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Posts posted by iBe

  1. So it seems like the ability to change the world is based on whatever god you follow? Hope that means they;ll make it so that when you change gods the world changes with you?


    Also with the hype about elder gods i'm gonna place even odds that vorago is linked some way to jas? Part of his body thats awakened or where we teleported the stone to make him alive?


    I wouldn't doubt that at all, especially considering the environment he is in.

  2. 37'C, 98'F at this very moment.


    Bless he who created cool-AC.


    My parent refuse to turn down our ac below 74'F.. I have my fan on at all times and my door has to be open or else it would get extremely hot in here.

  3. Jadinkos are actually broken because they can be attracted to traps which already have things caught so your rate of catching actually goes down even *more* if you don't open traps instantly, which I think factors even more into using gemeos' methods to avoid loss of ticks. (Becuase every loss of a tick is one more tick a jadinko could be stuck). You also can lose out if your traps are badly located because once a jadinko moves it can be hard to get them attracted to the spot again (much like defenders in Barbarian Assault).

    Are you sure that's the case? I remember them getting stuck but it was because they were trying to go to a trap behind another one, and the first one had something in it. Once I picked up the 1st trap they would proceed to the one behind it.

  4. Congratulations Prets.


    Tuesday was ridiculous (I think it was tuesday), with a daytime temperature of I think 31C, felt like 38. My bedroom defied all expectations by not rising above 33.5, needless to say that whenever I was in my room for more than a couple minutes, I had a fan aimed at me. Then we get the classic rain the next day, and a so-so day after that.


    I haven't met my Java teacher yet. Right now we are being taught by one of our TA's, and it's almost a shame that it won't be for the entire course. She's an engaging person, makes the classes more interesting.

    Hot humid days like that make me want to cry and stay inside all day. I feel your pain

  5. Most expensive:

    Friend loans me Dclaws for the night and I decide to go kill some Green Dragons. I wanted to be careful so I took the Barbarian canoe thing deep into the wildy to avoid pkers. There was a bot there who I killed for his bone/hide collection. Some lvl 100 noob shows up (I was around lvl 115 at the time) and begins to ice blitz me. I try to kill him but he continues to farcast. Eventually I die and lose my friend's claws, my fury, and my rapier (I was like 84 dungoneering and I was devastated). This led me to join DGS where I have gotten over 140m dg xp, and a comp cape. :)


    Most embarassing: I died at the hard-mode bandos while using my drygore set, and a torva set my friend had lent me. After I die I run back and loot my grave, then teleport away and mess around at the GE for about 5 minutes. I began to gear back up for a QBD trip and notice something is missing.... Torva legs+gloves+boots+ my offhand drygore weapon.. I freaked out because I had no idea what happened to them. I take full void and a chaotic maul back to GWD to find my gear sitting there outside of the boss room. I had no idea it was still under protection of my grave which was no longer there. I got the kill count as fast as I could and got back the gear :XD:

  6. CCCP is SSSR for you fellows with latin alphabet. C is S in cyrillic and P is R.



    IN OTHER NEWS: University of Tartu wants ME. Today got an email which said that I only need to say yes and I am studying there for the next 3 years. And the applications will still be accepted until 5th of July, so I am in without any contest :)


    Congrats, I'm sure you're very excited for that :P

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