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Posts posted by iBe

  1. Give the boss a Berserk timer. What this means is that, if a boss isn't killed within, say, 5 minutes, the boss will go Berserk, drastically increasing its damage, basically one hitting players.


    This is one of the worst mechanics for a boss. I take another game as example here, where monster hunting has a much more prominent role and has thus become much more matured, - diablo 3 -. Bosses used to have a rage timer there, after which they damaged 3-4 times as much. This has consistently been reduced, the timer got much longer and the damage reduced by a lot; thanks to player demand. It is a feat if you defeat certain difficult bosses, and it feels really like cheating when you are almost near a victory and then suddenly the boss "cheats".


    Beserk timers and damage will always feel like arbitrary controll methods, and it will never be fun when you fall victim, only leading to frustration. If soloing is not wanted simply make the mechanics more difficult: ie the example that attacking from several sides at once deals more damage. Or maybe add more importance to roles (with new combat mechanics they could also make even more skills to deriviate between weaponstyles & playstyles/roles), while roles have been mostly absent in runescape - they do add to the feeling that you must help each other to balance everything out.


    I agree with this. Imagine you and your friends sitting there spamming abilities and eating rocktails for 5 mins, *Rage Mode Activate*, you all instantly die. No thanks.

  2. Quite simply if I want to use a term that you would find offensive in private chat with a friend, that has a grand sum of nil to do with you. I find the fact that some people presume they can control the language I use more than a little arrogant.


    The word 'f' that some people use to describe homosexual males is also a word for cigarettes, at least in the UK. If my friend says to me to wait a few minutes before starting the next floor because he's going for a [bleep], should he be muted? Obviously not, it's ludicrous. Since Jagex can't determine the context the word was used in, they should just leave well alone.


    That's a good example and I can't help but agree with you on this one. Although there are other words he could choose from, Jagex shouldn't force them upon us.

  3. Hmm would be funny enough to do all nighter weekend on teknoparties or some festival and then go to runefest after hahahaha


    maybe there, I should go to UK anyhow


    you need to be able to perform 100% for those games so you can win items like the golden scythe etc...




    a golden scythe would be beyond epic.




    Lol, well hopefully they do something similar to that again.

  4. Watching my kids tonight while my ex goes to a couple of shows downtown. I don't do it very often (she's the type who would always expect it if I did) and it's nice to have an extra evening with the boys. smile.png


    I hope you don't mind me asking but how old are your kids, and is it ex-wife or just ex-girlfriend? Forgive me, I'm the tif newbie :\

  5. So it seems like the ability to change the world is based on whatever god you follow? Hope that means they;ll make it so that when you change gods the world changes with you?


    Also with the hype about elder gods i'm gonna place even odds that vorago is linked some way to jas? Part of his body thats awakened or where we teleported the stone to make him alive?


    There is a youtuber called "TheCompleteRS" or something who has a pretty cool lore series going right now. I only watched the first couple of episodes because they are like 15mins long each but if you're actually interested then you should check it out.

    • Like 1
  6. Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about RS lore? >_>


    I couldn't pay attention to anything in that video except for the giant sore on Mod Osbourne's face, absolutely disgusting. They should have had someone else fill his roll or at least tried to cover it up.


    hahaha I was wondering if I was the only one distracted by that


    I couldn't help but going back and rewatching the video after I read this. Are you just referring to that little red mark on his upper lip, because that's not bad at all..

    • Like 1
  7. The only reason it isn't dead is because it's a trim req.

    Make every minigame trim reqs and they'll become busy in no time.


    (Although it isn't that bad xp-wise either IMO.)


    The tacklebox is was also very useful for PVM. I'm pretty sure Fish Flingers would be worth doing even if it wasn't for trim or the tacklebox.

    • Like 1
  8. So I was just about to get ready to go kill Glacors when I realized there was a quest for it.... I'm not anywhere close to the quest requirements so I'm guessing I'll be barrage on dags


    That's unfortunate. Be sure to take a cannon to dags. I think Jagex made them non-agro or something, so you have to have the cannon.

  9. I know maybe it's too late for this, and it's not an immediate solution, but going away to college would probably help you. While you might not be able to get someone to pay for the treatment you need, they may be willing to pay for you to go to school, and most (larger schools at least) offer mental health services to their students for "free". Plus it gets you away from your current situation, although it certainly isn't an immediate solution.


    A more immediate solution would be to just go check yourself into a hospital or clinic of some sort. I don't have sources for this, but I remember hearing something about free treatment being available to patients who may have suicidal tendencies if they can't afford it. It certainly could be worth a try if you feel that is what you need to do. Or, assuming you have health insurance, you could just give them that information and say [bleep] it to whatever consequences may arise with your family. The most important thing is that you get the help that you need.


    Also, go for your walks if they help. What's the worst thing that could happen? So long as you aren't smuggling Hitler meth, you should be fine. Plus, if somehow you got arrested and convicted and sent to jail, inmates have access to mental health services as well.


    It's a little late, so I hope this isn't shit advice. The most important thing is to try to take things as they come. Things will get better, even if they are shit now. Just take everything day by day and do what you can to get help for yourself.


    There are loads of suicide hotlines out there, good idea.

  10. I don't think you should ever go back unless it's to gather resources for an upgrade. The beginning of a new region is always very tough, you just have to fight through it.


    A 28% success rate is terrible. He risk his crew dying without a lifeboat, which if I recall, they changed back to 1 use. Considering he will need a bit of bamboo later on for The Port upgrades (Port score which really doesn't matter except for title and totems) he might as well boost his crew level in the Arc Region.


    He shouldn't be stuck with a 28% success rate.. Regardless, I suppose you're right.

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