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Everything posted by jijilentosm

  1. Thanks for the help. Can you elaborate on the Giant Ent thing, I'm unfamiliar.
  2. I apologize for asking such an elementary question, but I'd like to know if Torstol farming is profitable as of now. I used to farm them regularly to great success, but I don't have any credible data on average yields, etc. and therefore I really can't estimate the expected profits. I'd appreciate some input from those who farm Torstols regularly. Thanks. :) Edit: I am 97 Farming and have Juju farming potions, etc.
  3. I'm pretty quick at banking, though I'm sure I could be better. Thanks for the advice.
  4. After I do penguins and troll invasion today, I should have 82 Runecrafting for double Astrals. I was wondering how many ess I should expect to craft per hour, and what the best method/set up would be? Thanks in advance. :P
  5. QFT. The only polypore task really worth doing is ganodermic creatures (and eve then you should do beasts, not runts), if you want some extra cash and decent effigy rate. I've got points to skip, and quite frankly don't want to buy new gear to do this task if it's not worth it.
  6. What is the best way to go about slaying these? I've been assigned a task of 67.
  7. I have a few other questions. Right now, I'm working on Dungeoneering, towards a gravite weapon for training. However, I was wondering what the best set ups and locations were for melee training(at 50 att/str/def lets say) and range training(at 40-50), as well as ideal method to train woodcutting from 40-70?
  8. I've been working on my f2p character lately and was curious which dungeoneering rewards are useful in free to play for raising combat and non-combat skills(though I don't really want to pk)?
  9. If you don't have it, I highly recommend the Jack of All Trades, other than that there aren't any lower tier auras I've taken an interest in.
  10. Eh, even if my membership lapses and I'm stuck paying 7.95 a month, it's only about $95 a year. Hopefully we'll see an equal hike update content.
  11. I know it's probably repetitive at this point; but, even if my input only reaffirms what you've already heard, I hope it's useful. :) 1) I'd lean towards blocking: Fire giants, Strykewyrms, Kalphites, Dragons if you lack a chaotic weapon. 2) Most people argue that using only Crimsons and Blues is most efficient, though if your doing slayer, keep them all. 3) Attract Draconic Jadinkos as well, Zamorak's favours are more than useful. Also use hunter potions and an arctic bear if you can.(You'll attract both Common and Draconian) 4) Knife-fights is, I believe, technically quicker; though I use Pyramid Plunders simply because it can be endured for longer (but if you can do knife-fighters, go for it). 5) I'd stick at Ape Atol until 83, then you can boost to 88, which gives you 100% success. You may want to get your 250 laps for the agile legs now though. 6) I don't have access to these, so I might not be the best source, though they are definitely profitable, even without a yak/extremes.
  12. Smelting Steel or Admanatite bars, which ever is more profitable, then when you've gained enough cash, you can switch to making platebodies or something. It takes a good 15-25m depending on what you choose to do.
  13. If your not going to superheat and drop them, but still want to use urns(which should be always), consider stocking up on Juju mining potions. Worst case scenario, you can just take more trips to the bank.
  14. This should seem obvious, but you'll need the Slayer helmet. I normally do my tasks there by bringing a B.o.B. and my cannon, plus good prayer boosting slayer gear. I set up my cannon, which does most of the work, while I finish off specters and fill the B.o.B. and my inventory. When I have no more room, I fill my cannon, click a tele-tablet to ardy, bank drops and teleport back with the slayer ring. You could run to the altar in ardy to recharge prayer, but I don't think it's worth risking the drops that might disappear. You'll have to bank no more than twice on a task, unless your keeping the low level herbs as well.
  15. I think with the additional speed from the amulet, combined with new profit opportunities from the additional brother makes barrows a relatively good money-maker. Then again, it's worth noting that the pieces have decreased in value significantly, though Akrisae's set is still at 7.7m.
  16. Don't forget Camo, Arctic Bears(if you can use one), and the inexpensive hunter potions. Equipping a bow, without arrows, is always a good idea.
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