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Everything posted by xVertigo

  1. They revealed basically nothing, to presume it's not worth getting is ludicrous. They aren't going to reveal much other than to get buzz a few weeks prior to E3. I would hold your assessment and stance on purchasing a product we know very little about until after E3. Though, my personal stance likes that it's becoming an entertainment device and not your standard one trick pony gaming system.
  2. When I run SMG on my team I actually run an MP7 with just quickdraw and long barrel, it's not the best online but it's a monster on LAN, so if I can even do semi-decent with it online, I know I'll do very well on LAN. Which is the exact opposite of the AN-94 (I know it's an AR), that gun SUCKS on LAN.
  3. Ten custom class slots is a lot for me. So having a separate class not a hassle at all. Also, does Blind Eye (or whatever the perk is that keeps AI controlled air support for seeing you) prevent swarms from attacking you directly? I've never tried it. Blast radius of the EMP is nuts. But I always have fun using it to my advantage. There was this one time that the entire opposing team camped the sniper buildings on Plaza and set up trophy systems and had sentry guns up there are everything. My teammates were dumb enough to keep running at them and giving them more kill streaks. I just went the back route through the bar, went to the ground floor of the building, and threw an EMP at my feet. Score feed was epic. I've done this is so many situations. The fact that trophy systems can't shoot through buildings (obviously) means you can just throw them against a wall or whatnot and you take out the trophies and whatever else is in the building. Given, it's much different in League play. You might not be able to set up a good EMP grenade. In League you're very very aware of how many kills in a row a kid has gotten and who or who does not have streaks. In CTF, we naturally assume they just have sentry and trophies set up so our first order of business in those cases is to make a slow organized push, destroy the Sentry, and make a solid flag run forcing them to use their other streaks (hellstorm and lightning strike generally) early in the round. We pretty much know they're going to be failed flag caps and only do just enough to put them in a position to force them to use them. Don't get me wrong there have been times where we've actually converted the cap before they were able to use them but I'd say it's a 1 in 5 chance that happens. Up until February there was a trick where if you got EMP'd, you could throw your own EMP at your feet and it'd take the effects of the opponents EMP off in a second.
  4. When playing with my team we a person have one class where they run two trophy systems for when we get sentry guns, peoples big mistake is putting them right on top of their sentry gun. We literally throw ours outside the bounds of the map and on top of the houses and crap on if we're on Standoff. This is due to the effective blast radius of the EMP being much larger than that of the trophy systems radius to destroy tacticals in range. I'll literally throw emp's high up into the air because when they go off their blast radius is so large it'll take out the trophy systems and sentry gun. But this is exactly why we place them on the ground and on top of houses, that way the trophy destroys it before it detonates mid-air doing the damage. In CTF, I see the sentry as a get out of jail free card, if you neglect to go check your flag when you spawn off of it, a sentry can protect you from a flag grab.
  5. I've never really had such a bad issue with connection on BO2. I play on PC, not sure if that makes any difference. I get the occasional game where i'm up against people with 150+ ping vs my ~70 ping and i'd get screwed out of a kills due to lag comp, but doesn't happen all that often. It is annoying though. Getting at least 2 hitmarkers on the guy before he even starts shooting, only to get dropped by him in an instant. I've had some trouble connecting to the CoD servers past few days, so today i decided to play some MW3. One of the first games i played was on Parish. Really love that map. I run pretty low streaks (Pred, Attack Chopper, Reaper). I realized just how useless any form of streaks are in MW3. UAV is useless cause everyone uses Assassin, Air Support is useless because it either gets you no kills, or it gets shot down before it even appears on the map. I managed to get 1 kill with my Reaper, and have it up for about 10 seconds before it got shot down. I feel like that's one thing Treyarc managed to do right. They made Air Support in BO2 fairly decent. I've never had a Stealth Chopper/Escort Drone shot down that fast, nor have i ever had one up without it getting me at least one kill. Yeah in MW3 I always ran some form of anti-air secondary because it made it stupid easy to build my own streaks by shooting them down. I'd shoot down most choppers as soon as they were in sight.
  6. Unfortunately Duff, BO2 is a very connection dependent game, worst by far I've ever played which is disappointing to say the least. One day you can one-two burst with the M8, and just yesterday it was literally taking me four bursts to a full clip to complete the kill IF I was even able to get it in the first place. You'll have better days, one the days shots don't seem to be connecting I slow my gameplay down so I allow myself adequate time to fire on an opponent so I don't get turned on.
  7. Tobey Maguire doesn't even like Tobey Maguire. Iron Man 3 - Being a devout comic nerd, it initially was hard for me when comic book movies became a thing to enjoy them. Such was the case with the first three Spider-Man movies, I now kind of enjoy #1 and #2 but #3 will always be a steaming pile of crap. I was always a very stick to the story kind of guy. I eventually turned my brain off and watched them as their own stories based on characters and idea's from the comics. Which makes me absolutely love them when I look at them as their own "story arc." Iron Man 3 though, I loved it; I loved and hated what they did with the Mandarin all at the same time but I love it more then I hate it because it was completely unexpected. If I had to rank the three movies, I'd go with #1 as my favorite (I'm a sucker for well done origin stories), #3, #2. 8.5/10 for #3. SLC Punk - An older flick and I've watched a dozen times at least but haven't in the past couple years, when I heard that the sequel was slated for a 2014 release. I decided to give it another watch and boy do I still love this movie. The monologuing is amazingly well done by Matthew Lillard (which says something when you consider his acting career). Also love seeing a young Jason Segel in this flick. I haven't had much time as of late for movies, but I'm going to spend some good time over the summer catching up.
  8. You can do it with the Wireless, in fact there's actually more room for the SMT Tact Switches inside the wireless, where the wired has a small stand off chip you kind of have to work around. The big problem with the Wireless however is there's not traditional Trigger Points (TP's) like on the wired controllers. A TP is a soldered spot on the wired controller that you can tin, add more solder to, and solder your wire. With the Wireless, you use TP's for your grounds since all wireless controllers are now Common Ground (CG). Being common ground, you can run all your grounds to the same TP. To trigger the A, B, X, Y button you now have to scrape off something called a VIA, it's the green little dots you see all over the PCB board. You scrape the green portion off to reveal a copper contact point. And the easiest accessible VIA points are on the front of your controller unlike the Wired where you can solder to strictly TP's on the back. Meaning you may have wires interfere with the pressing of your A and B if not done correctly. Also I've found you severely effect your battery life with the wireless. Personally I like the wired controller more which is probably what I'll do the tutorial with as I'm a stickler for scraping things off the board to make contacts. A lot of the DIY Scuf tutorials out there tell you to scrape off the black carbon that covers the copper contact for the buttons on the PCB board and solder there. However you run into the same issue where you'll have wires in the way causing you to not depress your actual A/B buttons on the front of the control and be stuck using the paddles on the back. The benefit of using the TP's on the back with the wired, all I have to do is remove my trigger stops and I can use it on any game I want while comfortably using the front A and B.
  9. The paddles on the back are mapped to my A and B button, this allows me since I play tactical to jump and knife without removing my thumb from the right joystick and stop aiming in the process. It negates the need to claw your controller. The screws on the triggers and next to the triggers are for hair triggers/trigger stops. You install the screws into your trigger, and then the screws next to each trigger, are tightened down via a hex wrench, which pushes down on the trigger arm and depresses the trigger in. In COD, you do not need to press the triggers down all the way to activate ADSing or firing the weapon. So what you do is you take an LMG in a custom game, and tighten it down until it fires non-stop. Then back it off a bit by bit so you just have to lightly tap the trigger. You do the same thing with the left trigger, tighten it until you constantly ADS, then back it off, so when you tap you will ADS, but you have to make sure you back it off enough because even though you may not ADS because it's tightened too much if you tap it you may be stuck ADS, so then you just back the screw off a bit more.
  10. I actually made my Scuf on my own, it's no where near as hard as people like to think but you do need a few tools to be able to do it, having messed with modding before and being a homeowner I had them all on hand to do it myself. I was thinking of writing up a tutorial on how to do it but that means I need to go buy another controller. I think I just might do it anyways once I finish building my new computer case. This is how mine turned out (I also did the bullet button mod to mine). Link below. It's a large image so I don't want to post it into the forum. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2050866/DIYScuf.jpg
  11. Do any of you guys play in the Championship Leagues?
  12. Well for once, they are making things right by going back to pre-patch.
  13. The nerf made SMG's underpowered, where the KAP40 dominates any close encounter and FAL's and M8's can outgun SMG's at close range. SMG's were nerfed so hard that even if you have first shot on an AR close range, the sheer amount of bullets it takes now still allows time for an AR runner to turn on you and dominate, I've done it plenty of times and I've had it done to me plenty of times in battles you clearly should win. Due to that fact alone, a lot of the teams have switched from a 2-3 SMG with 1 AR for anchor to 3 AR and 1 SMG set up depending on the gametype.
  14. From what I heard, some of the pro's have some inside knowledge from Treyarch and they're reverting SMG's back to pre-patch so they're not completely useless. PDW class here I come!
  15. It may be a personal thing, but I've always felt my aim and abilities are better on PC then on console. I think aiming with a keyboard and mouse is more natural to me then console but I think it comes down to personal preference. I recently just started using a SCUF controller on XBox for no other reason to make it more ergonomically appropriate for COD. I didn't pay for one though lol, I learned back in my days of high school how to map PCB boards, so with $4 for switches, $2 for a piece of lexan, and grabbing the necessary screws from my work I put my own together with a spare controller I had laying around. It doesn't so much assist with aiming if for no other reason I don't have to move my thumb from the right joystick to hit A or B to jump/knife (I play on tactical) and with the trigger stops the FAL is gross because Select Fire is banned in MLG, UMG, etc.
  16. You're just jealous Leik kills the [bleep] out of everything in CoD No, I just noticed that there are multiple shots where he was at a disadvantage and the enemy didn't shoot him. I never seem to get in games with enemies like that. In the games I get, try even running through the middle of the map like he does a lot of times, and you get shot almost instantly. I do that a lot of the time too, but I've played with/against MLG guys. I'm happy competitive leagues have banned dual wields, Dual B23R's, Dual Kap40's most OP'd weapons I've ever seen.
  17. I got diamond on my Snipers, doing the SVU-AS was the biggest pain in the ass. Needing so many 1 shot, 1 kill essentially meant you needed all headshots since it was the only way to get 1 shot kills with that gun. I have gold on a bunch of SMGs and AR's, but too lazy to complete them for diamond on the set. The PDW and MSMC were among the SMG's that got nerfed in the update back in like January-February, the PDW was ridiculously powerful for an SMG and having such a naturally high bullet capacity made it a staple in an objective players arsenal, but not really anymore. The MP7 was left pretty much untouched, as well as the EVO. For my SMG classes, I generally run just quickdraw, MAYBE extended clip. Then I'll run a secondary (KAP40), and for my perks I run in CTF are Lightweight, Toughness, Dead Silence, Extreme Conditioning. Being an objective player, I play a lot slower than my teammates as my job is to be sneaky and make grabs. I usually have a modest amount of kills (20-ish) and 15-20 deaths but that's in leagues and customs. In pub stomping I do whatever the hell I want haha. In Hardpoint, I go with Lightweight, Flak Jacket, Toughness, and Dexerity, or I'll do Lightweight, Toughness, Dexerity, and Tactical Mask. I usually use my Tactical Mask class to start since off the start you're way more likely to get hit with concussions and such. Then I switch to flak jacket afterward to save myself from grenades since I'm the hill man. And finally for SnD I'll use Lightweight, Toughness, and Extreme Conditioning and Dead Silence if on defense so I can get to A or B fast to defend. If on defense I use Lightweight, Toughness, Dead Silence and Dexerity for mobility since I'm our bomb carrier. Depending on the team we play I may use Toughness and Cold Blooded if they're using MMS, but that's usually in later rounds like 9 to 11 when things slow way down and they're constantly trying to wall bang you. As for grenades, I generally only carry tactical, and that tactical is usually always smoke. On the rare occasion an EMP for Sentry Gun purposes. I do always have one AR class, usually the FAL which I run Reflex, FMJ, and Stock. ALWAYS run stock on AR's, just like you should always run quickdraw on SMG's. You ADS a lot more with AR's, but it's not necessary to do it as fast due to higher power and because you usually ADS for a long time. So you need to be able to strafe and move faster which is why I use stock. SMG's you run and gun more so you ADS for short bursts and thus it's necessary to be in and out as fast as possible. I really only ever pull out my AR class now though if in the off chance I'm running anchor for my team. Also, UMG St. Louis is this weekend, they'll be streaming the tournament. I think we'll be seeing an Envyus v Fariko Impact rematch if I'm not mistaken.
  18. I haven't touched the SCAR really, though I might this weekend try and max out a lot of guns for pub stomping since Treyarch just announced double weapon xp for the weekend beginning tomorrow at 10am PST. I've been using the FAL/M8 and MP7/Skorpion EVO for my go to guns depending on what I'm playing in customs or league (Hardpoint, SnD, or CTF). I usually stick to the FAL/M8 for HP and CTF if I'm anchoring, if I'm running objective I'll generally switch to an SMG. And almost always in SnD I run an SMG class.
  19. Aside from Adam Orth leaving the company there's been nothing. Basically he told the community tough crap when there were rumors of the console being "always on" (always needing internet) and got into a lot of flame wars with fans/customers of the XBox.
  20. I agree partially, every COD game has had its' competitive merit (I think World at War being the exclusion), COD4 was by far the best I do agree and I still play the game from time to time. I didn't even get Black Ops 2 until a month after its' release because I thought it was going to be a huge joke but a lot of the big names from the competitive scene were making moves and talking about how stellar it was for competitive play which peaked my interest. Is it as good as COD4 competitively? No. But I think that's much like were any of the other Halo games as competitive as Halo 1 or 2? Nope. But I have to applaud Treyarch to a degree for redefining COD and trying to rebuild and expand upon the competitive seen. So to put it simply it has the best competitive scene since COD4.
  21. It's laughable that you think COD has no competitive merit.
  22. Returning back to Black Ops 2, anyone watch the COD Championships this weekend?
  23. So my artist went in this weekend and started putting in Yoda, did a small 3 hour session on him. If I were to venture a guess, I'd say I got 2-3 more 3-ish hour sessions before this is finished. So hopefully before the New Year we call it a wrap and have it finished so it's allowed proper time to heal before the tattoo expo in February.
  24. It's never been outright stated but myself and I'm sure Azvy are definitely willing to share our knowledge with you guys about this industry. We're both deeply interested and involved in it, and if you have any questions just ask us. Whether it be about healing, pain, how to find a reputable studio, etc. We both love sharing the things we know about this world and would love to educate anyone that has any questions; so don't be afraid to ask.
  25. It's not that you offended, it's the fact you were rather snarky about the way you stated your opinion. You can argue all you want against the ideology that a tattoo should mean something. To that I say, I got my Vader tattoo because it's badass and I like Star Wars. Though, none of us ever said tattoo's/art always don't have a meaning, of course they do otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion. Sure at the most simple level the tattoo will ALWAYS mean something to the person. However, the idea of a tattoo having a profound backstory to the person that myself and Azvy speak of is more this deep thought out pensive revelation and it's completely unnecessary to have if you're getting a tattoo unless it's something you want. We're not saying it's dumb to have a meaning behind your tattoo; do not take it that way at all. I have tattoo's that have a more profound meaning than meets the eye, the point myself and I'm sure Azvy is trying to make is that you don't have to "get" art to see the piece is beautiful. He's exactly right, a shitty tattoo will always be a shitty tattoo regardless of meaning. Think of it like dating, what's your first attraction to a person? Looks, always looks (and anyone that says otherwise is full of it). A good tattoo whether it has meaning or not will garner the adoration of people regardless of what it means. Also you can't say you have nothing against the style when you used the term "gay-ass" to describe it. Say what you will about Tribal being overdone, you could say that tattoo's in GENERAL are becoming overdone due to reality shows like Ink Master, Miami Ink, etc. The ONE BIT OF GOOD they indirectly did is they opened up acceptance of tattoo's slightly more. Although, I believe the same progress could have been made on our own as a tattooed society. The harm they did to the image of tattooing is far greater than any good. They perpetuate this idea that tattoo artists are rock stars and live the high life, all the while being drama queens that no one can get along with. Which let me tell you is a bullshit, I've met some of the most talented and coolest tattoo artists you'd ever have the pleasure of meeting and they struggle, everyday they struggle. These are the type of artists that make Kat Von D and the like look like they're children with a box of crayola's that can't stay in the lines. And me, you, and anyone that wants a tattoo now, anyone that has seen these shows has some sort of thought in the back of their brain because of these shows that 99% of tattooed folks battled back from some sort of drug addiction.
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