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  1. Battlestaffs are mostly used for highalching. With the new update Jagex lowered price floors of some highalch items (Mithril platebody etc.), which dropped the demand for battlestaffs.
  2. Arcane seems to be bought out now as ppl are offering +160m for them.
  3. yeah, it was me, but I dont remember their name anymore. I should have the picture somewhere though. It is possible it is Mr Mag1x and Miss Mag1x (17:54:31) -[iM]RuneScript- *** [ COMPARE ]: Mr Mag1x [overall]: lvl 1,763 exp 90,451,448 | Miss Mag1x [overall]: lvl 1,763 exp 90,376,087 (17:54:31) -[iM]RuneScript- *** [ COMPARE ]: Mr Mag1x [overall]: is 0 lvls, +75,361 exp higher than Miss Mag1x [overall] Kukka85 and Stokkari. There may be others, but this is the best matching couple I've met and talked with ingame. http://hiscore.runescape.com/compare.ws?user1=kukka85&user2=stokkari -** [ COMPARE ]: Kukka85 [overall]: lvl 1,891, exp 74,301,860 | Stokkari [overall]: lvl 1,891, exp 74,301,863 -** [ COMPARE ]: Kukka85 [overall]: is 0 lvls, 3 exp lower than Stokkari [overall] :thumbsup:
  4. This is wrong, I have died with 27 mins left and gotten a rank. Just tested with 27 mins left and I didn't get a rank.
  5. Points, yes, but no matter what, you get +1 rank per game. I have 350k reward points, and there's really nothing to spend them on at the moment, so all I care about is rank. My rank is 18 and I don't get any ranks by losing quickly. :roll:
  6. Good luck brute-forcing my random 20-character-long password! \ Some people really to think more about their security.
  7. M9 - "Browse through Yrsa's shoe style selection. " Task has false requirement of 500 gp. It's not required to change boots, just close the interface.
  8. Jagex changed it so it updates the prices more easily than before. Partyhat price changes are limited to 1% nowadays. I don't think Jagex is controlling the prices. The update is causing more fluctuations.
  9. It seems to be fixed now. =D>
  10. I keep getting this empty bank window about 50% of the time I open the bank. Switching a tab fixes it, but it'll usually be back the next time I use the bank. Is anyone else getting this?
  11. 330 dry streak here. Edit: 400 dry streak.
  12. I lost my fire cape a week ago. :shock: I'll try to get it back tomorrow.
  13. Nevermind. Strawberry seed wasn't a new drop.
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