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God Of Lego

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Everything posted by God Of Lego

  1. Motherlode shards can only be redeemed with the elf outside the level 95 resource dungeon, regardless of whether you can use the maw or not. Its a peice of shit anyway. 10 shards for an off hand rune sword?!
  2. Lol I turned off my sound after the first jump scare :P Also, lmfao at this reference: I remember when that kind of humour was all over runescapes updates. What good times.
  3. Also think of the kind of rewards you got for the quest originally! them gloves are unique and cool. We need more rewards like that!
  4. I feel like this is going to be a waste of nomads return.
  5. It was only released today. and allowed for like 2 hours. Theres no way that can get 99 with tiered exp lamps.
  6. I got one from the event. It was dropped by one of the ghosts there.
  7. Seems kind of bland. Stuff we already have an idea of just restructured. Shame.
  8. It would of been better if it was StellaDawn
  9. The thing about these reviews is, if they were by players. It would be targeted at Jagex in a simple minded approach. They are very detailed in how leadership is the problem. They don't blame the people. A player would mostly blame most of them. So I say most reviews are likely true, Mod Mark, Mod MMG are full of shit.
  10. I feel the staff are probably quite sad to be so limited by their leadership. No developer or artist goes into the game industry to purposely do this kind of work.
  11. Is livid better than vinesweeper for exp per hour?
  12. There is a reason that I'm kind of upset about the old interface being legacy only. I maintain that EoC's main thing was that the more vocal parts of the playerbase that simply never gave it a chance (my perception comes from friends loudly ragequitting on release day without having played in the beta at all... Like, shit, you're complaining about things that took me less than three seconds to adapt to!), but NIS... Ugh. Even when you know what you're doing, it's just not good.They didn't say legacy interface would never be compatible with the evolution of combat, they only said that mix-matching legacy features with RS3 features would not be available straight away in the beta because it was more work than they first expected.All they need to do is add what the EoC beta interface was like (with tweaks ofc) They will probably back off from doing that out of pride.Except they've already said that this would be done, just later. You can take your negativity elsewhere, thank you very much. Kind of hard not to be negitive in a thread asking did EoC ruin runescape. And im sorry, I don't chase up every J-Mods quotes. I have never seen someone confirm that. But when legacy was announced I heard it was only for legacy. (interface)
  13. There is a reason that I'm kind of upset about the old interface being legacy only. I maintain that EoC's main thing was that the more vocal parts of the playerbase that simply never gave it a chance (my perception comes from friends loudly ragequitting on release day without having played in the beta at all... Like, shit, you're complaining about things that took me less than three seconds to adapt to!), but NIS... Ugh. Even when you know what you're doing, it's just not good.They didn't say legacy interface would never be compatible with the evolution of combat, they only said that mix-matching legacy features with RS3 features would not be available straight away in the beta because it was more work than they first expected. All they need to do is add what the EoC beta interface was like (with tweaks ofc) They will probably back off from doing that out of pride.
  14. Its crazy how one company can mess up so much. There are 1000s of clear warnings each time. Yet they go ahead because pride.
  15. Given the nature of the effiency crowd, i'm glad how Jagex made it all much too easy now. Really? After a long day you don't love to unwind with a few other people? Shame man, minigames and free for all is so much fun. Nope, don't like getting screamed at just because I owned them in combat. I don't want to know what they've supposed to have done to my mother, what I should do with their genitals, how much I know how to hack into their computer/Jagex computers. And certainly don't want their entitlement that all RuneScape is about is PVP and thus everything should be catered to them when they start crying. I do love minigames, but I don't like the macho-crybaby culture involved within the PVP scene. Theres idiots everywhere, not just PVP. Dont go judging people. I don't assume every black guy steals watermelons because its their life and soul and I don't expect every PVPer is an a hole that has his way with alot of mothers. When opinions conflict you all get crybaby culture. Me, you. This threads full of it. There is no harm in judging people based on their behavior, often it is accurate and merited. The fact of the matter is that being a loudmouth douchebag was part of the PVP culture. It simply was. There is no point in trying to walk past this fact. That's just how the PVP community was, and they encouraged people to behave that way. Shouting profanities at people along the lines of "D clawz up ur mum's ass" and stuff of that sort, trolling people, griefing them, was very much the norm. Not all PKers were this way, but it was clearly a large part of the community. It is what it is. Sure, alot were like that. Unmissable. But to simply desregard peoples feelings towards eoc because of a few loud mouths? Idiotic. You don't throw a whole type of playerbase away over it. And it does not justify EoCs mistakes and damage
  16. Given the nature of the effiency crowd, i'm glad how Jagex made it all much too easy now. Really? After a long day you don't love to unwind with a few other people? Shame man, minigames and free for all is so much fun. Nope, don't like getting screamed at just because I owned them in combat. I don't want to know what they've supposed to have done to my mother, what I should do with their genitals, how much I know how to hack into their computer/Jagex computers. And certainly don't want their entitlement that all RuneScape is about is PVP and thus everything should be catered to them when they start crying. I do love minigames, but I don't like the macho-crybaby culture involved within the PVP scene. Theres idiots everywhere, not just PVP. Dont go judging people. I don't assume every black guy steals watermelons because its their life and soul and I don't expect every PVPer is an a hole that has his way with alot of mothers. When opinions conflict you all get crybaby culture. Me, you. This threads full of it.
  17. The people who voted for legacy != 100% of the people who quit because of EoC. If the poll was for completely replacing EoC with Legacy mode, the results would have been much more different, mind you. Completely agree. Voted for legacy because I didn't see the harm in it and many people would enjoy having it. I however like EOC and have no intention of really using legacy. Saying 80% voted for it is not the same as 80% wanted to use it and definitely isn't the same as 80% think EOC ruined the game. 80% wanting it a year later AND without quitters votes is pretty big... I also did NOT say that was the statistic to how many people didnt want/left because legacy. Its a good guide line though. its the only honest figure we know. The fact a combat beta had to happen is a great indicator that they messed up big time. You ignore the pre eoc side of it and and manipulate facts to suit your opinion. In reality theres both sides of the story. The polls during the eoc beta were clearly maniplutive in what was being asked. If the poll was to completely remove it, I expect it to be a big poll like the freetrade/wild was.
  18. Im sorry, but im not part of your 'we'. I think EOC has great potential in allowing variety for pvm encounters. You cant honestly say from a pvm standpoint that simply DPSing down a boss is fun. Whats fun is learning an encounter, knowing how to handle the situations and overcoming them. That is what makes pvm great and builds prestige in the pvm world. Thats the thing, EoC doesnt really expand on PVM. The monster itself has to be creative. Not the combat system. All EoC adds is the HP and the Abilities. At a boss. All these can be added, all abilities then do is DPS. So its not really that great of an expansion. Jagex lack creativity in fighting. They have 1 main boss maker. Thats pretty bad.
  19. Concidering 80% of the pole wanted legacy. I would say EoC contributed heavily to people abandoning the game. You would be an idiot to try and make out that it didn't. Sure we all want RS to go on more. To see it isnt ruined. But not taking into account of f--- ups. That would be insanely dumb of Jagex. Legacy is their halfway mark so far. Whilst not ruined for some... it was ruined for the majority. They had a choice to A, build on the old system. Less players leave. Carefully crafted. Or B, rip it all up, make a new system that alot of people turned out not to like. Because of development time and ignorance they choose B. So not ruined, just very damaged. EoC fans would need another disaster to turn them away. What EoC fans also forget is that these players simply DID NOT LIKE EOC. They had every right to be angry. I find theres a huuugeeee lack of respect for that. Not agreement on opinions but respect. Jagex are struggling to get a healthy good vision for the game, I think theres huge problems with how the company is running. I don't think they are very efficient or well organised. Even their recent polls have been a bunch of crap. They say its for the future and they ask petty things. The need to ask and break down and define what players want out of RuneScape, what they enjoy in RuneScape. Instead they are asking which NPC to talk to.
  20. I think tip toeing around dragon items is stupid. Just move on already. They were made too rare to begin with. Just make the higher tier tools self obtained rather than sold.
  21. So... 2 updates and another beta. (skill compas are not that big of an update either) Slowly degrading month by month o.o
  22. ... max hits already exist? Just use your best ability when you're overloaded/on prayers, and try to hit higher and higher.Sure, they exist. But they bearly mean anything. The scaling down of things will help the max hit arguement. Im not asking much in overhauls just so that people know when they are actually hitting good and what they are hitting. Big numbers everywhere is like ehhh. Its the norm.Is there honestly a difference between someone hitting 3000 on a player with 9900LP, as opposed to 300 on a player with 990LP?I think the problem lies with the fact hits in EOC are much less random than hits pre-EoC. Pre-EoC, it didn't matter which weapon you used, you would still score low hits such as 10, 20 when your max hit was 360. With EoC, you pretty much have a minimum hit, since an ability that does 188% weapon damage doesn't do from 0% to 188%, it does 188% when calculating damage. This disrepancy is even easier to see if you try using just auto-attacks instead of abilities; sometimes you'll do like 80, 100 damage, sometimes you'd do 1000, 2000. If you use abilities, then you're pretty much guaranteed to hit 1000, 1500 relatively often with the same weapon, hence why high hits don't seems exciting as they used to. This is a better way to explain :D
  23. ... max hits already exist? Just use your best ability when you're overloaded/on prayers, and try to hit higher and higher. Sure, they exist. But they bearly mean anything. The scaling down of things will help the max hit arguement. Im not asking much in overhauls just so that people know when they are actually hitting good and what they are hitting. Big numbers everywhere is like ehhh. Its the norm.
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