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Everything posted by LogOnBeach

  1. Naw mang. He is the real deal. Boy is crazy as a mofo. I heard he once won a bet for 100k by getting 1-99 Agil on regular gnome course. He is the craziest kid ever.
  2. I wonder Gemeos. How many hours would a player like Magnus, Drowns, Barty, or E v a need for 200m all, as some of them have a bit of experience for being low level skillers.
  3. To get back on topic, with Suomi completely quit now. Is everyones money on Jake to become first to 5b? My money is on my boy Carcass. He is a total beast. 1st to 5b in 2013 [bleep]es.
  4. Looks like a max cape to me. Nah, it's comp. If you look closely through the right click box, you can see those white lines that are in the middle of comp capes. Nope. Defs a max cape.
  5. That would've been Syzygy waaaay before Dungeoneering release.
  6. Of the 6 currently maxed, 3 have had controversy among the f2p community lol.
  7. Thanks Medi. Haven't really played RS in awhile. Been busy with school work and the free time I get I'm either playing xbox or Minecraft lol. Got 70 Mine through lamping via sof though yay :)
  8. Had a few assignments to do today so rather than staying off RS and do them I decided to finish up that Smithing and get 96. Currently sitting at 3.2k till 70 Mine, only 5 more randoms to go. Not bad. I also did a little bit of Fming and am at 16.2m exp atm, I think I will finish up these logs before switching to anything else, only 10.8k logs to go.
  9. Allar should be somewhere in there. @Goro/Musica - Allar would also be higher than Number1 [bleep]. So he'd be in 17th.
  10. >implying this isn't some sob story to cover your own ass.
  11. Another small gap between updates, sorry guys. @F Combat - we spoke over pm, so yeah :P Been pretty busy with school work and I went home for the weekend and will be going again this coming weekend and again the following weekend, so not a lot of gaming during the weekends. I achieved 16m Fm. I am also currently 110k from 96 Smith and 4.6k from 70 Mine. Perhaps 2 levels within a few days depending on playtime.
  12. Thanks guys. I had gotten these a few days ago, but had forgot to post. I am about 500k from 16m Fm atm and 236k from 96 Smith. So I might get those fairly soon.
  13. Yeah I understand they are doing all they can. As this is Jagex's doing not theirs. If this were to happen to me, yes I would be upset as I just lost my standing in the f2p community but I would realize it's just a game and move on. I have been p2p main/f2p main/p2p skiller/f2p skiller. I am not someone who just knows what its like to only be 1 thing. I wouldn't fight to stay f2p because in my opinion I would be p2p so I wouldn't have to fight. I certainly don't agree with Jagex throwing the trial at us, but there are various ways you can get around not accidentally clicking accept the trial. You can hit the x in the corner of the pop-up, you can click your favorite world(if you have one), you can simply just log out and do something else, you can wait for all the log-in lag/other lag to disappear and try to click don't accept the trial. Those are only a few to "get around it" for now. I have no sympathy for anyone who clicks the trial and still wants to be f2p because simply put, I see them as p2p and they will always be p2p regardless of if they logged into a p2p world or not.
  14. I know it's really beating a dead horse with this. About Gereed, we all have different opinions of it of course. I was just wondering Slaya, if someone were to buy p2p and not log in p2p world, would they still be allowed to be on the list, as such in the case of Gereed. I mean if people are gonna be allowed to do that, why not just have a list including people who are p2p but have no p2p skills, like Pure99legacy, Wud An Fire and various others. There needs to be a simple amount of rules to be able to be on this list. I am not one who agrees with the whole "grey" area. The whole innocent till proven guilty thing is a good idea but until a precedent is set with these people, there will be continuous people like Shadowkick who accidentally got trial and didn't know until you had told him that if he logged in p2p world he would be off the list. The current known people who have been p2p/had trial have pretty much got off scott free in the way of the current method now. Keeping them on the list is up you all(the list maintainers), but you have to take a step back and look at how it would've been if this happened to Water/Syz/Popo/Sara, when the f2p community was so much more intact. They would have been completely shunned and been called f2p wannabees and other assorted names. As long as the grey area exists you will have people like Gereed, Winh, and others who have had p2p/trial and has never been CONFIRMED if they logged in to p2p world and the next group of people who will try to push that even further by accepting trial and playing with pm off/not in chat in a p2p world. Yes this could have been the case years ago too, but back then if it was found out they did do that, they would be shunned like I said. This'll be my last post on the subject, I know I can't change your minds about how I feel it should be. I just had to get this off my chest one last time. Thanks.
  15. Winh had gotten the trial via however. Whether he clicked accidentally/on purpose. In my opinion he is not a pure F2P, so he was just another wannabe F2P'er to max.
  16. Carcass changed his name to Bludgeoned.
  17. Passed 20m Cook exp just a few minutes ago. 1 goal checked off, and another 1 added. 15m Fm Mon/Tues if I play enough.
  18. yo, whens the next update gonna be L. seems like we havent had one in a month.
  19. I'm not even that good lol There are so many better players than me out there. :wink: Still haven't passed 20m Cook/15m Firemake. Up to 19.4/14.5m. What free time I had between assignments/labs I spent playing my newly fixed 360. If anyone has live and wants to add me my XBL is Serialheated. Not a gold account yet, might end up buying live soon though. Update for the Top 250 List -
  20. Have been pretty busy with school so the time I do get to play rs is either gone to afking artisans or the occasional cook/bonfire sesh. I completed the silver tier for the games. Hopefully tomorrow and thursday I have more time to do more cook/fm and possibly get past 20m/15m respectively. Which will also bring me super close to 60m total exp. Yay.
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