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Everything posted by TwentyBux0rz

  1. My figures are only with boots of lightness. I cba to get the gloves and I hate hunter.
  2. I grab one regular energy potion (3 dose) on every run. (take it out of the bank and drink it while running) Once every 10 or so runs, I might need to take 2 pots out if my luck was especially crap with abyss spawns
  3. 2k per hour. 3 pouches, no mousekeys, using energy pots.
  4. I remember when the wilderness was a place people went to get items from killing other people. Not a place where people asked before they fought you. Really lame. Anyway, you should just be glad you weren't around in RSC. People could PJ you instantly and you'd be stuck for 3 rounds of combat before you could even eat :) And that really was not looked down upon (it was slightly, but not nearly in the same way that people cry about PJers today)
  5. Nobody is saying that the monsters themselves become easier. If it wasn't more convenient then nobody would want it. In a game like Runescape, there is no difficulty between convenience and difficulty. This game is only hard because of resource constraints. Many people have suggested things like "Let ores stack up to 20 in your inventory like in WoW" but that defeats the entire purpose of the system that RS operates around. Similarly, owning multiple capes defeats the purpose of not giving you multiple capes in the first place. Like...do you really think the original design team couldnt figure out how to let you have 2 fire capes? No. They couldve done it from the start. But the original design team was like "F___ that...we want this cape to be something special. Not just some other item you get and toss in your bank, and then run around with carelessly." It was made "1 cape only" for a purpose. And that purpose is my reason for wanting it to stay "1 cape only"
  6. Why make the change? For convenience. Why is convenience a good thing when obtaining the most powerful cape in the game? Herein lies the fundamental logic that separated the new era of Runescape from the old era. In the new era, everyone just wants everything to be as streamlined as possible, and then we continue doing this over 1000 small updates and what we end up with is a game that is a lot easier. You don't see this in any other game. You don't see high ranked WoW players being like "omg these bosses are too hard". Because the point of it being a boss in the first place is for it to be hard. The point of having the Fight Caves is to give players a hoop to jump through to obtain power. If we start making that hoop more convenient then it starts to raise the question of why we even have the hoop in the first place.
  7. So if nothing is made easier then why do you want the update? I don't, but others may want it simply for convenience? And my entire point is that "making something more convenient" and "this thing is really powerful" are not two ideas that should coexist. If we want fire capes to be made more convenient then let's just hand them out at the door before you even kill anything.
  8. So if nothing is made easier then why do you want the update? No, but I have a spare keyboard and a spare mouse just incase either of them kick the bucket and I can't go to the shop the same day. Do you have two sets of house keys? You know, so if you drop yours down the sewer while walking down the street you can call someone so you can get into your house, instead of having to break a window or a door down? It is called being prepared. I don't have two sets of house keys because that doesn't make any sense. If I drop my keys in the sewer, the spare keys are probably in my house...
  9. Why do you want 2 capes? Ease of access Why is there a good reward from Fight Caves? Because it isn't easy So we are just adding a feature to make something easier when the point of that activity in the first place is to challenge players. Your fire cape should be a special item because it is a reward for doing something that is a pain. It becomes significantly less special if you can have 10 of them sitting in your bank from when you got bored and decided to train your range up doing fight caves. It should be something that you don't want to lose, at all times, unless you are prepared to have to earn it back.
  10. Why would you need two? You only have one back :P Being able to have a spare if you lose yours instead of having to re-do it. Like you do Fight Caves twice in a row, then you have two so you don't have to go back in a while. I really don't understand the people in this damn game. Do you have two keyboards plugged in just in case you spill a milkshake all over the first one? It's supposed to be a reward from a challenging activity. The reward is good because it is challenging. If the activity is less challenging, and the reward stays the same, then you are getting the best cape in the game from an activity that is continually decreasing in challenge. The fire cape is a legendary item rewarded from killing the highest level monster in RS. Why would there be two of them? Honestly most of you guys should just go play a board game with dice that have nothing but sixes all over them. Then you can just continually win, even though winning means nothing since the game is no challenge. If I had it my way, you would only get one fire cape. Ever. If you are dumb enough to die with it, then you just don't get to have an amazing cape anymore.
  11. Just when you think Jagex understands what the players like/want...
  12. For those of you thinking about efficiency, here's a really simple guide: In general, doing any activity that costs you money and gives zero exp is going to be inefficient. Don't make your own planks or buy bricks. Make money some other way, and then spend it on oak planks.
  13. Alphabetized by location because OCD
  14. I quite enjoy mining gold in the crafting guild, or in the Grand Tree if you aren't high enough crafting. It isn't fast, but it sure is easy (doesn't involve much clicking and you'll take half as many banking trips as you would with iron) You can also get some mith down there, and you'll end up with a decent hunk of cash. You can also then smith them with goldsmithing gauntlets for some decent smithing exp, and then use them for crafting jewelry. None of these things are efficient, but its a pretty easy, self-sufficient way to get some mining, smithing, and crafting exp. (also magic exp if you superheat)
  15. Really I would recommend mining iron the rest of the way for 70 mining. Steel ammo is only marginally better than iron, iron ore is quicker mining exp, and smelting iron is way easier than smelting steel (use forging rings). You'll also end up with way more ammo to use.
  16. So I haven't played in forever, just came back and saw I can access the beta. Must be something to do with my high levels/not cancelling membership for years on end. Are a lot of people not able to get into the beta? I feel like I have a responsibility to test it for those who can't
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