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Everything posted by Samittaja

  1. Stop pointing out typos when you're not that great at typing yourself. Grammar, not grammer. Dharok's axe, not dharoks axe. :roll:
  2. Decent work so far. Although how can you say you were the first one to have a d2h in your signature? I've seen signatures back in Runescape 1 with dragon 2hs in them, and I doubt you made one more than 3 years ago.
  3. Feel free to tell me what to improve etc. Ive worked on it for hours now but I'm personally quite satisfied. If some1 is very interested I MIGHT sell it but I think I'm keeping it myself. So yea, rate, give suggestions on what to improve etc. No flaming, just some building critique. Thanks
  4. 2 uncut rubys and unopened oyster odd that i got 2 of the same kind, ahwell here's a pic.
  5. PLSLOL!?!?1+ He's the guy close to the elemental mages that talks about summoning. Sharelock. haxafl3m
  6. I got in, after 1 and a half hour of trying.
  7. Well yea, lol, logged off 2 and a half hours ago. Came back an hour ago and ive been "already logged in" for an hour now, fcuking bug nearly gave me an heartattack.
  8. Dust devils do hit 8s occasionally. Atleast 6...
  9. That's not really a hint, to me it seems like using common sence :roll: And i usually get the dds out of bank(with 2 sharks) after some1 has attacked me, this way I dont lose inventory slots if I happend to get to run without wnb pkers. Oh and one more thing, all this "abyss pkers are laem!!!1" and "l3tz st0pp them abysse pekkers!11" posts are quite lame, i do pk at abyss occasionally when I'm low on cash on my pure, although I don't pray or tele while pking. After all the abyss runecrafting SHOULD have it's risks hence it's one of the fastest and easiest ways to get cash.
  10. Bad idea, terrible to be honest, and would ONLY make it a pain in the [wagon] for legit players-
  11. Good idea, as long as it aint anything to great and will take a long time to get back if you lose it (like the fire cape, gives a big advantage but pking with it aint worth it ;))
  12. I got that while pking but had to help my mate so i just had to live with it, not seeing my sharks or magic spells, i almost got a kill but i chose stun instead of tangle and he got away :D
  13. The moment you stop spamming i will stop flaming you. Until then: You are teh laem->
  14. Why stake if you have crap stats? :roll: Just cut some mages and DONT stake it away, use it for something else.
  15. lol... :lol: other way around. everyone autoed 85 mining back on rsc, get ur facts straight :wink: I think he meant many people(low lvl skillers) IN RS2 were legit when you could auto in rsc but when rsc went p2p only some of the autoers quit rsc cheating and started rs2 cheating (big "thanks" to the free bot) which meant now the average jackhole can auto in rs2, (I find it ridiculous how they dont charge for the bot or even require applying for it like in some reinet s, not that i know anything about autoing, this is just what i have heard.)
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