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Posts posted by iBe

  1. Watching episodes of Psych. It's a interesting and funny show.


    I watched a few episodes of that on Netflix but that type of show can only keep me entertained for so long, and 40min episodes seems like a bit much. I enjoyed Rules of Engagement and How I Met Your Mother much more.

  2. Whether or not you should bother with it is entirely up to you. If you feel she's worth your time and efforts, then go for it. If you are scared she won't feel the same, then brace yourself for the possibly of being hurt, but don't let it scare you away. Damaged goods are still goods.


    Important question. The college she is going to, how far away is it?


    Only about a 30min drive from where I currently reside

  3. For the most part I've been only Runescape, except for games like Call of Duty that I played with real-life friends. There was always so much for me to do that I had not yet experienced and I was always entertained. I got comp cape about a month ago and my interest in the game has rapidly decline. Shocking, I know.

    • Like 1
  4. I guess I'll get this over with. Just woke up, and a bit of 'Merica in the background.

    Anyone who has me on Skype has already seen |^_^|

    Quick edit, quality is so bad. Maybe I'll take a pic tomorrow with my phone.


  5. <<<snip>>>



    By the way, what's up with this?

    ~D. V. "Just look at his button image!" Devnull

    Eh, just part of my current style... It allows me to toss in "tl;dr"s/after-thoughts/emotions/comments/etc. that simply just didn't fit in the post's body. Sometimes, it even makes the punchline on a joke! When I do leave it in large text (instead of shrinking it), the intent is that even though it didn't fit in the post's body, it's still meant to be more useful with it than apart from it. :lol:


    ~D. V. "I ain't the first to do it in the world, though." Devnull




    (p.s.: My signature section below is way out of date... I'll update it when I finally get the mind to do so.)


    I've seen you post elsewhere and always thought it was part of your sig haha, I like it :)

  6. Just an added tip or whatever, you can do Sinkholes for dung tokens


    I do like sinkholes, but for consistent tokens I like to redo Sagas-- Thok It To 'Em, Nadir, and Thok Your Block Off once each a day seems to be good. These Sagas go a little faster than it takes me to do a medium floor on complexity 6, especially when I can skip cutscenes and skip some dialogues after doing it numerous times. This isn't fast Dunge XP, of course, but 2 sinkholes + 3 Sagas + regular Dunge training would bring token counts up a little more, I think.


    Unless you're a very low level Dungeoneer'er or REALLY enjoy redoing sagas I don't see how this would be beneficial at all :-s

  7. I've lurked TIF for a couple of years but only decided to join the community a couple of days ago. I've always been very involved on Runescape Fansite Forums, and I have no idea why it took me so long to come out of the darkness here. I have already met some nice people here and received an incredible response on my Introduction thread. I feel I will really enjoy my stay here, however long it may be.

    • Like 4
  8. First: You don't sound like a jerk at all. That goes for everyone. An answer I don't want to hear is still time you took to answer me. I think having people respond is the most help I can get out of all this.


    The only thing I enjoy IRL usually means I have to deal with the police. It's nothing illegal or anything, just walking around at night. It's considered suspicious though, and I'm treated like I'm smuggling Hitler Meth or something. I don't want medication because I think of it as changing my personality to someone who will fall in line, rather than solving any problems. What is a personality besides chemical ratios in the brain?


    What Giordano said is what I'd aim for, but I'd want to work off the books. I'd rather nothing be recorded so I never have to commit to anything.


    Do you have any close friends online who you've tried talking to this about? I'd be happy to chat with you and try to help out over PM, but we just met so I doubt there's much I could do. The LAST thing I want anyone to resort to is self-harm and obviously suicide. I'm wiling to give out my cell number so you could text me any time you felt suicidal or just needed to talk to someone..

    As for the walking around at night thing, have you actually ever had any trouble with law enforcement? Maybe if you stuck to a certain route each night it would seem a bit less suspicious.

  9. I guess I'll give you guys something else to talk about.


    Basically, I'll be 17 in August and there is this girl I work with who is 18. She will be a freshman in college and I'll be a senior in high school.

    She was in a very serious relationship for AT LEAST a year from what I gather. They were engaged at one point but it somehow ended about a month ago.

    A couple of weeks ago she returned from vacation, so it was the first time I had seen her in about a week. This would have been 2 weeks after her break-up.

    She was really flirty with me when she came back, more so than usual. I was a bit sceptic but she has always been a really nice girl and after a conversation with her that night I thought maybe she was actually into me.

    I told a few trustworthy friends what was going on and the all warned me that she had done something similar to this before with another guy I work with about 3 months ago. The only difference was then she hadn't broken up with the 1st guy and was telling the other person I work with that she was going to (she didn't). When I heard this I instantly began to slow things down and proceeded with caution.

    We started off texting and snapchatting a lot but now I never talk to her unless it's at work. She claims she likes me but I see her texting her ex all the time (not in a creepy-stalker-jealous way, I just noticed the name on the "recently texted list" when she shows me something).

    I tried to recruit some friends at work to do some undercover detective work. 1 of them asked her about her and I and she says, "he never talks to me at work and I don't want to just text him all the time because then it would be awkward in person and would ruin our relationship". I thought about that and she's right, I rarely talk to her at work but honestly I don't really talk to anyone. I work hard and get stuff done, but I'll chat when/if I ever have free time. So at this point I'm thinking things are going well again, we get along great at work and enjoy each others company on break, then something really throws me off. That night I was doing some instagram creeping when I came across her ex's page. About a week ago he posted a TBT(throw back thursday) of the girl I like and the hastags were like #girlfriend #prom #dress, or something of that sort.

    I DON'T WANT TO BE SOMEONE'S REBOUND OR THE GUY USED TO MAKE THE OTHER GUY JEALOUS. I know her and her ex are still pretty close friends but I didn't think much of it.

    Should I even bother continuing with this girl or should I just forget about the entire thing? I really want to hang out with her outside of work to try and get to know her better and maybe show off a bit of the iBe charm but at this point I feel like it could just be a waste of time.

    Any help or advice would be much appreciated. I tried to include as many of the important details I could think of, let me know if you'd like to know something else about the ordeal.

  10. With $2,000 you can't do nothing, more the reason why you should stay, get a job, and achieve something out of yourself. You're not out of high school yet, you're just nervous about "life beyond school". In the grand spectrum of you life, you haven't done anything yet. Why give up now?


    Life isn't fair, it's a struggle. You must accept this reality and get at those chances to become happy and successful. You can't ever be happy if you give up now.

    The whole reason this is a problem for me is because I'm not compatible with reality. There's just nothing I want, and therefore no motivation. I have my own internal world, and to use it I need for everyone to piss off. Since that can't happen, I really don't see what I'm supposed to do.


    Why is your only option to stay in your fantasy world? Surely there can be ways for you to interact in reality while having some time to blow off steam. Pick up a new hobby- jogging, cycling, swimming- and just go til you can't go any further. I'm not trying to sound like a huge jerk, just trying to help you think of ways to vent. Also, why do you refuse to take any medication?

  11. I've now officially graduated high school.


    Our band (featuring one of our friends on piano) played a cover of

    at our graduation ceremony, and people were really happy about it. Some even said it was the best performance out of three at the ceremony, which I'm incredibly happy to hear because all three the songs were at a really high level. And I also got a lot of compliments on my singing, way more than I ever excepted. All of which made me really happy before I left out on the town to drink. Now I'm back, and feeling pretty satisfied.


    Now for three months of summer holidays. Awesome.


    Congrats man, should post a vid of your band. Enjoy your holiday.

  12. Rules of the fight:


    Nothing higher than T1 is allowed.


    No enchanted jewelry or jewelry with stats.


    Your abilities on your action bar must NOT be the same as the weapon you are using.


    Crayfish or Shrimps only


    No two pieces of armor can be from the same style (armor here defined as Helm, Chest and legs), if you use a shield, it must be anti-dragon or wooden shield.


    You must carry potions that boosts neither of the styles you have on your weapon or action bar (IE if you have ranged weapon, magic abilities, you must carry melee potions).


    You must use Spirit wolf.


    You must not remain in the same place for longer than 12 seconds.


    No auras, no scrimshaws, no PoP armor, no Rocktail soups, no intelligence allowed.


    Selling front row tickets! 1m GP for 12 round match. Be warned this is the blood splash section, no raincoat provided.

    don't worry, we will bring our own.

  13. Soul Split is very useful, more so than it was. Yes, it is in part because protect prayers & pray flashing got nerfed, but don't go saying SS isn't the best overhead curse (most of the time the only one you'll be using), and extremely important for staying power. Turmoil's a pretty good thing to get to back up ss, get that first.


    For bossing, get chaotic claws or drygores (~100m for the set, maybe less) if you want to melee. Claws are better than maul, cost the same, and come with 100% charge rather than 20%. You can also use a shield switch with them to use Resonance, but that may not be necessary.

    Another easy way to kill GWD bosses & lots of other things is barraging them with Momentum. Barrage is really strong right now.


    I'd train defence and magic to 99 at glacors, that should get you some starting money and charms.


    Q is correct, it's not that SS isn't as useful, it just doesn't heal as quickly as it did in the past. Compared to other overhead prayers it is by far the best.

    Wasn't barrage just nerfed, or is it still really OP?

  14. So Drumgun will be 200m Mine in about ~3 weeks. Anyone friends with him to ask him what his next plans are?


    I'm new to this thread so I apologize in advance if I'm asking questions that have already been answered. Can he currently afford 200m buyables and/or does he have them banked?

    Also, is he just doing daily challenges for Dungeoneering or is he purposely waiting for 200m and losing ranks? :shock:

  15. I think with momentum wand+book is your best choicie for sure.


    No abilities > momentum for glacors using bloodfire barrage.

    oh, I apologize. I didn't realize we were still discussing Glacor techniques. I remember seeing people use ranged attacks to take down glacors in EOC beta, I guess this method is no longer used from the looks of things?

  16. Whether or not you need to use a shield follows from the boss design, you don't really design a boss around the idea that the hunter is using a certain weapon, just certain roles (like tank, dps, lure) which may or may not require a shield depending on the 'ambient pressure' of the autoattacks and environment.


    But yeah, that's the basic design and anything 'special' and of course the environment are in addition to that. I'm just outlining what standards a boss should live up to (keep in mind they can be traded out to a certain point) to be worthy of their combat level. Far too many monsters have armour, damage output, food/potion/prayer usage and passive abilities far below the norm, compensating by having loads of 'unique specials' and extra health. Imo the extra specials are just boring, like the KK's orbs.


    If I had to give the KK abilities, I'd imagine he's a solitary berserker suited to 1v1 combat versus similar creatures - he fights for the right to mate with the KQ once every season, and for that fight he has to be the badassest dude in town. So the KK gets a very dangerous front end (knockback, high damage, 2 square range, stat-draining poison and bleed, Dharok's set effect, poison spray AoE) and a reasonably safe but defensive back end (knockback from wings, trample, short-range multitarget poisonous magic attacks, damage reduction). The front is immune to regular melee, but not because of a special invulnerability, just because of the knockback and high damage - pikes dug into the ground will hold the KK. The front end is dangerous but also vulnerable to debilitating effects, while the back is more armoured and immune to stun and stat drain.


    I think a setup like that would encourage a few pikes (there should be pikes with 2 square range, honestly) to hold the KK back while rangers shoot the eyes and mouth to stun it, and people around the back target the legs to make sure the KK doesn't bulldozer over the pikes. If the legs aren't cut, the pikes won't hold, the rangers will get eaten and the team wipes. If the rangers don't hit the eyes and mouth, the KK isn't slowed, the pikes won't hold, the team wipes. If the pikes don't keep outside the range of the jaws, they'll get eaten, the team wipes.


    Just think of how glorious it is to have a line of crossbows guarded by a line of pikes, the crossbowmen targeting specific eyes, the pikes trying to knock back the jaws, while behind the KK you can see a bunch of mages trying to freeze the legs with ice barrage.


    In regular bossing, I don't think people want close kills every single time. They want a strategy that works 90% of the time and occasionally an 'accident' that gives some excitement and a good story. One-off quest bosses are different, they always have to be close, there doesn't have to be a reliable method (well, 60-70% is nice).

    That KK description was so deep.

    In the first line, are you saying that designers don't take optimal strategies into consideration? I think not, especially considering the latest boss and his 1 hit KO move that forces us into slaying it with others.

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