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Fire Essling

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Everything posted by Fire Essling

  1. Looking forward to this month, No more school so the only thing that will stop me from attending events is time zones and or work ^^
  2. Might have to stalk you some time :o
  3. Go to world 39 Join fc: RuneSpan camp a soul esswraith and do all of the nodes within the fiew islands around you (skulls+) This method can get you up to 120k RC xp/ph at level 99 EDIT: Keep in mind that the more people there are on one node/creature, The longer it will last. (more AFK) In the fc they will call out the nodes in this format: (node name) @ (Island #) Call Examples: W@23 - A wizard at number 23 Bsk@30 - A bloody skull node at number 30 Possible nodes/calls: W - Wizard (This doesn't have to be the yellow one, changes from person to person) Shifter - Nature runes (44 RC) (86.8 XP) Jumper - Law runes (54 RC) (107.5 XP) Sk - Skulls - Death runes (65 RC) (120 XP) Bp - Blood pool - Blood runes (77 RC) (146 XP) Bs/Bsk - Bloody skulls - Blood & Death runes (83 RC) (144 or 175.5 XP) Ls - Living soul - Soul runes (90 RC) (213 XP) Us - Undead soul - Soul & Death runes (95 RC) (144 or 255.5 XP) The Island numbers are here: I usually camp @ 14 or 15, You might see me there some time while I work on 20m rc xp (RSN: My Essling) Hope this helped you, Have fun at Runespan! ^^
  4. I haven't had any troubles with lag recently but You can try clearing your JagexCache then re-load Runescape by running around to the areas that you commonly use. Video guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxoL7ygxMHg Another solution could be simply restarting your computer or updating your java to version 7 Update 4 You can update/install java here: http://www.java.com/en/
  5. I honestly like elysian more than pbody because you can use it for multiple att styles, It really depends on what you plan on doing with it.
  6. I was on curses because I don't have rigour and I didn't use the neck because I forgot about it xD A pic my friend just sent me:
  7. I used this setup: Except I traded out the dfs/coral cbow/coral bolts/unicorn pouch/scrolls for more brews. In my yak I had brews/restores 4:1 This video might help with some of the tactics, even if you don't plan on using a titan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMmaLei0MPU&feature=g-u-u
  8. Pchaps+cowl & ely would be best in my opinion. As for the zaryte, Its pretty useless @ armadyl from my past experiences :l Good luck getting drops ^^ I am currently 1.5k+ kc without even a shard :x
  9. Monthly drop logs: March 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O307yKYIHe4 April 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhD4ME0vPL4
  10. Community event videos First Corporeal Beast Community Event #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqm2mxvYxHQ
  11. Community events: reserved for the next community event.
  12. Bird nests are capped at 999, The other items have the same cap as any item in runescape. 2,147,483,647 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/Integer.html ^ More info on integers if you want to get more technical with it
  13. Slayer with rapier + claws would be my first choice. Also I hear ghouls outside canifis are good afk mele xp. Just remember to always use the best potions you possibly can because they greatly effect xp p/h for very little cost.
  14. Happy Birthday! (:

  15. Thanks everyone (:

  16. I would have to say Lava flow mine or power mining granite in the desert.
  17. I have no idea but that is a great question o.o As for canceling them, Ive always kept them as a task but mainly for the crimson charms.
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