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Posts posted by iBe

  1. Got home today, sitting at work now on break.

    Nothing too interesting has happened and I dont really expect anything to happen.

    My new boss started tonight, she seems kind of intimidated by all of us new kids. I think ill grow to like her.


  2. Going to work and not being insanely busy all day for once.

    (it's a fast food place)

    I wish that happened to me...


    Summer kills appetite for pizza, apparently.

    It's not as fun when your scores are really low and there's nothing you can do about it, but I know what you mean. Sitting there doing nothing goes by much slower than being busy.

  3. So, today.


    Woke up at noon feeling kind of groggy, but whatever. Found out about DOMA being overturned, etc., was like, "yeah!" then decided to go on with my plans for the day, namely to get a Nintendo Points card so I had something to do the rest of this week. So I borrow my dad's truck, and the radio was on some conservative station, playing (I think) Rush Limbaugh. It took approximately five seconds before he said something that made me want to scream and drive into the ditch. So I've been frustrated about that. Proceeded to drive around town looking for somewhere to get the card, and everywhere I went did not have it. I hit four stores before I found cards, because everywhere was out of stock or just didn't carry them. And KMart didn't have the 1000 point cards, so I spent an extra $10 I'll never use again. Came home, went to set up my wii, and now I can't find any of the cables for it. So yeah, 2 hours into today, and it has already been super frustrating. And considering how yesterday went - I'm just done with everything. Ugh.


    On top of all that, I think my collarbone is getting worse. I might actually have to go see a doctor about it. I broke it just before Christmas, but never saw anyone about it, and I don't think it set properly, because I can feel the break through my skin, and it's not replicated on the other side. So, that's great. Probably expensive and painful, and it might just put me out of detasseling for the summer. Everything I want.

    I broke my collarbone a few years ago, I went to the doctor for it and all they did was give me a sling and let it heal on its own. It is bent out and it looks kind of funny but I never think much of it and I have no irritation with it. Unless yours is giving you pain or you can't move your arm normally or something then I wouldn't worry about it.

  4. Reality tv shows. One example is the dealiest warrior. Of course the loser says there is something wrong with the system and calls the exterts computer geeks, which they are, but they probably wouldnt have done the same if their side won. They wouldnt have said they were not credable and would have lost because of that. But that is the self serving bias, even if the self is actually a team.


    This so much. I remember watching that show a lot a few years ago and it would always piss me off so much when one of them would be a sore loser about it. Then again, they probably just overreact to keep the show entertaining and all.

  5. @Saq Heres how you should've reacted. Hey __________ I really don't enjoy how I feel around you and I don't want someone like you in my life. Bye. Then move on, clearly you dont enjoy being around this person if your "feuding" so to me its bat shit crazy to keep yourself around her until she apologizes to you. Grow the [bleep] up, and stop talking to her. Dont give her a [bleep]ing explanation unless she asks.



    @constrictor my post was for you and The_Gabe. Espcially in gabe's case where they are going to different colleges, thats a multi year situation (probably longer then the actual relationship was) where they wont see each other. Plus by the end of college you will probably be a very different person. I've seen too many people hold on to a LDR for a year or so before coming to terms with its dead and then being upset that they wasted a year on someone it cant work with logistically when they could've be looking for people they're compatible with for that past year.


    My advice to you and The_Gabe would be to end it. Say something along the lines of "I still love you but a LDR isn't good for either of us and we should keep in contact and see if we still feel this way when we can actually see each other again". Who knows maybe you will, maybe you wont, maybe you will but one of you landed a job in California and the other in New York and its better that you ended it when you did.


    [bleep] no. Why would I end a relationship where I get to see her 4-5 months out of a year? My friends done 2 years of something similar and its working well for them. No way in hell I'd listen to such a ridiculous piece of advice I never asked for.

    He was just trying to help you. There was no need to spit it back in his face like that.

    As Ring said, I hope it works out for you guys.

  6. Hmm would be funny enough to do all nighter weekend on teknoparties or some festival and then go to runefest after hahahaha


    maybe there, I should go to UK anyhow


    you need to be able to perform 100% for those games so you can win items like the golden scythe etc...

  7. What would hitting his limit mean? Don't buyers always buy the lowest priced item in ge, or is there a way around this?

    there is a 100 buy limit. I think the only way you can get around this is by selling more of that item back to the GE. Since he had another buy offer in for 50m (which wouldn't sell for at least another 4 hours because he hit his limit) he was able to put a sell offer for 50m in. He basically just sold himself the dagger.


    Why wouldn't he buy the 10gp dagger then?

    Good question, and I'd assume it's something like your limits not applying to yourself, but meh.

    I'll make a video quickly.


    Yeah it's a bit difficult to explain, I'll let Ambler try to show you in his vid haha

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