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Posts posted by iBe

  1. I wasn't a fan of the screenshot compilation at the beginning of the video. I think it would be more entertaining for the viewers if you included video clips of all these levels. The 3 and a half minutes at Runespan was also pretty dull, but at least you got a level while you were there.

  2. So Drumgun will be 200m Mine in about ~3 weeks. Anyone friends with him to ask him what his next plans are?


    I'm new to this thread so I apologize in advance if I'm asking questions that have already been answered. Can he currently afford 200m buyables and/or does he have them banked?

    Also, is he just doing daily challenges for Dungeoneering or is he purposely waiting for 200m and losing ranks? :shock:


    I think the mentality of the front page players is to try be as efficient as possible. DG challenges are the most efficient way to get to 200m from 120 (about 2.4m/hour, correct me if I am wrong). Individual ranks don't really matter to them as they are on the front page and there are practically no good individual skill ranks anymore outside of perhaps summoning/agility to obatin, (and divination when it comes out).


    For example Dragonseance has stopped just short of 200M in magic and prayer, and soon runecraft as well. This is to not waste incidental experience that you inevitability get while playing. Magic experience from teleports and runecraft/prayer form ports etcetera

    I understand where you're coming from about individual skill ranks, but I'm pretty sure Dungeoneering is not the most efficient daily challenge.

  3. What would hitting his limit mean? Don't buyers always buy the lowest priced item in ge, or is there a way around this?

    there is a 100 buy limit. I think the only way you can get around this is by selling more of that item back to the GE. Since he had another buy offer in for 50m (which wouldn't sell for at least another 4 hours because he hit his limit) he was able to put a sell offer for 50m in. He basically just sold himself the dagger.

  4. Thanks all.


    Didn't really try to keep it for last, just how it ended up when I didn't get it earlier.


    I'm going to be doing a mix of Artisan's, Ivy, and more Castlewars now. Just got Season 8 of CSI and been playing Mass Effect 2. :P.


    P.S: Sorry I didn't wait for you Q. <3. Forgive me.

    are you boosting cwars or in w24???

  5. How does that even happen? Did some retard put an offer in the G.E for 50m??

    Here's a hint. And I'm not retarded ;)



    And all it would take for that to go horribly wrong is someone with a sell offer for 49,999,999 or less.

    I don't think so considering he had reached his buy limit. Surely there was at least 1 other person with a sell offer in for like 10gp or something..

  6. Weird. Also, I'm slow becoming convinced my internet connection isn't good enough for bossing. Oh shit exploding glacyte is about to explode. Hey, that's the perfect time for 2 second of lag! -.-

    That would annoy the hell out of me. I wish steel titan was still as useful here as it used to be. I wish steel titan was still useful.

  7. Warbands is still worth it. Despite the dangers of pking and the 7 hour wait time placed on the activity, it has become more organized where players still average good exp per day. However, with that said don't depend on being able to use your exp on farming. depending on the world a camp may not have it. Here is a link for more info: http://www.warbandtracker.com/


    I've always wondered how it worked but never bothered to check it out myself, maybe I will sometime

  8. I'll start off saying I have no idea about warbands since I was already 99 before they came out, and I'm pretty sure pengs wouldn't be worth it.


    Unless you're making an alright profit off the herbs I wouldn't bother.

    As for your daily runs, you can do 2 tree runs a day and 1 fruit tree run. You don't have to be super strict with the runs assuming you have plenty of other skills left to train and you aren't going for 5b xp. I always tried to do a tree run before school and a full run before bed, but some mornings I wouldn't have enough time for the first tree run :P.

    Also quick tip, I don't remember exactly how much farm xp livid farm gives you but if you are planning on going for a comp cape you should definitely consider doing this before you max. It also gives a fair bit of magic, agility, construction, and crafting xp.

  9. Loving the beaches here in Monopoli. It's so freaking beautiful, plus the water is warm and clear and etc. i don't ever want to go home. But I miss my family friends like crazy, and not gonna lie it's kinda lonely here.


    Getting to know some italian's my age, they're gonna show me around on Friday which hopefully will be an adventure worth remembering.


    Is it a pain trying to communicate with everyone?


    As for me, I've been in a city about 3 hours away from my home town living in a hotel for a few nights. Nothing too exciting going on here. I have yet to see a girl anywhere close to my age to hit on. They serve free breakfast and dinner, have an open gym, and a swimming pool- so I'm pretty happy. I have to return home later this evening because I have work tonight and couldn't reschedule, which is pretty lame since I was supposed to stay up here another night. At least I'll return home to an alright internet connection and my dog. I find it pretty sad that all I have to look forward to about home is better internet and a pet dog. I wish my life was as exciting as some of you guys.

  10. Just think of how glorious it is to have a line of crossbows guarded by a line of pikes, the crossbowmen targeting specific eyes, the pikes trying to knock back the jaws, while behind the KK you can see a bunch of mages trying to freeze the legs with ice barrage, and all the time the KK tries to rush ahead, doing more and more damage as the fight goes on. When you started, you could afford to take a hit or two, but not the hits that the near-dead KK will dish out.

    It's a great vision, but I think it's beyond RS.

    this. just think of the response they got after the release of dungeoneering where they tried to force teamwork upon us. People refusing to train because they could not solo it, and eventually they increased solo xp rates.

  11. Tbh reading through half of that wall of text I just thought paranoid stalker falls in love with crazy woman.


    Age and school - does not matter at all. As long as it's legal.

    She was in a serious relationship for ONE year at 18 and got engaged? That is not normal, smells of clingyness and or obession.

    Two weeks after the break up and she's being hyper flirty? Rebound or tool for making ex jealous. People don;t move on that fast, not from a year long relationship with an engagment.

    Getting friends to spy on her and do 'detective' work? Creepy 8 yr old stalker vibes. It's the modern world, any stalking/intel gathering can be done with a mere browse of their social media. Any more than that is just creepy.

    Warning that she's done it before? Erm yeah your being used.

    Only texting not talking in person and worried that it may be weird in person? Yeah she just wants the texts etc to let ex see and get jealous.

    The tags on the throwback thursday? If you are doing TBT right you REPEAT all the original hashtags. Since she was the girlfriend then it would have that tag.

    But the choice of photo - he's still in to her. Prom photos of the otherhalf ex or not are a aww cute couple romantic thing.


    Long story short I agree with Kimberly.

    If you are ok with maybe a bit of fun and nothing more, there's no harm. But do not expect it to be a true romance you are quite clearly a rebound and/or being used to make the ex jealous.

    From the info you've posted it sounds very much like her and the ex have a relationship based on extremes and therefore are the sort to get engaged then split and rub the new loves in each others face only to reunite and continue their drama-fest of a relationship.

    I made the "undercover work" sound much creepier than it really was. It was just a close friend of mine asking her what she thought of me.

    I will admit I've always been bad about falling too hard for girls or trying to take things too fast, hopefully it's because I'm so young and don't have much experience. (This is what you guys are for :^_^:.

    After carefully reading what you have all said I will no longer attempt to progress the relationship and proceed as only friends.

    thanks again for the feedback

  12. Thanks for the reply RPG, I guess you're right about having my friends do that. It probably would have been a lot easier and even helped me "earn territory" if I had just done it myself. I'm trying not to be too worried about the old guy but it feels like he has the home court advantage here. I only met her a few months ago and this interest was only sparked up a couple of weeks ago. I'll continue my pursuit while keeping in mine what you said about me being the fun new guy. Thanks for the help.

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