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  1. So - it's hearsay basically? Grimy probably has it set to a conservative estimate. You can't very easily incorporate everybody's level in writing a spreadsheet. If by hearsay you mean the result of enough testing to prove it then yes. I personally have tested close to 500 seeds and found the result to be consistent with his findings. I don't think grimy ever made the spreadsheet with a farming level below 99.
  2. How does ROW affect charms? Is it worth it to try cannoning black demons with it?
  3. lol_wut


    And what seeds are worth keeping from HH? The only juju i want is the farming one, but any opinions on the other jujus?
  4. lol_wut


    What's the fastest hutner xp at 71 hunt? I'm guessing its either common jadinkos or red chins?
  5. How much time would it take to get a reasonable amount of juju farming potions? How long would it take, if ever, for the extra herbs from juju's to make up for the opportunity cost of not getting 2m+/h at frosts, at the # of hours spent doing this mingame?
  6. Would karils crossbow earn more money/h than rune c bow? It's not really the recharging costs as much as the bolt racks that i think are going to cut into profits, and since luring takes up most of the time anyway would the speed of karil's be that much more significant? Also not being able to use a deflector and arma plate for for the extra range bonus seems to be another downside for karils.
  7. Unless you're rigoring or something the dps you personally deal will be slower, plus when you run out to get drops the cannon only focuses on one again. I tried range+safespot before and I can tell you it's a lot slower than when I just melee'd them. I don't see why you wouldn't use eagle eye/rigour, but It probably would depend on whether the person has access to OVL/turm/rapier/max melee or 99 range. Most of the time with any decent range level safe spotting would probably lead to more kills/hr. And i don't think the times the cannon hits multiple demons would outweigh the slight reduction in dps when you need to pick up drops, vs only ever being able to att one with melee.
  8. Are they worth doing for the costs of cannons+p pots? Is it better to perm block them?
  9. lolwut look up term "standard deviation" (it's a good reason why gambling is bad btw) Snaps get closer to expected value with a large enough sample size, but if you don't farm enough there's a pretty high probability you will not make as much or even lose money. Obviously the average for snaps is higher, but the point is that you should probably CONSIDER how likely it is you're going to consistently average that high of a profit with regards to a timeframe for farming snaps.
  10. The loss you face when they die... I think you are not taking the correct mathematical approach to this. Okay, for the simplicity of this, lets assume that you don't have juju pots nor scroll of life. And lets assume you get 7 herbs per seed. (More like 6.77 if I am not mistaken, but lets take 7.) You buy 100 snapdragon seeds: 60,100x100 = 6,010,000 10% of the seeds die. So, when buying 100 seeds, you get herbs from 90 seeds. 90 X 7 = 630 herbs 630 X 13,000 = 8,190,000 gp 8190000-6010000 = 2,180,000 profit if you buy 100 snapdragon seeds. You buy 100 avantoe seeds: 2000x100 = 200,000 10% of the seeds die. So, when buying 100 seeds, you get herbs from 90 seeds. 90 X 7 = 630 herbs 630 X 3500 = 2,205,000 2205000 - 200000 = 2005000 profit if you buy 100 avantoe seeds. Conclusion: Growing snapdragons yields a marginally higher profit than avantoes. Snapdragons indeed require a lot more money to be invested, but that should really not be a problem, since you only plant 5 seeds per trip, not 100, meaning you can just sell harvested herbs after every trip and buy new seeds. Now, when you add in juju potion, then growing snapdragons becomes a lot more profitable, since you get 33% more herbs per seed. And since snapdragon herbs are worth A LOT more than avantoes, you really shouldn't be growing avantoes. Not to mention you gain more exp from snapdragon picking. That doesn't mean you're guaranteed that profit. More snap seeds could die and your yield could easily be below average. Assuming both have equal margin of error, the profit from snaps fluctuates a lot more than the profit from avantoe due to the cost of the seeds meaning it could very easily be way below that average. Avantoes being incredibly cheap however, have minimal losses if they die or if a herb run yields less than average so profit is much more consistent than avantoes. The amount of variation in profit margins also matter when picking a herb.
  11. How good are they compared to waterfiends in ancient caverns, considering they drop crims less but 2 at once? Also I heard you can cannon them there? Anyone tried and know the drop rates there?
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