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Everything posted by operationfl

  1. 4,5 maybe 6 months ago, pixel sigs came onto the Runescape scene [Tip It scene] and took signature enthusiasts aback. Only a few specialist pixelers made the grade for 'good enough to buy' (in my eyes anyway) and these artists were raking in the rs cash so to speak. The other artists who designed abstracts and so forth were confident that the pixel fad would soon outgrow itself and fade into obscurity. However as time grew and the pixel 'fad' continued to grow bigger 'abstracteers' (as i have now named them :P ) gradually became more nervous and eventually started trying pixel signatures themselves. Many succeeded in become established pixelers, but many failed. Discuss: Why hasn't the 'pixel craze' gone? Is this craze producing too many poor pixel work within this media community through greed of pixel noobs trying to become as respected and presumably wealthy as the top pixelers such as The Jeppoz and Misterxman?
  2. pretty nice, maybe another arrow going through the air and then put a mage bow special glow around them, brings more attention to the fact that he's been shot. great work though!
  3. guy on a trampoline, starts bouncing then goes for a big bounce, goes way up high, new perspective u see the trampoline, him in the sky and a cloud, keeps going up, hits his head on the cloud and falls back down [if u do that cud u put ' Vectorstud ' on it as the name pls? thanks.
  4. lol surprisingly addictive, stayed on it for about 20 minutes
  5. Thanks for the rating - i don't know what happeneed to 3, i'll try and host it again.
  6. Well, last few months i've stopped going to alot of GFX forums [including forum.tip.it's media discussion] for absolutely no reason at all. I stumbled upon it again and thought i'd post some of my work that i'm almost 100% sure that none of you will have seen before. It's not pro stuff but i like to think i'm getting better. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ^^ Just a sample of my work there ^^ If you would like me to make a sig for you just pm me on these forums. Thanks for reading and don't forget to rate!
  7. You probably follow Disney Channel News then OperationFl. Anyway this isn't the proper forum to discuss this about. MSN / Disney Channel - What's the difference?
  8. Sdfu, being bombed is totally different to having explosions going off - why is this in media discussion? - al qaeda hasn't been mentioned in any kind of report.
  9. lol where on earth does it say i'm selling it - it says its an example of my work - maybe i wasn't clear i didn't do the linework but i thought the post implied that because i was doing the shading that you would realise that the example of 'my work' was the shading.
  10. Looking for someone to do a pixel colab with me - i'd try and do the shading whilst you do the linework. PM me or email me or of course post here. [email protected] The only example of my work- [unfinished]
  11. thanks man - yeah i found that out about pixel fonts but i needed it to fit inside the circle. the lines took a very long time for the outcome =p
  12. i've done the legs, shoulders and 'eye patches' so far - gotta say i think they're looking pretty good. [edit] That's what i came up with whilst at work experience so far, i have a few more days there so i'll hopefully get it finished by then. [edit1] updated - arrow = light source. [edit2] [edit3]
  13. The Story: I'm at work experience at an architectual firm for a week. On the first day i designed my house in Vectorworks On the second day i pretended to design my house in Vectorworks whilst browsing the internet On the third day i found Adobe Photoshop 3 on the computer and decided to try and see what i could do with it. [considering it's very different to Photoshop CS which is what i'm use to at home] End Result: To rate this as 'good' say: "Thank You Work Experience" To rate this as 'bad' say: "London won the Olympic Bid!"
  14. Full med :lol: I swear i've seen this 1 before... 7/10
  15. I think he means tween it so theres more frames between the flapping of the cape, maybe between the 2 frames you could put a small delay as well...
  16. Lets get 2 things straight 1: You aren't 's00pr' 2: Babies cannot draw better than that Fool S'alright bit straight, try and change the body so it isn't a rectangle and the sword so it has a handle etc
  17. Obv i didn't draw R2h but, it is what you asked for...
  18. 100x better than me, what is the font you used?
  19. Actually, he's better than you and had every right to say shut up, modern day picasso? :? Sorry for spam, i might enter actually...
  20. Heh, i meant i didn't know what it was about the head that i didn't like
  21. Sorry, it's "learnt"^^ Pretty nice bannar sig thing, things like the phat, the faces and hair don't have any shading...but nice :)
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