a talisman from the magic shop in Ape atoll, and gather the bones of the monkeys you need to make the other gree grees. If you don't have a greegree, you must redo the steps from the monkey madness quest where you got it the first time.
  11. You've got your signals mixed up. Fixed them for you.
  12. From my experience, going from 96 str to 99, korasi's and rune defender are the way to go for strength training, unless you have chaotics.
  13. I'm 1.1 levels away from that, it's no biggie. I had intentions of getting 85, but dungeoneering is incredibly boring. I'll wait until I get a dragon defender and I'll practice some more.
  14. It might be the lack of a proper shield, I feel like I've been hit too much with a blessed spirit shield equiped.
  15. I've come to you, the wise population of Tip.it seeking aid... You see, I've lost my direction. I have no clue where to head next, after I've achieved my year long goal of 99 slayer. I spent some of the spoils in gear, bandos, armadyll, 85 herb and 92 pray. Now I have 25m left, and no idea how and when to spend it, or what to do for more money at this point. With my levels and a chaotic rapier, I can do a measly bandos solo of 2 kills, and I take an excruciantingly long time killing tormented demons due to no turmoil and/or overloads. On the other hand, I'm a cheapass and I like to keep some money on the side for emergencies, and I don't like selling gear at all... I've done every quest that is available to me, so I have all the major quest rewards down. I've achieved everything I set as a goal, and now I need more... Any advice?
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