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Perfect Wave

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Everything posted by Perfect Wave

  1. I quit around January of this year. Coming back into it. Was heavily involved in high level PvM when I left and that's what I plan on getting back into. Going off that, what has changed? New top tier/necessary gear? What are most people doing now a days for money? Is RoTS still good money?
  2. Imo range and mage both have specific times when one is better. Range has many more thresholds and a better non death swiftness/sunshine ultimate, but shitty basics aside from frag shot and dazing shot/needle strike, while mage has fewer thresholds, but dragon breath which is an awesome basic. Mage also has meta which has limited usefulness but can come in handy. The main boss I do nowadays is rise of the six and I'd say that mage is better there unless you have to deal with Ahrims, who takes half damage from mage when he's in the air.
  3. Was starting to think up some methods a while ago I'll see what I can remember. I'm on mobile ATM so sorry for typos etc. Smoke- Standard. Go [bleep]ing ham with mid start and surge out finish her as needed. Tank should natural instinct build to full ult and then build to thresh by the time shadow starts. Shadow- Tank goes ham dps goes ham with thresholds. Both of you should kill the minion. Dps should sunshine and adren pot or build to thresh without adren pot. Blood- Dps used ult and goes ham. Tank dual wields and used debilitate and dps thresholds. Ice- If you're both range and meleeing it might be best to tag in on a contain this so you can ultimate away from her and be able to [bleep] her up. Tank might not want to use many thresholds so he can build to full for barricade on the prison. Zaros- Dual wield with debilitate and devotion when you can. Tank should switch to shield for resonances. Honestly I haven't nexed in a while and I'd need to buy gear and find a good duo partner to really test some stuff. You can find good examples on YouTube (ex search something like nex duo speed kills) and on twitch (damp cat streams duo nex sometimes and he's really good) Yes by ultimates sunshine/ds/zerk is meant. You'll never use a different dps ultimate at nex.
  4. As Yuj said you should have 1 designated dpser and 1 designated tank. I highly recommend t90 armor. By the looks of it you should be dpsing and he should be tanking. I assume you know the basics of how to trio nex. Smoke- Both of you gain adrenaline on the minion (equip shield, res, prep, freedom, escape, ovl/renewal/adren pot, put on off hand and use anticipate as you run over to her.) Tank should stand on the far side with incite on and voke her onto him. Dps as normal. Imo your tank should use dual virtus for the non-mage pray kills because mage tanking is way better, I've yet to try range tanking in depth, but I think it might be better than melee tanking (I've always found that I take a really heavy amount of damage in melee gear) Anyways, finish phase as normal and kill the minion. Shadow- Just dps and get through it quick. Ensure your abilities are off cool down at the end of the phase, which I haven't really had issues with ever as you derp around a bit while your partner kills the minion. Tank should be able to dual wield this phase pretty easily with debilitate. Blood- Partner should use their ultimate, adren pot, max dps etc. Tank should equip offhand and use debilitate right after she siphons then go HAM on nex with thresholds. Make sure you escape the sacrifice. Ice- (You'll probably die a lot on this phase if you're a beginner tank.) Partner should ult if it's off cool down and try and rip nex a new one. You should expect to tank 3 prisons on your first few tries though. To do so use barricade a bit earlier (roughly with enough to time anticipate as she calls a prison) then anticipate and build adrenaline while in the prison, hopefully getting back to full without an adrenaline potion. Use immortality AS SOON AS YOU HIT FULL ADRENALINE and then start building back up to full again (freedom when the prison stuns you obv.) again build to full adrenaline and if you've done it right barricade should be off cool down. Obviously you'll want a ring of vigour and maybe invigorate or inspiration for your first couple tries. You should also try not to eat any food as you'll be pretty [bleep]ed if you (brews are your friend) Queing helps here as you'll be able to gain adrenaline faster, though that's being nerfed soon. Zaros- Tank should shield camp and try and do some damage, partner should use debilitate when she soul splits and devotion when he can, as well as ultimate and adrenaline potion to try and get her down. As you get better at tanking you'll learn to dual wield parts of zeros with debilitate and devotion. That's a bit brief, but give it a try. Ask questions if you run into problems. Also if anyone's interested in speed nex duo I've done a bit of thinking on that....
  5. Anyone know celestial hand wraps price? Also stay from seismics they're crashing hard.
  6. Most skills are just something to level with little to no benefit. The attuned portents of restoration which heal you without draining adrenaline, sign of the porters which bank certain items when you collect them and the portent of item protection and life are all quite useful.
  7. Make some friends in your clan and ask them to take you. Go to clan events for vorago or just ask if people are willing to teach you. On that note what gear do you currently have and what experience do you have at other bosses? Also don't underestimate Youtube guides. I know JusticeRS has a lot of vorago guides.
  8. Yea but you take a lot of damage on some phases, plus I see most speed duos using seis/ascs. Also melee tanking sucks compared to mage/range tanking imo.
  9. Idk for sure. seis+ascs would be best, but maybe drys+ascs for the dps could work.
  10. Is there proof for that? I assume sub 5 minute kills? Edit: Math time! I'll be using stefanssb's nex drop statistics as my source (http://www.twitch.tv/stefanssb) and assuming 4 minute kills with 1 minute spawn time, or 5 minutes total per kill. Banking will be assumed to be 3 minutes and 1 flask trips so 33 minutes per trip. Drop rate of an item=1/21 or1/3.5 trips= 1 drop per 115.5 minutes. Let's say 2 hours to keep it easy. Average price of a nex item= 27.783 so splt=13.892 per 2 hours= 6.946 per hour. Now for the normal drops. You could expect to get on average these drops: 1.75 onyx bolts 1.4 green dhide 1.4 rune ore 1.4 grimy torstol 1.4 magic seeds 1.3125 magic logs 1.235 coal 1 torstol seeds .913 avantoe+dwarf (Ignored b/rs, pess etc) So that's worth: Onyx: 5.6 GDH: 1.54 Rune ore: 1.218 Grimy t: .3402 Magic seeds: 1.0822 Magic logs: .6403 Coal: .6165 Torstol seeds: .1826 Avantoe and dwarf: .9906 Which is worth: 12.2104 ever 2 hours=6.1052 split with your partner= 3.0526 So 6.946+3.0526 per hour= 10m per hour. This makes speed duo nex better gp/h than Vorago and potentially rots. Idk the shield drop rates for rots so I can't find the actual gp/hr. Edit2: was told shield drop rates of 1/64 and keeping shields you should expect a shield every 8 hours on average (ew) Average shield is 31m, but a bit lower in ge so we'll say 30m this adds 3.75m profit per hour so rots is 11.75m p/h.
  11. Did the math earlier. let me recalculate with curent split/ens prices. (1225+237)/2=731/6=121.83 drop worth 1/40 drop rate with ~20 minute kills (including banking and waiting) you should expect a drop every 40*20=800 minutes or every 13.3 hours You gain 280/6 energies=46.6 energy=.365m*46.6=17m. During 13.3 hours you use: 160 ovl doses- 19k*160=3m 160 super restores- 8.8k*160=1.4m 400 rocktails- 2.1k*400=840k 40 pnecs- 4.5k*40= .18m 160 prayer renewal doses- .25m 200 adrenaline potion doses- .27m 13 yak pouches- 50k 40% of your tectonic- .4*40.7m=16.28m 130% of seismic wand*- (1.5m/100)*130=1.95m sing*- 1.95m/2=.975m vboots*- .05m/100*130=.065m vgloves*- .065m Total costs= 3+1.4+.84+.18+.25+.27+.05+16.28+1.95+.975+.065+.065= 25.325m Total profits per hour=121.83+17-25.325=113.5/13.3=8.53m. *Assumed you’re 99 smithing and using POH anvil cause I’m lazy. So where'd you get 12m p/h from?
  12. It averages out to be a 2.5% damage reduction. Also you only use ~5-6 ultimates per kill so very worthwhile imo.
  13. Asseming say 8 kills per hour and 1.5 end per chest that's 5.4m off end with 300k avg loot per chest 8m p/h+shields. I'd say that's worth it. Not to mention it's also one of, if not the, most fun bosses.
  14. Both rings and sharpshooter/runic. They'll add a lot more dps at higher tier bosses than invigorate. Switch rings right before using an ultimate.
  15. Vorago base you have good gear for just need a malev. Bomb tank would be death lotus and elysian Dps seis/ascs Rots mh asc oh dl dart is probably the bare minimum to find consistent teams. Best way to learn would be making friends take you or joining a pvm clan.
  16. Obviously feel free to replace provoke/anticipation/surge/freedom.
  17. Malevolent and sirenic with dry gores and ascensions.
  18. My guess would be yes, but you'd have to test it out.
  19. Depends if you skill or PvM more. If PvM definitely get supreme runic/sharpshooter depending on if you have seis or ascs. Also @Hedgehog I think skilling auras are completely useless. Oh right! People have different play styles, who the hell would have guessed that?
  20. Out of my experience mage tanking is the best. You take far less damage and can dual wield a lot more. In a duo dps matters as a tank, in a trio it doesn't. For mage kills: dual wield smoke and shadow, grab a resonance in-between and after shadow. For blood dual wield use debilitate as she siphons then go HAM with thresholds. As soon as blood ends build to 100% adren and hope that your partner kills minion quick so you can start with a prison (tag after siphon=prison, after sacrifice= contain). Use anticipate and barricade immediately after (barricade has a quicker cool down than import so you can use it, import, then 'cade) Build adren using basics, aren pot if you need it. Quick tip for ice: Run or surge towards your dpsers so she stays on you. Though you have to do this right before contain this or just as she says it.Ex: Dps Nex <-------- You I always [bleep] up luring nex after ice so I won't tell you what to do for that. Zaros is mostly about defensive abilities. I like to resonance+prep right as phase starts the rejuv and build adrenaline. If I'm high enough HP I use devotion and then put on offhand and use debilitate then dual wield dos for a bit. After that it's all about cycling abilities. Make sure you wait till reflect is over to use resonance (don't forget to drop prayer), use barricade on soul split if you want, revenge is good tp use to help speed up the kill. I really hate the melee kilsls. You take WAY more damage than when you're maging. Also you should use war priest boots, gloves, and cape unless you have comp. Finally bring a superior leviathan ring switch if you have it. Wear that the whole time and switch to vigor before using an ultimate. I tend to just keep it on the whole time during ice phase so I don't forget. Feel free to ask any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
  21. This answers your question: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Berserker_(aura)
  22. Wut. When I did my 99 fletching broads were around 10 gp/xp. Currently based on ge prices they're 10.46 gp/xp I have no clue where you got 50 gp/xp from.
  23. You should always do broad arrows. for 99 fletching. I calculated the exact income a while ago, but I think it's like 3m p/h. If you make more than that per hour (you would at QBD) it's worth doing broads
  24. Sirenic/Pernix+ascs or tectonic+vwand+seis sing minimum.
  25. Rise of the Six is currently the best money making method for PvM (from what I've heard at least, could do the math to compare vs. vorago) Though looking at some math I did earlier rago is probably like 8m p/h, whereas ROTS is 10m+ from what I've heard. Would definitely be doable with asc+dl+pernix.
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