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Everything posted by Ousekeys

  1. All hail Sir Langer, rank #17 on the Virtual HS because #17 is the new #1 (or #69). Go to Page 478 to understand this lame attempt at a joke.
  2. Teams/keyers that use skype tend to be better anyways. How does the ability to download and use Skype correlate with DG ability? :blink: Its down to the preference of the team (more importantly that of the keyer). I personally don't enjoy Skype floors, alot of usefull info gets drowned out by trival chatter. It may be useful if you have inexperienced people in your team so it is easier to correct mistakes and relay information without wasting time via excessive typing. Some people also have issues with being able to run Skype without experiencing some sort of latency (lagg), myself included.
  3. Now the question is, who is in the front seat? Rebecca Black -'Friday' reference
  4. Kngkyle could potentially shoot up 3 ranks very easily, if Skiller 703 remains 'mostly inactive', he basically has 2 inactive players (alongside Green) above him. Thanks for the update Langer.
  5. Read Obtaurian's third bind guide in the metagame section of the forums, it will most likely answer all of your questions.
  6. better off trying to survive. You'll benefit from pushing yourself, even if it might cost you what minimal damage you would have gained from wrathing. What is the maximum damage wrath can inflict upon a single target? In a 3x3 grid that could be worthy of multiple combat turns, seems worthwhile, especially if you don't care about XP (beyond 120).
  7. May be onto something there lol, last three Eds I've seen have all dropped BNs, first I bound to myself, the 2nd which was dropped in a team containing 3 BN and 2 Hexs binds and of course you know to whom the last one went. :thumbsup:
  8. As important (if not more so than level requirements) is reading and following the guidelines. ;-)
  9. Thanks guys, especially to the people who dung with me regularly, you know who you are. :D Expect to see me sweeping a lot more floors in the future! :wink:
  10. I have seen a fair few just doing normal 5:5 larges, guess you could bind an enpowered fire staff until you get a CCS drop.
  11. Seriously what is your problem? First of all Thai is one of the most active people on this thread, the only posts you come out with seem to be either you riding someones [cabbage] and/or sharing with us all how much you love Zarfot. Sorry to go off topic, but it somewhat ticked me off seeing two such posts in same amount of pages. P.S Whats this 'Zarfot Student' tag in all of your YT uploads about? :blink:
  12. Constant 3 str bonus over glory>2 specs per 5min. Go with fury, DDS does the job. Oh and by the way, grats! :thumbsup:
  13. Here we go the bi-weekly (off topic) discussion of top players' playtimes/lives... :shame: On topic, Telmo is under 2m exp from taking Rank #1 on Rs HS.
  14. Had a read through the thread when Runescape was down, very much like the mentality of the clan. This thread also seems to be one of the sole places where DG (effciency) is discussed- in excess. :thumbsup: Righly so,it is the (only) skill that actually has some variety to it, apart from possibly slayer and even then the only point of discussion are (optima)l slayer lists. There really is a lack of discssion when it comes to DG, so this definetly has been an enthralling read. Hence I felt there was no better place to to put this unorthodox bind list (at 120<) to a test: P2h,Hex, Blood Necklace, Saga Body. I really do think the hood is overrated, I think with normal prayers (which is a must anyway with a hex) you can tank doors with range prayer,and if more mage defence is really needed flick on augury for that extra 25% made def. In turn prayers also allow for rigour flicking and piety in all honesty is no worse to turm (when flicked).Another reason being you have to un-hood yourself anyway if you want your BN to shine,so it further negates the need for a hood. To finish it off T10 Sniper/T10 Zerker. Now I've put this to a 3bo friend of mine, who is nearing 120 and contemplating a new bind list,to put it lighly he thought I was mad, I guess some are too set in their ways. :wall: I'd appreciate any feedback, thanks. :smile:
  15. Withdrawal symptoms are kicking in... :ohnoes:
  16. Just did a 40 min Carrion-Igneous run, resulting in 148 Pungent Vines and 67 Marble Vines at level 81 (hit level 82 about 15 minutes in). This equates to 175.5k/h. I was using Zamorak Favours + Scentless along with Bear and Hunter potions - staying at 84 (85 when i levelled).I have the (Witchdoctor) Mask & Legs. Also I have found this relatively sustainable, ts not as 'expensive' on your bush seeds as you may think. You usually break even,or end up getting more seeds than you had initially. I started doing these at level 78 Hunter, now at 82 I actually have 1 more Kalferberry and 8 more Legberrys than I started with. I see these as a better alternative to Draconics in the high level 70s and low to mid level 80s. I am still yet to try Draconic-Common,but going off the the OPs XP rates they seem to have a high fail rate at lower levels. However going off videos on YT, Draconics seem to be upwards of 250k/h (at 99 Hunter), the peak being 280k-290k/g on one of Foot's uploads. The guide very much helped me get into HH, which at first seemed very daunting and confusing. One of the best guides I've yet seen, kudos to you sir. :thumbsup: P.S I had gotten Witchdoctor Legs on Sunday, so I should still be able to try for the Top this coming Wednesday (tommorow at the time of this post) ?
  17. Bake Pie (Summer Pies)>Ivy>Rocktails. 0.83>0.54>0.42 the effciency rates of their 'grinding' equivalents. Based upon Wines,Pines and Purple Sweet Barb,for each of the respective skills. Note: Thats assuming you don't have cooking brawlers to use with wines and you don't value magic exp from pies. Also presume your using Dragon Hatchet instead of Adze at Pines. However Pies may not be as 'AFK'-able as Rocktails and even less so when it comes to Ivy,they do still allow for 45 seconds of down time,exluding banking. The magic exp (from pies) holds some value too, since if I recall correctly Lrc(superheating the ores on the road to 200m mining) doesn't quite get you 200m magic. Even a top player has to AFK(better than hitting that logout button). :thumbsup:
  18. is it me or are half the people posting their own names? :shock:
  19. Am testing out carrion + diseased combo, add a little extra xp/h whilst getting corrupt vines.
  20. ' Never make your familiars till the boss on Necro floors. Deathslingers help a TON on Necro, especially when soloing. ' What are the 'Necro' floors, 42-44? Also yes I think a pouch + scroll bind would be a perfect balance. Just what would be needed to inject a bit of life into DG without an additional (overpowered) 'main' bind, which I don't see happening in all honesty. Furthermore after having watched SOF2's video of himself C2 fishing solo post- nerf,it still seems to be worth at around 100k-120k/h, 130k max he says. However there is a possibility Jagex will nerf it further. The way I see if you value fishing xp at all whilst dg'ing- C2 Fishing (to make it even more worthwhile have a partner being paid to clear the floor with XP-share turned off)> C1 5:1. Also wondering if C2 WCing now obsolete? It was barely worth it (even before nerf) when compared to Pines. EDIT: Thanks for your reply to my earlier post Jettrider. :grin:
  21. As of yet I've not seen any discussion of incoperating C2s into any of these binds, after all they are best fish xp/h in game. Also the WC xp/h is worthwhile too if I'm not mistaken. It may be an option to switch between Prom Rapier (for DPSing in larges and C2s) and Prom Plate (if keying in Larges). Both of these items can be easily smithed with the appropriate smith level, for example when on your last large before going into C2s, you would destroy your plate and make a rapier ready to be used once in your C2s.You could do two rows of C2s back to back too,to save the hassle of changing binds again after your first reset. Of course if you don't key your larges or you feel you don't need a platebody to key, it'd be much easier to keep a Primal Rapier bound throughout. I have also been thining about what xpx mentioned on the '200m xp' thread-having duo partner in C2s- clear the floor & do boss w/xp shared off. You'd be paying this individual to do all of this of course. Ideally I was thinking this individual would have Prim or Prom Rapier/P2h(Pbaxe)/Hood + Cosmics (for GSing any skill spots for the skiller,ready to move himself as the GGS to the spots when his partner is done with his current skill spots). Thus the Skiller would have the exact same binds ,except laws instead of cosmics. It may also be an option to bind a Prom Hatchet for Woodcutting (smithed in the large before starting the C2s instead of Rapier). Of course this is a lot more hassle than just having a single permanant bind, it also means you can't have the primal options for each case (if 99 in the associated stat.) Would welcome any feedback (go easy on me its my 2nd post on Tif). :thumbsup: Inb4 this 'extra bind slot' is a Aprils Fool by Jagex.
  22. I can no longer resist posting ! After having stumbled across TIF and this thread itself yesterday) , I've just been infatuated with it. Having read through 100+ pages of this thread sofar ( I intend to read through all of it eventually), I find page after page to be full of enthralling content, whether it be Langer's weekly update on the top 15 , Xensure's optimal slayer list calculations or posts by the top players themselves. I personally admire anyone who not only has the ambition to go for all 200ms, but has the ability to also stick to it- to be have the determination and will power to grind (through certain non buyables) when the going gets tough. I can not convey how much this thread in itself has lifted my motivation when it comes to RS. I may not have what it takes to shoot for all 200ms, but atleast it drives me more to complete my personal goals ( maxing total/200m buyables + DG/Slayer). Here is to many hours of Pie Baking whilst reading ( and hopefully contributing to) this fantastic thread !
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