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Everything posted by NoHopeLeft

  1. I read somewhere on here that you could max all + 120 dung in 150 days if money was no issue, but I would assume no one has done that. Des has said many times that he is breaking both the record of game time and real life time though :)
  2. He's not quitting permanently, just going on a three week holiday and then has no specific goals when he gets back. :P How did you find that out?
  3. Borrow a Sara Sword from a friend :)
  4. Yeah Suomi should totally snap up rank 6 instead :D
  5. Why hasn't Jagex tried replacing random events with Captchas yet?
  6. Given the choice I would bring Zarfot back and fanboy it up more than I already do on his channel, but seeing as that isn't happening I have to worship the Church of Suomi
  7. And is about to get run over on the Slayer highscores by that huge bulldozer known as S U O M I... Wyvernrider4 better watch his back lol Haha, Wyvernrider4 will get rank 4 for sure unless I get like 100 effigies a day which is very unlikely. I have had very bad luck with effigies lately, took like 80 hours to get those 22 effigies I used yesterday. Didn't get them just yesterday. Wyvernrider4 deserves rank 4 more than me anyways, he has been working on slayer for years. I am not sure if Enrix E B or someone else will get 200M Slayer before me, he might have like 400 effigies banked. You never know. I think Dragonseance doesn't follow this thread but glad to see he is back. Surely if wyvernrider4 has been working on Slayer for years, you deserve the rank more for not being so damn slow? :)
  8. Do any of the top 15 have a 200m slow skill besides Suomi? By this I mean Mining, Agility, Fishing, Runecrafting or Slayer.
  9. You should be able to do all 3 kings, a good method to avoid most damage is to get Prime very close to death then kill Rex and pray range for Supreme. This would result in 1 Prime, 1 Supreme and 2 Rex kills per rotation and minimal damage as you don't have to tank ranged hits.
  10. You can't be certain of profit from barrows in the short term though
  11. The cash to repair barrows can EASILY be made back in 3-4 herb runs if you do those, the cost has never been an issue for me either
  12. Farming is very fast xp per hour and I recall reading that as long as you play less than 12 hours per day you would get 99 farming before you maxed total. Not sure how relevant either of those conditions are for top players though :D
  13. Frosts are a very consistent money maker, you are guaranteed bones every kill but have to compete with bots, whereas at barrow you can get 2 dharok helms in a row or go without for many hundreds of trips. Pick your poison.
  14. If you believe you are giving to a worthy cause, no. If you did this just to post here and trollbait, no. I do hope it is the former and in no form the latter.
  15. Aren't all frost spawns saturated by bots already? More people trying to kill them does not necessarily mean more bones are coming into the game, it would just mean everyone gets slightly fewer kills each.
  16. Does anyone know what caused the sudden drop in frost dragon bone prices by the way? I figured lemar dumped his stack onto the ge for a low price but I could be wrong.
  17. The true victors when a new skill is released are the ones who wait to see the fastest methods and continue training as they were instead of jumping in for total levels.
  18. The problem with flipping now is saturating the market, only so many people will buy and sell at the prices you are asking for before you have to raise/lower each by a few percent. Eventually any item will converge to 0 profit because everyone wants to sell it has sold it to you and everyone who wants to buy has bought from you.
  19. The fact that they are both so close to each other all the time is great, I can't wait to see the first person to 60% completion!
  20. Yeah there really aren't many people who compare to Zarfot, he managed to be a top scaper while still attending school and buttering up his fat ass so he could get out of his chair and run.
  21. How many hours per day does Foot play?
  22. Efficiency wasn't a big thing back then, people did one skill at a time mostly
  23. Zezima is so far behind and I don't think he is a particularly efficient player, unless he steps up his game he isn't a contender for anything
  24. Wouldn't the most realistic way to calculate time left for everyone be just doing it manually on a per-player basis? Working out what order is fastest to max in considering different skills at 200m would probably make more sense than making a general calculator that messes up if they do combat without slayer and whatnot.
  25. I keyed my first dgs floor earlier, with some good teammates and a helpful wingman we did 23:56 which I am very proud of :)
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